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Job Interview Secrets Revealed
© copyright 2002 http://www.1jobinterviewtechniques.com From the book ``Job Interview Secrets Revealed'' S.P.Marketing. You have permission to publish this article electronically only, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. The content of this article should not be altered in anyway prior to publishing by third parties without the expressed permission of S.P.Marketing.
Dear Reader, I hope you are having success in finding the job & lifestyle that you desire. In order to aid your success I hope that this extract from a series of 11 free reports is of great benefit to you.
The topics covered over the 11 part series are as follows :-
1Introduction ( this one )
2The Players
3Order of Play
4Psychometric / Selection Tests
5In-tray Exercises
6Analytical Problem Solving Exercises
8Group Discussions
9Fact Finders
10The Dreaded Interview
11Conclusion & Summary
My level of lifestyle has somewhat taken a turn for the better as a result of my career progression over the last 6yrs. Within that time my salary has tripled and no doubt it will increase if I carry on applying the principles that I will describe over the coming chapters. I have had six different jobs in that time within the same company as I have progressed up the ladder, working in a number of different areas. I hope that with the information that I'm about to arm you with, your lifestyle will & salary will improve greatly as well.
I used to think that I knew enough about interviews to get a job. I'd be in an interview for anything from 10-20mins to 1-2 days and then that would be it. I'd come across confidently and then that would be enough to get me a job. Great in theory, but I never did manage to get any jobs that I really wanted, I stayed in work, working for agencies doing various jobs, a few weeks here, a couple of months there, but nothing that provided me with security and potential for career progression. I meandered along like this for the best part of six years. Well paid secure jobs with great incomes and potential to develop never did come my way, until I asked myself:- `` How can I increase my chances of success, is it just luck or can I influence the outcome of any interview I go to ?''
The answer to those questions, although obvious in hindsight, was to go and find out about various aspects of interviews and the exercises that I would have to go through. It was a massive eye-opener for me. Over an initial period of three months my strategy was to talk to as many people from different companies as possible ( including the company that I am working for now ) about different aspects of interview techniques.
I spoke to :-
-recent recruits who had been successful -recent recruits who had been unsuccessful -personnel managers -technical / line managers -people who were still doing the same job after 20yrs of being recruited
It was an eye-opener for me. I wish I had asked those questions and gathered the knowledge when I first thought about getting a job. I'd be earning even more than what I am today.
But nonetheless, I did get the interview techniques & secrets that I needed to ensure my initial success and my continued success as I have applied the same principles time and time again. Although most of my information was gathered in those 3 months, I have fined tuned my techniques over the years as I have sought more and more information & applied my findings in interviews, as I have changed jobs within the company that I work for, some sideways, some promotions.
So why write a book on interview techniques ? Easy, I have had so many people over the last few years come to me to ask advice on various interview techniques. Whether it be just about the interview itself, or presentations, group exercises, factfinders, selection / aptitude tests, analytical problem solving tests, in-tray exercises to interview attire.
So having talked to dozens of people and helping them get jobs or helping them to get promoted I thought about how many other people could benefit from this information. I couldn't possibly talk to every individual out in the big wide world, so the next best thing is to publish the information.
You may ask, well why don't you keep your
secrets closely guarded ? Well, I don't need to keep them guarded, it's not as if there is only one job out there that all of us billions are applying for. Another reason is that when I went into book shops to find information myself, I couldn't find any decent books that explained things in plain English, so I asked myself ``How many other people have tried looking for information without success ? ''. The answer to that was the people who have come to me and still do come to me for advice, and I only know a very small minute percentage of the planet's population to put things into perspective.
I'm sorry to say that there is no magic nor mythical shrouds that I will unveil to you, but I will reveal the secrets that I have sought to ensure my own success & other peoples success who have come to me for advice. You don't need any special skills to apply them, just common sense and self-motivation to spend a little time to practice & research your own campaigns. So let's talk about interviews now.
Interviews - why do we need them ? Well mainly because of the following reasons :-
(i) To assess a person's suitability and ability for a job,
(ii) A vehicle for interviewee's to sell themselves
(iii) Personnel in some cases to assess whether or not a person meets the company profile, never-mind whether or not a person is capable of doing a job
(iv)The line managers ( managers who you will work directly for andreport to ) to assess whether or not they are suitable for the department and to see if they can get on with potential candidates. (v) To assess the candidates suitability for progression / development up the company / corporate ladder
(vi)In the case for some graduate recruitments, to assess a candidates suitability for a ``fast track scheme'' into management or just into the normal career path.
(vii) Some candidates who are already working for a company will be given assignments. In some instances these are given to see whether or not a candidate can show the ability to do a different job ( especially if it the assignment were be a promotion if it was to become a permanent job, or if it is a completely different function ) . At the end of the assignment the candidate will have to go through a formal interview process. If you pass, then all well and good. If you fail the process ( as I have experienced myself ) then it can be extremely demoralising. In fact I have seen some colleagues never really recover from it.
Have interviews always been the same or have they changed over the years?
For you and me, I wish they had stayed the same. Talking to some of the old timers that I work with ( shop floor & office people / scientists ) who were recruited 25-30yrs ago, they tell me that they had a 15min interview with the manager they were likely to work with. That was it, they would then just be told ``yes you'll do, start next Monday'' or ``thanks but no thanks.''
Interviews have changed over the last few years. There are a number of reasons why :-
(i)The number of people unemployed is higher,
(ii)The calibre of people is generally higher than what it used to be even 10years ago because people are arming themselves with a greater and broader range of skills and qualifications.
(iii)As companies / corporations become more lean & efficient, they need less people overall, therefore they need to ensure they recruit the right people
(iv)As a result the competition becomes more fierce and employers need to assess people in a range of environments to get what they think is a `rounded-picture' of potential employee's.
So what are the environments that I will be assessed in ?
You can expect some or all of these depending on the job that you are going for.
-interviews themselves -presentations -group exercises -factfinders -selection / aptitude tests -analytical problem solving test -in-tray exercises
Over the next 10 reports in this series, I will give you an insight into each one.
Bye for now, Howard Letap
About the Author
If you would like all 11parts of the FREE REPORT ``Job Interview Secrets Revealed'' then please send a blank email to mailto:sunilpatel-27957@autocontactor.com To get further information on interview tips & techniques from ``Job Interview Secrets Revealed'' please click here now :- http://www.1jobinterviewtechniques.com
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Teambuilding Inc. Article - Team Motivation |
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