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Lakota Spirit

This article is based on a vision that I had in which I received a visit from the well-known Lakota Holy Man, named Frank Fools Crow.
Throughout my life, I have met many “religious” people who claim to believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost but they don’t believe in spirits and the supernatural. I had one lady tell me that because I believe in spirits and ghosts I am going to “hell.” Of course, I did not argue with the woman but I simply shook my head at her ignorance and walked away. I enjoy reading the bible and it definitely teaches true believers that we must worship God in spirit and truth because God is a Spirit. Additionally, the bible speaks of angels and demons, which are both spirit beings. On the other hand, throughout my life I have heard that if spirits appear to an individual in the form of a deceased relative or friend they are not good spirits but demons instead. However, I do believe that God will send the spirit of a relative or friend to comfort or warn us of impending danger. And, I believe that demons will come to us in the form of relatives or friends only if we dabble with the black arts. Plus, I believe that angels and God sent spirits will not enter an individuals body, however, evil spirits and demons will enter and possess an individuals body at every opportunity. I have not read in the bible where the Holy Spirit possessed anyone. The Lord will only enter an individual’s heart when he is invited. Without doubt, I believe that God gave us the ability to know the difference between good and evil.

Many times people will seek the help of physics to distinguish the difference between good and evil as well as give them advice on the future but I believe that trying to foresee the future is wrong. And for people to sell their God given gifts, in my opinion, is equally wrong. In humbleness, I can truly tell you that God has blessed me with many wonderful gifts dealing with the supernatural; however, these God given gifts are a part of my genetic makeup, which was passed to me from my ancestral grandmothers on both sides of my family.

Honestly, sometimes when I witness paranormal activity, I don’t realize what happened until the incident is over. One night, about a year ago, I was on the phone talking with my aunt Mattie who lives in Beaufort County over 30 miles from me. Meanwhile, aunt Mattie was eating; nevertheless, as we talked I could distinctly smell her food over the phone. Without realizing that we were on the phone, I said, “Aunt Mattie, that baked chicken, rice with gravy, and cabbage smells so good.” She said, “You know what I’m eating?” I said, “Yes.” She began to scream, “Mack, Mack, this girl is on the phone telling me what I’m eating,” then aunt Mattie calmly said, “Well, I have a sweet potato too!” Many times, I wake up in the wee hours of the morning to the pleasant aroma of food cooking or the smell of herbs and wood chips burning and sometimes I wake up to the smell of a fresh, sweet, cornfield. I have a wonderful Spirit Sister that lives in Arizona and a few weeks ago I was on the phone talking with her. Suddenly the pleasant aroma of pizza entered my nostrils, so, I said, “Are you eating pizza? She said, “No but I’m eating lasagna!” I laughed and said, “Same thing because I know that I smelled something with tomato sauce and herbs.” We continued our phone conversation and she wasn’t surprised the least bit because my Spirit Sister can smell into the spirit world as well.

The gift of seeing and smelling into the spirit world is wonderful but it always catches me off guard and leaves me with wide eyes and an open mouth. On April 15, 1997, around 3 a.m. I was laying in my bed on my left side facing the east wall. My heart had been severely broken by a guy that I trusted and my spirit was restless, additionally, I was in very much pain and wide-awake. Out of the blue, Frank Fools Crow who is a well-known Holy Man of the Lakota nation in South Dakota walked right through my bedroom wall and stood beside my bed. Needless to say, I was, speechless and shocked but I was not afraid and I did not move a muscle.

Fool’s Crow was beautiful and he emitted a warm golden glow, meanwhile, all I could feel was peace and love. Fools Crow wore a black & white checkerboard shirt, blue jeans, and a black leather belt. His face appeared wrinkled from wisdom and knowledge and his skin was very soft with a red-brown skin tone. Fools Crow spent the rest of the night with me, talking to me in the Sioux language, although I could not understand his language, I knew every word that he said. I don’t know exactly when he left my bedside because eventually I fell asleep. Of course, Fools Crow lives in the spirit world and I have never met him in my entire life or his life but it was such an honor to know that he traveled all the way from South Dakota to Jamesville, North Carolina, just because he has compassion for an unknown mixed breed woman like me. It is well said that Frank Fools Crow loves people of every race.

