10 Reasons Why You Need To Submit Your Articles to Webtor.org
10 Reasons Why You Need To Submit Your Articles to Webtor.org
by: William R. Nabaza of http://www.Nabaza.com
1. Webtor.org ( http://www.webtor.org/ ) has been around since
1999 carrying web Author's Organization content specifically for
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Internet Marketing Vs Network Marketing?
Which one do you want to venture into?
Internet business? Or, network marketing business?
In my opinion, you have to find out what you really want (money, good contact, getting new knowledge etc.). Then learn and investigate. Yes, you might fail in either one of both - be it in network marketing or internet marketing. But sometimes, you don't really fail but you're actually progressing towards your goals.
Let me give you an analogy. You build a website and do lots of traffic generations, and you are spending your hard-earned money for two months now. Results - no sale. No income.
Then you quit, put down your website and look for other avenues of income.
What you didn't know was...
If you keep doing what you've been doing, you will make your first sale on the third month, fourth month and so on. You will be generating income from your internet business. But, this all will never happen if your story was written only until month 2.
You might think that this story is fictitious and yeah, a story to make you feel good but nothing more than that, but what if I said that this actually happened to me? To tell you the truth, it really did happen to me and I hope it can be an inspiration to anyone reading this article too.
I made my first sale only after three months on the internet and by that time, I have spent lots of money powering up the business. But, it all is worth it now - knowing that I've got more than I invested before.
Back to internet marketing vs. network marketing...
My take is... find a way to do both.
I got a chance to read an ebook by Daegan Smith ( www.NetMLMProfit.com ) and I believe it
will be a good start to know more about doing network marketing on the internet.
Daegan talks about lead generation from the Internet and building an effective website to drive quality prospects to your network marketing program. All of this can be setup once and can passively attract prospects over and over again. For some of you, these are not something new but it works for him and it will definitely work for you too.
If you study carefully, there are many other internet marketers joining or considering to join an internet based network marketing program. I know that they already make lots of money from their internet business, but why are they still looking into network marketing?
Probably it's not money they are looking for.
Probably it's because of the value in the network marketing program itself.
Probably because they are having fun just to be around successful people in another business field.
Whatever it is, you can have both internet and network marketing as your income generator.
In summary, I hope you'll consider internet marketing and network marketing at the same time. Entrepreneurs are always open for new ideas and new business ventures.
Find out what you really want.
About the Author: Zamri Nanyan challenges you to become successful online. Find out how Zamri can help you with an internet home based business for FREE ->> http://success.mlmlessons.com
Source: www.isnare.com
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