4 Tips For The Successful Businessman
I have a passion for the bald eagle or Haliaeetus Leucuceohalus according to his scientific name. I have this passion as long as I can remember. But it is not a logical passion. I am Dutch and a passion for a bird of prey that is common in The...
Benefits of a Filing System
Follow these suggestions for organizing your paperwork so that you'll be better prepared for tax season.
You have permission to publish this article in its entirety as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication...
D-BUST Your Computer-Part 2 (for Microsoft users)
D-BUST Your Computer-Part 2 (for Microsoft users) by: Janet L. Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B stands for Backup. Wouldn't it be nice if our computers would give us a warning before our computers * crashed *?...
Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean!
Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean! By: Janet L. Hall On July 15, 1993 Walter S. Mossberg, the author and creator of the weekly "Personal Technology" column in The Wall Street Journal, was quoted as saying: “The promise of the...
Way back in 1991, when my organizing business was already 8 years old, I spotted an offer for a free copy of a booklet called "117 Ideas For Better Business Presentations" . Well, because I do business presentations, and because the price was right,...
Is This Business Right For You?
Your dream is to have your own business and to tell the boss
"Good-Bye". An excellent dream to have, a little exciting and a
little scary at the same time. Before taking that big step, take
a long hard realistic look at yourself and determine "Is this
business right for me?"
What is your personality? Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Do you enjoy talking to everyone you see or are you the type
that has trouble talking to a stranger? Do you love number
crunching, administration, computers, researching, etc.? Are you
a leader or a follower? A risk taker?
These are important questions to ask yourself. You want your
business to match your personality and talents. Look at your
business idea, does it match your personality and talents? If it
does't, you will struggle to make it a success. Find a business
that is right for you.
Do you take criticism well? How well do you listen to others? If
you don't know, ask a close family member or friend. You have
heard the saying "the customer is always right". No matter what
type of business you start, you will have customers. Can you
listen constructively and respond without showing anger or a
negative attitude? One disgruntled customer can keep many future
customers away. One mad employee can destroy your business.
Have you been told "No" lately? Adults seldom are. As you start
your business there will be those times that "No" is the answer
you receive. Do not take it personally. Take it as another step
in your venture to success. Use the "No" to move ahead. Do not
allow yourself to lose your momentum.
When you begin your business you will wear many hats, starting
with the janitor. How well can you perform all the duties that
will be required of you? From planning to organizing to
prioritizing, everything depends on you. If your business will
have employees, can you interview and select the best
without emotions playing a role? Can you fire your sister,
brother, daughter, son, best friend, or anyone else you need to
fire? Important questions to ask, because there will come a time
to let someone go.
Starting your business adds additional financial burdens on you
and your family. How do you currently handle this
responsibility? Do you pay your bills on time now? Your vendors
will only take so many late payments before they classify you as
a "cash only" customer. Review your current habits and learn to
pay your bills early. Structure your bills so that everything
does not come due at the same time. Always alert your vendors if
you see that you are going to be late paying.
How soon will you see any income? Leaving the security of a
"J.O.B." and depending on yourself for 100% of your income is a
giant step. Do you have enough funds to get you through four to
six months of living expenses? House payment, car payment,
utilities, essentials, insurance, etc. Do not forget to factor
in what the business will need during this time. Look back over
the past six months to a year and average what you have been
spending per month. Multiply that by six and add what your
business will need. Do you have that much put aside? Make sure
that you do. Some businesses will see income the first week,
while others may take a few weeks or months to get a steady flow
coming in.
Is this business right for you? Find the one that fits your
personality and talents and you will enjoy having your own
business. Go ahead and tell the boss "Good-Bye".
About the author:
With too much factory experience and experience in Marketing and
Advertising, Annette Lucas knew she wanted her own business. She
found just what she was looking for with AmeriPlanUSA. To see if
AmeriPlan's opportunity is right for you, check out
Online Organizing.com |
Welcome to OnlineOrganizing.com!. Get Organized! Find the best organizing products, free tips on taming your clutter, an online newsletter, ... |
www.onlineorganizing.com |
organizetips.com - organized, time management, planners,tips,Tips ... |
Get Organized,Organizing ideas, Tips, daily,chore lists,planners. |
www.organizetips.com |
At Home : Organizing : Take This Stuff and Store It! : Home ... |
Our guide to the simple life, where everything has its place. |
www.hgtv.com |
Home Organizing Tips - Bathroom, Bedroom & Garage Organizing ... |
Learn about home organizing tips for bathroom, bedroom, and garages from Home & Garden Television. |
www.hgtv.com |
Christmas Organizing | Creating J.O.Y. for Christmas |
Offers a community of resources and support to help people get organized for Christmas throughout the entire year by creating and organizing a Christmas ... |
www.christmasorganizing.com |
Organizing - HUD |
Organizing. [Vea la versión en español de esta página] · [Display the text version of this page] ... Organizing · Economic development. Working with HUD ... |
www.hud.gov |
Get Organized - Organizing Tips and Ideas to help you get ... |
Free tips, ideas and articles to help you get organized. |
www.getorganizednow.com |
Management Function of Organizing: Overview of Methods |
Organizing can be viewed as the activities to collect and configure resources in ... The following are some of the major types of organizing required in a ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
Organizing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
In that sense, organizing can also be defined as the act to place different ... Organizing, in companies point of view, is the management function that ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Amazon.com: Organizing from the Inside Out: Books: Julie Morgenstern |
Amazon.com: Organizing from the Inside Out: Books: Julie Morgenstern by Julie Morgenstern. |
www.amazon.com |
Organized-Living.com - Get organized, Professional Organizer tips ... |
Articles and tips to help individuals organize their home or work life better. |
www.organized-living.com |
How to organize your home and office, organizing tips, articles on ... |
LifeOrganizers.com is a rich resource of office and home organizing articles, tips, and fresh, easy ideas on how to get rid of clutter from every part of ... |
www.lifeorganizers.com |
The Virginia Organizing Project |
VOP, racism, social justice, community organizing, leadership development, living wage, grassroots organizing, sexual orientation . |
www.virginia-organizing.org |
Center for Third World Organizing |
A training and resource center dedicated to building a social justice movement led by people of color. |
www.ctwo.org |
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition |
WROC of Olympia, Washington, organizes groups of women and men who are current or former TANF recipients to watch how welfare and family policy is ... |
www.wroc.org |
Self-Organizing Systems FAQ for Usenet newsgroup comp.theory.self ... |
Frequently Asked Questions about self-organized systems. |
www.calresco.org |
Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web |
Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web is a clearinghouse of World Wide Web sites that have applied or adopted standard classification schemes or ... |
www.public.iastate.edu |
Organizing Institute |
Program by the AFL-CIO to train union organizers and put them in the field. |
www.aflcio.org |
SouthWest Organizing Project |
A statewide multi-racial, multi-issue, community based membership organization. Includes information on history, campaigns, and volunteer opportunities. |
www.swop.net |
Farm Labor Organizing Committee |
The historic contract in North Carolina opens up a new chapter in the FLOC struggle for justice and ushers in a new era in farmworker organizing. ... |
www.floc.com |