A Nutritionist's Insight on Arthritis
A Nutritionist's Insight on Arthritis by Carol Koester Here is some of my knowledge about nutrition's role in ARTHRITIS from past experiences. I am speaking as a nutritionist, not a medical specialist. Most arthritics I have dealt with...
Factors that affect the nutritional requirements of an individual
The factors that affect the nutritional requirements of an individual are the quality and quantity of the food they eat, the efficiency of their digestive system in absorbing and utilizing eaten food and biochemical availability.
The quality of...
Natural Liquid Wholefood Nutritionals are Making New Waves!
Leading the pack across America today with great resurgence is one of the original, proprietary liquid wholefood nutritionals - still going strong after just over 10 years on the market. Why so popular? Because it works. And, it works because...
Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle
Proper nutrition is an area of confusion for most people. With all of the conflicting information in the media and all of the fad diets out there, it is hard to know how to eat right. Eating right comes down to eating the proper balance of the three...
The Nutritional Facts About Arthritis
'Arthritis' means inflammation of a joint and the two major
forms of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Common in the elderly is the Osteoarthritis; this mainly affects
the weight-bearing joints such as the hips, spine, knees,...
Help Prevent Premature Aging With Nutrition-Science
Aging occurs when the body’s cells die at faster rates than new cells are generated. People age prematurely because inadequate nutrition resulting from poor diet stimulates cellular destruction and increases the potential for obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases.
With improper diet, the body produces vast quantities of highly reactive oxygen molecules, known as free radicals. Free radicals attack healthy cells and accelerate the aging process. This occurs especially when we eat high-fat foods, but also occurs when we are exposed to environmental pollutants, such as pesticides and ultraviolet radiation...or consume too many calories in the diet.
Simple Steps to Help Prevent Premature Aging:
1. Take a high-potency MULTIVITAMIN/MINERAL SUPPLEMENT DAILY... to provide valuable nutritional protection against free radicals and help eliminate toxins.
2. Eat Plenty of BERRIES . . . Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.as well as grapes and cherries all contain valuable phytonutrients called flavonoids, which have potent antioxidant activity that can fight heart disease. The naturally occurring Ellagic Acid from these berries, also promote excretion of carcinogenic chemicals.
3. Drink GREEN TEA . . . Green tea comes from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, the same plant used to make black tea....but it has more of the potent antioxidants called polyphenols than black tea.
Green Tea helps protect the liver and fight cancer. One recent study examined Japanese women with breast cancer. Increased green tea consumption was associated with a decreased risk of lymph node metastasis. Researches also found that when women with breast cancer drank five cups of green tea a day, they were more likely to be in remission six months later.
Green tea also has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, fight tooth decay and aid in weight loss.
Drink two or more cups of green tea daily or take at least 1,500 mg daily of Green tea extract in capsule or tablet form.
4. Reduce Dairy Food Intake...No more than 3 - 4 servings of dairy per week.
Milk, cheese and other dairy foods contain Casein, one of the most common food allergens. It can deplete immune cells. Milk also contains xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that may increase plague buildup in the arteries.
Adults don’t need dairy to get adequate Calcium. Increase daily intake of Calcium-enriched foods, such as juice and soy, rice and almond milk. Broccoli, collard greens, sardines and canned salmon also are rich in Calcium.
5. Supplement
with FISH OIL, PRIMROSE OIL AND FLAXSEED OIL . . . These oils contain essential fatty acids...fish oil is a source of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA)...evening primrose oil is a source of GLA. These beneficial fatty acids are involved in proper functioning of the brain and immune system. They also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer...and help relieve pain and inflammation.
Take 3,000 mg to 5,000 mg of fish oil and 1,000 mg of evening primrose oil daily. If you are on blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), check with your doctor first. Vegetarians can substitute Flaxseed oil for fish oil, if so desired.
6. Increase GARLIC Intake . . . Garlic contains allicin, a sulfur compound that builds immunity and prevents infections. It reduces risk of colon, esophageal and stomach cancers. One study of 41,000 American women found that one or more servings of garlic a week decreased colon cancer risk by 35%. It also lowers cholesterol and has valuable blood pressure-lowering effects.
One-half to one whole raw clove daily (cooking reduces its benefits), or an odor-free Garlic supplement with 4,000 micrograms (mcg) to 5,000 mcg of allicin.