I have met many people who claim to have the spirits of Native American people living within their bodies. These same people claim to own special and personal objects

that belong to these well-known Native American Medicine Men and Women. For example, a few years ago, I visited a state park with two female friends. While engaging in conversation, out of the blue, one of the women who were facing me said, “Have you ever heard of Fools Crow?” Immediately, in response, I said, “Yes, I have heard of Frank Fools Crow!” She began to tell me that she went to South Dakota and visited with him on Pine Ridge before his death and that his spirit lives inside of her body. She told me that he speaks through her as well as writes through her, in other words, she was claiming that Fools Crow channels through her, which means that he makes contact from the spirit world to the physical world through her body. She said, “He gave me his personal medicine bag and his personal pipe.” She had a beautiful medicine bag around her waist and while she was rubbing it and bragging, Fools Crow was standing directly behind her with a disapproving expression on his face and then he quickly turned around and walked into the woods. Nevertheless, she was so busy talking until she did not notice my stretched eyes and wide open mouth. Finally, when she finished talking I calmly said, “Fools Crow was just standing behind you,” she quickly turned around but he was gone.

Needless to say, she did not mention his name any more thereafter, yet, I said to her, “Perhaps Fools Crow gave you a medicine bag and pipe that he owned but they were not his personal items because I believe that his personal medicine bag and pipe was buried with him.” At that sighting of Fools Crow, he wore a black cowboy hat, black shirt, black leather belt, black cowboy boots and blue jeans. In appearance, he is a short, thin, man with bowlegs. As I stated earlier, I have never met Fools Crow and I have never been to South Dakota but I love him because he is a holy man who is very close to God and he cares for me.

The next time someone makes a visit to the gravesite of Fools Crow, please take a red rose and present it to the four directions and with a kiss, place it on his grave for me. Please email me and let me know that it is done. In memory of Fools Crow, I have a medicine wheel about three inches above my knee on my right thigh. In case his family is wondering, which I doubt because they already know, the medicine of Frank Fools Crow is still very potent and active. For the record, I do not smoke, drink, do drugs, or attempt to induce visions and I am mentally competent. The visions are gifts from the Creator and they come naturally, I have never been on a vision quest and Native American people say that the Creator will place a song in the sincere heart as well; my song is “Ondenayo,” however, I do not know what the word means, nor, the origin of its language but it is my song from the Creator. The song came to me, while I was burning some lavender and saying my prayer.

I always pray as well as smudge plus I burn candles but I never dabble into the spirit world. As I stated earlier, it is very dangerous to play with the spirit world and I definitely do not seek spirits because to me it is wrong to seek the future or conjure spirits. Once the portal to the spirit world is open, any type of unwanted entity can enter the building or a person‘s body. Get my drift? And, I definitely do not intend to perform an exorcism because I am just a youngster on the medicine road but perhaps before I make my last journey, the Creator may require that I graduate to stronger medicine, however, for now, I will stay away from things that I cannot control. I have an acquaintance named Gypsy, which told me that when she was a teenager, she tried to bring back a friend’s deceased father using a séance. Needless to say, the table violently rocked; the lights went off in the room; they smelled a burning odor and they heard demonic voices. She told me that when her and the friend got up to run the entire room started to spin and once they reached the door it was locked.

Thankfully, Gypsy’s grandmother and mother were seasoned medicine women; yet, it was a struggle for them to exorcise what the two young girls had conjured. As I write this paragraph, the hair is rising on my arms and the goose bumps are all over my body. Simply talking about the incident gives me chills because it is real! Gypsy learned her lesson that day and she totally understands that all things will happen in God’s time. Gypsy is a very gifted medicine person and she has a very close connection with the Creator, she always tells me that great things will happen in my life but “In God’s time!” Gypsy gave me her blessings on my writing career and she told me to keep up the good work. Gypsy says that God is with me and in time he will grant the desires of my heart but I must be patient. Gypsy also told me many other things that I keep in my heart and I wait for God‘s time.

About the Author

Ruby is a promising writer who lives along the Roanoke River in North Carolina. She loves nature and animals as well as exciting stories that include paranormal activity. Ruby also loves poetry, children, and indigenous history. Ruby's unique writing ability entails "writing like people talk."


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