Activities Where Your Introverted Child Can Win!
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Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared?
As the flurry of Back to School activities subside, parents are left to ponder more pressing issues than notebooks, backpacks, and sneakers.
Will my child succeed this year? Will his academic and social growth meet my hopes and expectations?...
Breast Enhancement - The Natural Way to Do It
Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream. In a society like ours where having big breasts is adored and given such emphasis, it is not surprising that every flat-chested woman desires to be well-endowed. Various breast enhancement...
Moms Have Dreams Too!
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Dreams. I have always been a dreamer. The cool thing is that so many of my dreams have become a...
Playing Virgin
Yesterday: I visited a maternity ward to rejoice with a mother over her new child. I went to an abortion center to see a girl who aborted a baby. I made my way to a war zone to commiserate with a raped woman. Today: I meet the mother in the...
5 Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas
Engraving your wedding ring is a great way to add a special
touch to this symbol of unending love. This small gesture can
make a big impact on the one to whom you are making this pledge
of love.
What should you have engraved on your wedding ring? Following
are five ideas to help you decide.
Wedding Ring Engraving Idea #1: A Simple Declaration of
It isn't necessary that you come up with an extraordinarily
original idea. Often, the simplest phrases have the greatest
impact. Sometimes, less is more. Consider engraving "I love
you", "I will love you forever", or "Forever yours".
Wedding Ring Engraving Idea #2: Your Wedding Vows
If your wedding vows are not very long, you may be able to
engrave them on your rings. However, if you think it's too much,
you can choose one sentence or a small phrase that represents
the essence of your vows and have that engraved on them. There
are companies that specialize in this service. One of them is Wedding Vow Rings.
Wedding Ring Engraving Idea #3: A Bible Verse
Engraving a Bible verse on a wedding ring is probably one of the
most popular options. You might choose a verse about love such
as "Love never ends" from 1 Corinthians 13.13 or "My beloved is
mine and I am his/hers" from the Song of Solomon. For other
ideas, look up the word "love" in a Bible dictionary of
concordance. You'll find a long list of verses that you
choose from.
Wedding Ring Engraving Idea #4: A Love Poem
While not as popular as days gone by, poetry is still a perfect
way to express one's deepest emotions. You might try writing
your own love poem. If you have no inclination for writing, you
can always turn to a famous poet. There are plenty of web sites
on the Internet about love and romance. You shouldn't have any
problem finding a love poem that you like.
Wedding Ring Engraving Idea #5: A Special Song
Is there a particular song that you and your partner have
declared to be "our song"? Usually, it's a song that either
reminds you of a special moment in your relationship like the
first time you met, tells a story similar to your own or speaks
perfectly of the feeling you have for one another. You can have
the title of the song engraved in your wedding rings. A better
idea might be to have a line from the chorus engraved in them.
These are just a few ideas. There are other possibilities.
What's important is that you choose a message that expresses
your feelings and reflects your personality.
About the author:
William runs Idea
Sparks and Free Wedding
Articles with creative wedding
ideas. Download "Tips to Cutting Wedding
Poetry.Com: Free Poetry Contest, Poems, Publishing |
www.poetry.com/ - Similar pages |
Funny poetry for children |
Includes funny poetry, contests, lessons, and poems about school. |
www.gigglepoetry.com |
Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More |
Organization presenting poems, biographies of poets, historical and thematic poetry exhibits, events calendars, discussion forums and contest information. |
www.poets.org |
Poetry Archives @ eMule.com |
Educational resource dedicated to researching poetry. Includes an online archive of poetry by numerous recognized poets. |
www.emule.com |
Poetry Daily, a new poem every day. |
An anthology of contemporary poetry offering new poems from books, magazines and journals currently in print, as well as an archive and daily news. |
www.poems.com |
Poetry for Kids - Funny Poems for Children by Poet Kenn Nesbitt |
Features poetry for kids about animals, weather, and aliens. |
www.poetry4kids.com |
Poetry |
Searchable archive of online texts from a wide range of recognized poets, both historical and contemporary. |
poetry.eserver.org |
Poetry |
Website of the print magazine includes a weekly featured poet, information on current issue, subscriptions, and programs of the Modern Poetry Association. |
www.poetrymagazine.org |
Poetry 180 - Home Page |
Home page of the Library of Congress Poetry 180 Project. |
www.loc.gov |
Poetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Article discussing the nature of the form, its history, terminology and the different traditions. |
en.wikipedia.org |
Poetry.org - Resource site for poetry and poets |
Here you can learn about the history, meaning, and types of poetry, as well as terms ... And there is our selection of poetry from various famous poets, ... |
www.poetry.org |
Verse: Poetry Anthologies and Thousands of Poems. Bartleby.com |
With thousands of poems by hundreds of authors, Bartleby.com offers one of the largest free collections of verse, poems and poetry anthologies on the web. |
www.bartleby.com |
About Poetry |
Poets and poetry online including poetry festivals, readings, audio and video archives, contests, zines, word games and collaborations, haiku, and sonnets. |
poetry.about.com |
Poetry in the Yahoo! Directory |
Explore the world of poetry, including sites about poets, collections of poems, and information on writing. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Scholastic.com | Writing with Writers: Poetry |
Study the genre of poetry by taking part in step-by-step workshops with three of your favorite authors. Then have your work published online in our ... |
teacher.scholastic.com |
Poetry Magazine |
International digest of world poetry. Features contest listings and discussions for poetry writers. |
www.poetrymagazine.com |
Poetry Archive |
The Poetry Archive is an ever expanding archive of poets reading their own work. |
www.poetryarchive.org |
ETTC's new and improved Poetry Forms |
Interactive Poetry Form Finder Testimonials Poetry Forms Lesson Plan Ideas ... Choose your poetry form from the list of links on the left. ... |
ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us |
representative poetry online |
www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/intro.html - Similar pages |
Boston Review | Poetry |
Stephanie Strickland, The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot (Second Annual Poetry Contest Winner) Jesper Svenbro, Rainbows (translated by John Matthias and ... |
bostonreview.net |