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How to Really Install a Modem
---------------------------------------------------------- Permission is granted for the below article to forward, reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as long as no changes are made and the byline, copyright, and the resource box below is included. ---------------------------------------------------------- How to Really Install a Modem
By Stephen Bucaro
Most motherboards now come with sound, video, and even networking built-in. But a modem is not usually built-in to a motherboard. This is because modem technology has been changing very rapidly. It is preferable to have the modem on an expansion card.
Most modem manuals assume that Plug and Play will automatically install the modem correctly, but this is rarely the case. Use the four steps described below to properly install a modem.
Step 1. Download the latest driver from the manufacturer's Web site.
Most modems come with an Installation CD. The problem with this is that the CD contains drivers for eight different operating systems and it usually tries to install the wrong one. Even if it does install the correct driver, its usually not the latest version. Also, the CD usually comes with several non-essential programs (AOL etc.) that the modem company earns commission on when you install them.
I admit, its difficult to download a driver before you install the modem. You may be replacing an old modem, or you may have another computer, or a friend with a computer with access to the Web.
Preferably, do this before you purchase the new modem. That way you can see what kind of driver and technical support is available for the modem before you shell out the cash.
Step 2. If you are replacing a modem, remove the old modem.
First physically open the case and remove the old modem. Then start the computer and remove the modem in Control Panel. If the system is Windows 2000 you will have to login as Administrator. Open the Modems utility, select the name of the modem on the General tab. Then click on the Remove button.
Step 3. Install the new modem.
First physically install the new modem. If the system is Windows 2000 you will have to login as Administrator. Plug and Play may install the new modem for you, that means it found an old driver on your system and used that to install the modem. Or it may start the "Add New Hardware Wizard". Click on the Cancel button.
The "Add New Hardware Wizard" is rarely able to find the proper
driver for a modem, and when the Wizard appears as the computer starts, it blocks your access to Explorer, so you can't use Explorer to locate a driver. Just click on the Cancel button to close the Wizard.
After Windows starts you can open the "Add New Hardware Wizard". The Wizard will attempt to detect any new hardware. Then it will give you the option to "select the hardware from a list." Choose the option to select from a list, then click the Next button. In the list select "modem" and click on the Next button. Then it will give you the option to let windows "try to detect your modem" or "select the modem from a list."
PnP will not be able to detect your modem if it's a model developed after your Windows installation disc was mastered. Nor will it appear on the list. Just select the closest match from the list, then update the driver afterwards.
If Plug and Play installs old drivers, open the Control Panel "System" utility. Click on the Device Manager tab and in the device type list, open the branch for "Modem". Select the name of the modem and click on the "properties" button. The modems "Properties" dialog box will open. Select the "Driver" tab and click on the "Update Driver..." button. The "Update Driver Wizard" appears. Use the Wizard to install the new modem driver.
Don't be surprised if the "Update Driver Wizard" updates the driver by removing the modem and adding it again (with the new driver).
The modem "driver" will most likely not be a single file. It might be a group of files with extensions like .vxd, .exe, .ini, .dll, etc. The list of files is contained in a text file with the extension .inf. So when you install the "driver" you are actually reading the files and other configuration from the .inf file.
Step 4. Don't forget to reconfigure your dial-up connection with the new modem. If you are a system administrator, don't forget to see that everyone else's dial-up connection gets updated as well.
Using the four steps described above, you can work around Plug and Play to properly install a modem with the latest drivers. ---------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box: Copyright(C)2002 Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money on the Web visit http://bucarotechelp.com To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to bucarotechelp-subscribe@topica.com ----------------------------------------------------------
About the Author
Computer networking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Social network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Networking on the Network |
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Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works" |
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www.howstuffworks.com |
SmallNetBuilder |
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Trail: Custom Networking (The Java™ Tutorials) |
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news.com.com |
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NetworkWorld.com |
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