Colorado creative Music Case Study Part 4
Company Situation Analysis Summary and Conclusions
The first element of company situation analysis is overview of strategic performance indicators on a yearly basis, from 1997 to 2000.
[Tabular data omitted]
The table composed on the...
Getting Started with Marketing
Does marketing your business seem overwhelming? Have you wondered how you were ever going to fit marketing into your weekly workload? I know that marketing is usually an entrepreneur's least favorite activity to do! Every week I receive emails...
How To Get At Least 20 Times More Traffic - for FREE!
It's every webmaster's dream to have a link to his/her website on 1,000's of other websites across the Internet. Today, most webmasters join one or more "banner exchanges" to get additional traffic to their websites. However, it's a common mistake...
Page 1 Solutions Announces New Website
On Friday January 7th, 2005, Page 1 Solutions of Golden Colorado, posted its updated web site at http://www.page1solutions.com . The new Page 1 Solutions website features customized sub-pages for each of Page 1’s target markets – legal website...
Read E-mail
Recently, I received many E-mails from my subscribers asking me about "What they should do to make money on the internet?" Some of them who had experienced difficulties on making money from the Internet were even hesitating to try again, as...
10 Ways to Get Your Flyers Noticed
An inexpensive way to promote your services is to create various flyers and distribute them wherever you go -- pin them to the bulletin boards at the library, bookstore, handout out at networking events, or playing tennis. Here are 10 tips on how to get your flyer noticed and remembered.
1. Include your picture. People like to connect with others visually. Color is great, yet black and white is fine too.
2. Hook your prospective buyers with the headline in the top line. For example, read about ______ as it really is! Give them a reason to read the flyer. Show those benefits!
3. Testimonials that appear authentic are very important. For some, testimonials that include a two or three-line quote with initials, last name, and a state are not perceived as authentic. Make this area two-fold by adding a call to action along with authenticity. You can use, "visit my web site for additional testimonials and live links to contact these people."
4. The flyer needs a call to action. What do you want someone to do once they read the flyer? Call? Visit web site? A common mistake is to omit the benefit they get for taking that action or to place it somewhere else in the flyer and not next to that request (call to action).
5. Add praise instead of testimonials. Praise does not necessarily talk about what the flyer topic is discussing. It can be for something else you do.
6. If selling a product, make it easy for them to purchase the product. Show how they can order online, via fax, or by phone. Here is a great example of some language: "3 Easy Steps to Order." Make sure you tell them when they can expect to receive the product. For skeptics, offer them a URL link to get more information.
7. If they can purchase directly from you and you have your product on hand, write that
down on the flyer. Here are some of the things I write down: "You can usually find me at Borders every Friday between 3 PM and 5 PM if you want to discuss anything (or purchase the product)." I do one for the library as well. I place a flyer on their job board. It takes the library staff at least 3-5 days before they discover it.
8. The headline must grab the reader and the first paragraph must hold them. You have three seconds to accomplish this. If you are looking for a specific target market, find out what words/phrases will get their attention and write to that audience. If you are not sure change the hook for different target markets and leave the rest of the flyer the same. Experiment with several to see what works until you get the response you want.
9. Carry at least 25 flyers with you in a plastic sealed folder. This protects them from the elements and keeps them fresh. Place a piece of cardboard in front and in back for stiffness.
10. Use the blank side of the flyer to write notes. People hold onto them longer. Recommend a book, web site, or referral. You can write a code for a special discount or complimentary session. Give them a meaning for the code and ask that they provide it when they e-mail or call. You can even ask them to enter this method into other tracking systems. Design the codes so that they reference something to you. Like 10 for all those at a certain event or 20 for their target market match. Then you can put them together:
Remember the follow-up "law of seven." After seven exposures, you have created interest!
About the Author
Catherine Franz, a Business Coach, specialized in writing, marketing and product development. Newsletters and additional articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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