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Is Your Work Absorbing You?
Although work is an integral part of everyone's life we can become so absorbed that we don't realize we are being consumed by it.
Work is an integral part of everyone's daily routine. Whether you get in your car everyday and leave for your job place, work from home or are a busy homemaker, you spend a large part of your life doing some type of work. But the question is: Are you a workaholic? Most people that are workaholics don't even realize it. When a person is so consumed with their work that they are neglecting themselves and their families, they need to take a deep breath and then take a break. This is easier said than done for most people who have become absorbed in their work.
Although I am not working an eight hour day outside of my home right now, I find myself working an even longer day at home. Besides being a mother, grandmother and homemaker, I am involved in several writing projects that require a good deal of attention. I have found myself becoming compulsive. If I'm not running the vacuum, washing dishes or doing the laundry, I'm at the computer or sitting with my notebook and pen. I finally realized that I have let myself become absorbed when I almost didn't hear my daughter ask me if I was going to cook dinner. Although I was feeling the pangs of hunger too, I didn't want to pull myself away from my work long enough to make a meal. I laughed at myself as I took the pen out from behind my ear, got up from the computer and took a deep breath.
I reminded myself that I am a parent and a person as well as a struggling artist and house maid. No matter what you think you need to do, sometimes you just need to do nothing. Here lately, the words coming out of my mouth have been "Not right now, I'm busy. Let me finish this first." There are times when we have deadlines that must be met and things we just can't put off so we can't always drop what we're doing, but there are times when we can put aside our work and take a break. I've decided that when my daughter wants to play a game of cards or my son wants to talk, that instead
of saying "I'm busy," I should try saying "Okay, I'll finish this later."
I'm not saying that we should shirk our duties or leave our work go undone, but simply that we should not let our work consume our lives to the point that we are becoming strangers to our own children. It's very easy to fall into the trap of being a workaholic, especially when you enjoy your chosen field. I am very passionate about what I choose to do and it is certainly not an option I pursue for the lucrative monetary compensation because that is sometimes downright laughable. I write because it is something I love to do and I hope that someday my efforts will pay off, but the point is that most workaholics like the work they are doing, which makes it even easier for them to become absorbed.
There are also workaholics out there who don't like their jobs as well as some, but they work themselves beyond normal limitations for various reasons. Perhaps they feel obligated or compelled due to personal or professional reasons. A person may work two jobs because they need the money; another person may go beyond the call of duty in order to impress those in a position to assist them in moving up the ladder so that they can gain a promotion. There are many reasons why a person may become a workaholic. No matter what the reasons are, if you are a workaholic, try to separate yourself from your work for a few days, a few hours or even a few minutes. It can make all the difference in the world to you, your health, and the loved ones in your life.
About the Author
Darlene Zagata is a freelance writer and poet. Her work has appeared in several electronic and print publications. Darlene is the Editor of the Health department at RITRO.com and she co-authors a column with her son at RaisingASon.com. She is also a Review Editor for MyShelf.com and an Editorial Reviewer for The Writer's Room Magazine. Her book of poetry "Aftertaste" is now available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. Her first book of fiction, "The Choosing" is currently in the process of publication.
Poetry.Com: Free Poetry Contest, Poems, Publishing |
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Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More |
Organization presenting poems, biographies of poets, historical and thematic poetry exhibits, events calendars, discussion forums and contest information. |
www.poets.org |
Poetry Archives @ eMule.com |
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www.emule.com |
Poetry Daily, a new poem every day. |
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Poetry |
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poetry.eserver.org |
Poetry |
Website of the print magazine includes a weekly featured poet, information on current issue, subscriptions, and programs of the Modern Poetry Association. |
www.poetrymagazine.org |
Poetry 180 - Home Page |
Home page of the Library of Congress Poetry 180 Project. |
www.loc.gov |
Poetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Article discussing the nature of the form, its history, terminology and the different traditions. |
en.wikipedia.org |
Poetry.org - Resource site for poetry and poets |
Here you can learn about the history, meaning, and types of poetry, as well as terms ... And there is our selection of poetry from various famous poets, ... |
www.poetry.org |
Verse: Poetry Anthologies and Thousands of Poems. Bartleby.com |
With thousands of poems by hundreds of authors, Bartleby.com offers one of the largest free collections of verse, poems and poetry anthologies on the web. |
www.bartleby.com |
About Poetry |
Poets and poetry online including poetry festivals, readings, audio and video archives, contests, zines, word games and collaborations, haiku, and sonnets. |
poetry.about.com |
Poetry in the Yahoo! Directory |
Explore the world of poetry, including sites about poets, collections of poems, and information on writing. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Scholastic.com | Writing with Writers: Poetry |
Study the genre of poetry by taking part in step-by-step workshops with three of your favorite authors. Then have your work published online in our ... |
teacher.scholastic.com |
Poetry Magazine |
International digest of world poetry. Features contest listings and discussions for poetry writers. |
www.poetrymagazine.com |
Poetry Archive |
The Poetry Archive is an ever expanding archive of poets reading their own work. |
www.poetryarchive.org |
ETTC's new and improved Poetry Forms |
Interactive Poetry Form Finder Testimonials Poetry Forms Lesson Plan Ideas ... Choose your poetry form from the list of links on the left. ... |
ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us |
representative poetry online |
www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/intro.html - Similar pages |
Boston Review | Poetry |
Stephanie Strickland, The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot (Second Annual Poetry Contest Winner) Jesper Svenbro, Rainbows (translated by John Matthias and ... |
bostonreview.net |