Basic Diagnosis Guidelines for Your PC
Simone is exasperated. She has to work on her university assignment but her PC is not working properly. For example: She would like to open a single Internet Explorer window but a whole series of windows are opening up. Simone is not alone when it...
ERP Implementation: Success Factors
As seeing large number of implementations – in our case these are Microsoft Business Solutions Products: Great Plains, MS CRM, Navision – we would like to give you our opinion on what should you consider to do to secure implementation success. These...
Freedom and responsibility on the Internet
As this year draws to a close, it also brings down the curtain
on what we could effectively call the first Internet decade.
While the Internet has been around for much longer than a
decade, in many ways 1995 was the year when many of...
Personal Wireless with Bluetooth
If you already have a wireless network for your computers, you
may be very interested in what's coming next. Would you like it
if your PDA, your mobile phone, your mp3 player and almost
everything else you connect to your computer could be...
VoIP Phone Home?
VoIP Phone Home? The movie Extra Terrestrial (ET) coined the phrase “phone home” and each year American’s look for more cost effective ways to do just that. The past 10 years have seen the development and growing popularity of Voice over Internet...
Google - The Next Step In IM
As Google keeps on expanding, it was only a matter of time before they entered the IM arena.
Although there have been several rumours regarding the acquisition of Jabber by Google, it is now more likely that they will acquire Meetro from Meetroduction.
Meetro is a location-aware networking software, the main objective of which is to find people in the "real world" that are close by to hang out with.
In their own words at Meetro's website:
"Technically speaking, Meetro is radius and proximity based software. Untechnically speaking, it finds like-minded people around you instantly. Wherever you are. So whether you’re in-town or out of town, Meetro gets you on the town with old friends or new acquaintances."
Through the software, you can locate people that are online, but within a certain radius. That means that they are online, and close to you, making it easier to connect and meet up with that person.
Of course, having more products and services to offer, will allow Google to create a type of “user loyalty” from users that now use Yahoo, MSN or other IM applications for chatting, thus also having more ways of creating exposure to ads.
Learn more about Meetro at: www.meetro.com/index.html
About The Author
John Tulus is Marketing Director at Web Marketing Experts, developer of internet marketing solutions to help companies increase sales and profitability online.
If you would like to learn more about Internet Marketing, visit Our Website at http://www.wmxp.com and http://www.webcontents.org or email John at support@wmxp.com
Computer networking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Network cards such as this one can transmit data at high rates over Ethernet cables. ... Computer networking is sometimes considered a sub-discipline of ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Social network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Social network analysis (related to network theory) has emerged as a key ... Social networking also refers to a category of Internet applications to help ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Networking on the Network |
Here, then, are some of the fundamentals of professional networking. ... Asking advice from the people in your network is part of the process. ... |
polaris.gseis.ucla.edu |
Computer Networking - Wireless Networks - Home and Wireless ... |
Site offers coverage of computer network technology in basic networks, VPN, Web servers, Intranets and Extranets, tutorials, and troubleshooting. |
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networking.ittoolbox.com |
Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works" |
How home networking works and the different methods to create a home network. |
www.howstuffworks.com |
SmallNetBuilder |
SmallNetBuilder provides networking and IT news, reviews, help and information for professional and "prosumer" SOHO and SMB users. |
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Network Computing - Computer Networking, Network Security and ... |
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CareerJournal | Career Networking - Professional Network ... |
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Trail: Custom Networking (The Java™ Tutorials) |
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IBM Networking | IBM Networking |
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Computerworld - Networking - Voip - Bluetooth - Firewall - Wireless |
Computerworld, the 'Voice of IT Management' is your information source for computer networking. Access up to date information on LAN/WAN, hardware/devices, ... |
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www.hp.com |
Monster: Networking |
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content.monster.com |
Access | CNET News.com |
Phone company shrugs off competition concerns over Verizon's Fios network, saying existing copper is doing the bandwidth trick. ... |
news.com.com |
Network Management: Covering today's Network topics |
Find the latest information on Network Management, Network Security, Network Design and more. |
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Networking and Your Job Search: The Riley Guide |
Networking starts long before a job search, and you probably don't even realize you are doing it. ... In Terms of a Job Search, Networking is the way to Go! ... |
www.rileyguide.com |
NetworkWorld.com |
Networking news, reviews, opinions and forums from the Leader in Network Knowledge. |
www.networkworld.com |