The True Value of Network Marketing
The true value of network marketing is not the product or the money. Yes, you read my statement correctly. The value of network marketing is in the education component. This article is not intended to endorse any specific network marketing organization. But to point out how beneficial network marketing can improve anyone’s life if given a chance.
My expertise is not in sales. I was an auditor/management analyst reviewing government programs for their cost effectiveness and efficiency. In 1995, President Clinton downsized the government by 250,000 employees. Who knew that my agency would be included in that number? There I was out
of a job. I was thinking, hmm what next?
I was approached one day by an acquaintance who introduced me to a network marketing company. My mind was open to meeting new people. So I went to a meeting. The entry fee was reasonable. I warmed up to the leaders of this company and found them to be intelligent, knowledgeable and with integrity. The people in the group were free with sharing information. Do you know a
family member or friend who is in business? Are they helpful in assisting you to start your own business? It has been my experience that you get more help from strangers. I gave this company and my self a chance, joined and started my training as a network marketer.
I was referred to a booklet specifically on network marketing called “The Business School for People Who like Helping People” by Robert Kiyosai. This booklet explains why he endorses the industry. He comments that anyone looking to gain control of their financial future should re-evaluate this industry. But first who is Robert Kiyosaki? Robert Kiyosaki the author of
the bestseller, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and internationally recognized speaker and teacher on the subject of money. This article highlights the educational benefits from his book in joining a network marketing company as well as learning how to network.
By participating in the education component of network marketing, this training could change the very way you look at business or life. Aside from the low price of entry, hence lower risk. Network marketing can be a viable means toward interpersonal development for 4 reasons:
1) Focus on rehabilitating individuals mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Sometimes, rebuilding yourself is more important than making money.
2) Mentor by leaders who will support and guide your efforts.
3) Education that go beyond product knowledge, money and sales ability.
4) Hands on training to get out there and face your fears by taking action, making mistakes, learning and correcting those
mistakes, and getting smarter mentally as well as emotionally
from the process.
Remember, there are no report cards or performance evaluations. So let’s try again until we get it right. This is the basic spirit of networking.
Review the network marketing company’s training program and see if it includes real life business skills such as
• Leadership and communication
• Attitude for success
• Overcome personal fears plus the fear of rejection
• Remove doubts and build confidence
• Time management and more.
These subjects can improve and expand your life plus make permanent changes to ensure your continued success in any area. A friend of mine signed up with a telecommunication network marketing business. He didn’t make any money but the company had a dynamic training program which he took advantage
of. He had turned himself into a dynamic leader with excellent presentation skills which has benefited him greatly in another business.
If you think network marketing could benefit you, pick one that peaks your interests. Focus on their training package because this component is more important than the product or compensation plan. Next, seek out the people at the top who are successful in that business. Then ask yourself, do you want to learn from them?
A network marketing business is not for everyone, but the industry continues to grow as a powerful financial force in the world today. People concerned about doing business in the future and about their own personal financial future should take an objective look at this industry.
In addition, Robert Kiyosaki points out other issues of great importance such as how to financially prepare for the changing economy, the end of the Industrial Age and the beginning of the Information Age which gives rise to team marketing.
This booklet is a source of inspiration for anyone thinking about or starting a network marketing business. I’m just grateful to have been in a particular network marketing company with people who were open hearted to share this invaluable booklet with me. The training I received helped me define my own unique style of presentation and selling where I felt confident to start my own on-line web store.
Marcia Larhrissi is the author of “The True Value of Network Marketing”. Visit her collection of Rich Dad Products including “The Business School for People Who like Helping People” and subscribe to her free newsletter
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