7. Supplement with SPIRULINA 2,000 mg to 3,000 mg per day . . . Spirulina is a nutritive blue-green algae that grows in warm waters around the world including Africa, Central America and Hawaii. It has become a staple for knowledgeable health practitioners because it contains all the essential amino acids in a highly absorbable form and is a rich source of protein. It also contains carotenoids, fat-soluble pigments that act as antioxidants . . . gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid . . . chlorophyll, a pigment that has potent antioxidant and anti-cancer properties...and phytocyanins, which stimulate red blood cell production. Several studies have shown that spirulina improves immune system activity. Spirulina also has been shown to have antiviral effects and a mild cholesterol-reducing benefit. Are you interested in ready more articles about a healthy lifestyle? Visit Health for People and Pets at www.healthforpeopleandpets.com/articles.html for new information about the latest health updates and advice. Are you looking for high quality health products? Check out www.healthforpeopleandpets.com/people.html to view our wide assortment of health products.
About the Author
Terry and Michael Goldman are cofounders of www.healthforpeopleandpets.com. Our mission statement is to offer high quality nutrition supplements and pet supply.
Nutrition.gov Homepage |
US federal guide offering access to all government web sites with reliable and accurate information on nutrition and dietary guidance. |
www.nutrition.gov |
American Society for Nutrition |
Publication from the American Academy of Nutritional Sciences. Includes past and current issues online with subscription information. |
www.nutrition.org |
Food and Nutrition Information Center Home Page: |
Has dietary supplements, guidelines, food guide pyramid, child care nutrition, food safety, and topics from AZ. |
fnic.nal.usda.gov |
British Nutrition Foundation |
Promotes the nutritional wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based nutritional knowledge ... |
www.nutrition.org.uk |
NutritionData's Nutrition Facts Calorie Counter |
Nutrition facts calorie counter and calculator promotes healthy eating by telling you, in simple terms, what is good and bad about the foods you eat. |
www.nutritiondata.com |
Nutrition Explorations: The Fun and Easy Way to Teach and Learn ... |
Nutrition Explorations provides nutrition education information and resources for teachers, school foodservice professionals, parents, families and kids. |
www.nutritionexplorations.org |
About Nutrition - Nutrition, Diets, and Vitamin Supplements Help |
Guide to nutrition information with vitamin and mineral index, news updates, free e-mail newsletter, chat room, discussion forums, and recipe boards. |
nutrition.about.com |
MyPyramid.gov - United States Department of Agriculture - Home |
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion created the food pyramid guidance system. Find updated information about daily food recommendations, ... |
www.mypyramid.gov |
American Dietetic Association |
Nutrition information, resources, and access to Registered Dietitians provided by ADA and the National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics. |
www.eatright.org |
MedlinePlus: Nutrition |
(Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion) - Links to PDF; Whole Grains: High in Nutrition and Fiber, yet Low in Fat (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Dole 5 A Day - We make 5 A Day fun! |
Learn the importance of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Includes recipes for kids to try. |
www.dole5aday.com |
Nutrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An encyclopedia article on nutrition, including sections on history, health, food processing, longevity, lifetstyle, policy, holistic approaches, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Nutrition Cafe |
Be a Nutrition Sleuth, play the Grab-a-Grape game or build a meal in the Have-a-Bite Cafe. [Optional Flash version] |
exhibits.pacsci.org |
ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine -- Nutrition News |
Answers to questions about nutrition, body weight, herbal and nutritional supplements, and the role of diet in improving and maintaining your health. |
www.sciencedaily.com |
Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health |
Harvard School of Public Health and Nutrition Research covers latest information on fiber, fats, calcium, carbohydrates, eggs, nutritional pyramids, ... |
www.hsph.harvard.edu |
Welcome to Nutrition Australia |
Non-profit, independent body promoting the health and well-being of all Australians. Includes nutrition news and health facts. |
www.nutritionaustralia.org |
WHO | Nutrition |
Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. ... Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. ... |
www.who.int |
Center for Science in the Public Interest |
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, ... |
www.cspinet.org |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition |
Publication with nutrition topics, health news, FDA regulations, and legislative events. |
www.ajcn.org |
BBC - Health - Healthy living - Nutrition |
Offers a wealth of health and nutrition information including recipes, weight calculators, diet tips and nutrition advice. |
www.bbc.co.uk |