Apple Mac mini - It Fits Anywhere - It is The Most Affordable Mac Ever!
The Mini along with Mac OS X, the worlds most advanced operating system! Just connect, plug, and your playing. The Apple Mac mini will work with either Mac or PC-compatible peripherals, this makes it easier than ever to upgrade from and older Mac...
Computer Tips that Help Small Businesses Operate Profitably
When working properly, computers enable small businesses to make big business profits; however, get booted off your computer and you’re suddenly starving. In most instances, computers usually act up due to lack of care by its owners. Here are...
Finding a Good PC Remote Control Solution
If you have to take care of computers for a living, or rely on them for yourlivelihood you know what I'm talking about. Your pager goes off, or a customer calls. It's a downed website that requires you to hop in your carto fix it on some cold lonely...
Setting Up a Network -- Wired or Wireless?
To Wire or Not to Wire
Wireless networks are en vogue, but your installation won’t be successful unless you chose the right type of network and set it up properly. Wired networks require that each computer be connected via a wire to a...
Wireless Networking Basics
Wireless networking is simple in theory: just install a wireless network adapter in each computer and forget about drilling holes and running cable. When you deal with equipment based on the 802.11b (or Wi-Fi) standard, unfortunately, the reality...
Laptop Computers and the PVP Effect!
Roll over lumbering desktop computers, the limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winning the gold medal in the computer sales olympics. We will illustrate how the PVP effect has contributed greatly to the increase in popularity of notebook computers.
(P) Portability:
Firstly it may be stating the obvious, but people buy laptops because they can take them anywhere. Office workers need no more be confined to their claustrophophic cubicles. Instead those statistic charts and data reports can be compiled on a train, in the comfort of an arm chair, or even on the beach! Portability equals flexibility, but alas this hasn't always been the case. Todays ultra portable laptop computers have a come along way since the bulky, sewing machine sized machines of the late seventies and early eighties. Indeed one of the first portable computers was built by IBM, and this machine (IBM 5100) weighed in at a hefty 50lbs! Today's corridor warriors would have trouble lugging that puppy from meeting to meeting, unless of course they subjected themselves to an intensive dose of steroids :)
(V) Value:
In the seventies the aforementioned IBM 5100 would have set you back
a staggering 20,000 dollars. Today a top of the range IBM Thinkpad can be bought for around 3000 dollars. Cheaper Thinkpads can often be obtained for well under a thousand dollars, especially if you don't mind purchasing a used or refurbished model.
(P) Performance:
Many laptops today come fitted with Centrino processors which offer superb performance and improved battery life. What is Centrino I hear you ask? Well this is Intel's name for their new notebook technology that combines their Pentium M processor, 855 chipset and the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 WiFi 802.11 network interface. Laptops fitted with these processors are usually lighter because of the smaller components used.
Couple this attractive feature with wireless networking technology and you have a powerful technological package. Wi-Fi is short for "Wireless Fidelity" and it's usage is growing quickly amongst home users, office workers, even coffee shops. If you enter Wi-Fi areas with a properly equipped notebook, you can access the Internet at broadband speeds.
Tom Fox writes for http://www.cheap-laptops-notebooks.com, a web site providing information and articles related to notebook computers.
Computer networking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Network cards such as this one can transmit data at high rates over Ethernet cables. ... Computer networking is sometimes considered a sub-discipline of ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Social network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Social network analysis (related to network theory) has emerged as a key ... Social networking also refers to a category of Internet applications to help ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Networking on the Network |
Here, then, are some of the fundamentals of professional networking. ... Asking advice from the people in your network is part of the process. ... |
polaris.gseis.ucla.edu |
Computer Networking - Wireless Networks - Home and Wireless ... |
Site offers coverage of computer network technology in basic networks, VPN, Web servers, Intranets and Extranets, tutorials, and troubleshooting. |
compnetworking.about.com |
ITtoolbox Networking Knowledge Base |
A networking community for IT professionals. Focusing on connectivity, network management, network operating systems, security, and other aspects of ... |
networking.ittoolbox.com |
Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works" |
How home networking works and the different methods to create a home network. |
www.howstuffworks.com |
SmallNetBuilder |
SmallNetBuilder provides networking and IT news, reviews, help and information for professional and "prosumer" SOHO and SMB users. |
www.smallnetbuilder.com |
Network Computing - Computer Networking, Network Security and ... |
Network Computing - Computer Networking, Network Security & Management news. Enterprise product reviews, comparisons and analysis built by IT professionals ... |
www.networkcomputing.com |
CareerJournal | Career Networking - Professional Network ... |
Professional Network - Career networking news and advice from The Wall Street ... Networking tips that will help you advance your job search or career. |
www.careerjournal.com |
Trail: Custom Networking (The Java™ Tutorials) |
The first describes the networking capabilities of the Java platform that you ... The second provides a brief overview of networking to familiarize you with ... |
java.sun.com |
Windows Server 2003, Longhorn Server & Vista Networking Articles |
Features a wealth of tutorials on various Windows networking related topics such as setting up Windows NT/XP/2000/2003 networks, troubleshooting, ... |
www.windowsnetworking.com |
IBM Networking | IBM Networking |
The era of e-business on demand requires superlative networking capability. ... IBM Networking Services provides e-business solutions anywhere in the ... |
www.networking.ibm.com |
Computerworld - Networking - Voip - Bluetooth - Firewall - Wireless |
Computerworld, the 'Voice of IT Management' is your information source for computer networking. Access up to date information on LAN/WAN, hardware/devices, ... |
www.computerworld.com |
HP Networking products and solutions |
HP ProLiant networking products provide high-powered, simple solutions for enterprise, business, or home networking environments, including ProLiant and ... |
www.hp.com |
Monster: Networking |
Networking Networking Timeline. Networking Timeline · Making New Contacts · How to Set Up and Run an Informational Interview · Nurturing and Keeping ... |
content.monster.com |
Access | CNET News.com |
Phone company shrugs off competition concerns over Verizon's Fios network, saying existing copper is doing the bandwidth trick. ... |
news.com.com |
Network Management: Covering today's Network topics |
Find the latest information on Network Management, Network Security, Network Design and more. |
searchnetworking.techtarget.com |
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Networking and Your Job Search: The Riley Guide |
Networking starts long before a job search, and you probably don't even realize you are doing it. ... In Terms of a Job Search, Networking is the way to Go! ... |
www.rileyguide.com |
NetworkWorld.com |
Networking news, reviews, opinions and forums from the Leader in Network Knowledge. |
www.networkworld.com |