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Often, this process can lead to a significant improvement in
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The first thing you...
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Must-Knows for Marketing on the Internet
If you market exclusively through the Internet, or mainly through the Internet, you need to work on your communication style and develop one compatible with the Internet.
Here are some tips:
We the people. What does that mean? Well unlike other means of communicating, the Internet started with a bunch of guys messing around, and it still has that flavor to it. It's hard to find a really "high brow" site, although they exist. The Internet very much belongs to all of us, the individuals in the world, and this egalitarian and inclusive ambiance is part of it because that's who designs websites, and writes for the Internet, as well as visits it!
There are probably millions of websites designed by individuals, and many articles circulating the Internet are written by people like you and me. Some are more credentialed, some less credentialed, but everyone's welcome.
Consider how your newspaper was even a decade ago. There were paid writers, who had titles and specific education, and only they were "allowed" to write for the publication. There was a letters to the editor section which was limited, and that was about it.
Very actively, thank you very much. We want dynamic websites that are changing and offer us chances to take polls, respond by email, fill out forms and send them in, give feedback, interact! We want a blog!
It started out as a US thing, but other countries are quickly gaining ground. I've read various predictions as to what country will come in #2 - India? Spain? Spanish-speaking users are leading in use of Instant Message. It's becoming more international all the time.
The Internet started out as a thing for people with money, but as price goes down, and computer access goes up, participation becomes more broad.
This is like a marketers dream come true. Latest reports say that individuals with incomes over $100,000 lead in buying off the Internet, and more women than men. It's a generally affluent market as to purchasing online. How does that grab you?
We are on the Internet for speed and access. Time spent on any website can be as short as 20 seconds. If your site doesn't load in that amount of time, forget about it. 20 seconds is a VERY long time on the Internet. In no other medium is there such a need to get it across fast and accurately.
We want our information fast and in bullets. We aren't particularly fond of graphics and noise, though photographs (particularly of human faces) will always be the first thing to grab anyone's
attention). Many people still must access through their computer at work, and they don't want music playing or other things to alert their supervisor that, yes, well.
Of course there are beautiful artistic sites out there, where you're happy to spend the time it takes; in fact that's why you're there. But for information and purchases, we want speed.
At about the 8th grade level. Not because we're dumb , but because we're busy. Most people read on the Internet for speed and quick information. Save your long complex sentences and big words for specific venues where this is welcome. Work in bullets. Keep it brief. Be to the point.
Like a knife through butter, like a ship through a glassy sea. We want it handed to us on a silver platter. That is, make sure all the buttons work, the navigation is easy to figure out, it loads fast, and it's super easy to purchase things. Just the click of a button! We expect to be catered to and to not have to 'work' at it. And have a good refund policy. Take credit cards and put PayPal on your site.
We expect the Internet to be inclusive. Use words like "we". Don't give orders as if you were an authority, or an expert, even if you are. Soften your tone, and don’t be excessively academic.
Sprinkle your web copy and articles with inclusive statements. Notice how I've used "We expect the Internet to be inclusive," instead of "People / They expect the Internet to be inclusive." I draw you right in. You like that, yes?
If you have an international following, Put a time zone chart on there, and a currency conversion chart. Announce that you take money orders and bank transfers. Give a discount for Canadians, who will always ask for it. Do some reading about the way other countries do things -- for instance, many more countries than not are used to bartering for everything. A fixed price to them is just the starting point for a negotiation, so be ready.
Visit other sites regularly and read their copy, or hire a marketing service to write for you.
About the Author
Susan Dunn, coach and marketing consultant, http://www.webstrategies.cc , author of “The Secret to Getting to Present on a Cruise” ( http://www.webstrategies.cc/acruise.html ). Marketing for entrepreneurs and coaches. Ebook writing and Internet launch, writing and submitting articles, strategies to make your business grow, search engine placement, keytags. I have a 6 google ranking without spending a cent. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for information.
Negotiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The first step in negotiation is to determine whether the situation is in fact a negotiation ... The book's approach, referred to as Principled Negotiation, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Negotiation Seminars Negotiation Training Negotiations Consultants ... |
Negotiation and alternative dispute resolution seminars, negotiation training and video presentations with available keynote speakers. |
www.negotiation.com |
Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School |
Negotiation training, research, and publications from the world's foremost authority on negotiation and dispute resolution. |
www.pon.harvard.edu |
PON: Harvard Negotiations Project |
Please visit the Harvard Negotiation Project website for complete information and ... The Harvard Negotiation Project's mission is to improve the theory, ... |
www.pon.harvard.edu |
The Negotiation Skills Company, Inc. |
www.negotiationskills.com/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages |
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www.quintcareers.com |
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jobstar.org |
Eric C. Gould's Negotiation Site |
Subscribe to newsletter with negotiating tips and techniques. |
www.batna.com |
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www.careerjournal.com |
PON Clearinghouse |
Welcome to the Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse, a resource center for people interested in learning and teaching about negotiation and alternative ... |
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