10 Points on Children for the New Parent
Everyone has their own ‘special’ way of parenting – some instantly wonderful and some great with a bit of gentle guidance. I remember when my daughter was born, later my son. According to many well meaning individuals, I should’ve done this,...
Back to School-Advice
It's back to school time.... Do you have everything you need to start the year off right? Confidence is key to success! For those first time jitters help welcome your pre-school and kinder students with a walk to the door and a quick goodbye. Quick...
Complete As One
A study to encourage those who are single. Being complete has everything to do with God and nothing to do with a mate.
Being single is thought of by many people as being incomplete. Even those of us who are single, often feel incomplete...
How to Celebrate Mother's Day with Emotional Intelligence
I am a mother. I had a mother. I write about emotional intelligence. There is nothing more emotional than
I am a mother. I had a mother. I write about emotional intelligence. There is nothing more emotional than "mother."
1. Be prepared...
Where Has All the ENCHANTMENT Gone? Long Time Passing ...
I thought you might enjoy reading a professional article I prepared several years ago. It is just as current today and really speaks to a tragedy in our health care system that we must all try to combat. I am trying to explain some of the...
My Mother, the Person
I left home at 17 and got my own apartment. I was very rebellious and independent. The first few months away from home, I was excited, but deep down I felt the insecurity of not having my mom, my safety net, to take care of me if and when I may be in need. As I grew up, I realized how she must have felt when I left home. (It was just the two of us for a long time because my dad left when I was 10 and my brother was off at college.) My mom had so much stress on her; especially around the time I was between 14 and 17 years old. We had no money, her mom died, she had a rough job, and all this was happening when she was going through her own reassessment of life; as was I. As an adult, I understand her anger and resentment regarding my leaving home. I left her...alone. I realize now that when I was feeling insecure being newly on my own, my mother must have been feeling the same way. She wasn't just feeling the effects as MY mom. She was feeling the effects of being a woman on HER own for her first time, too. She was feeling the effects of being a divorced woman, overdue bills, the loss of her mom, an independent son far away at college, and the daughter whom she pushed away due to misdirected anger while her daughter did the
same to her. A few years later, Mom and I began working out our kinks. We both realize now, that we both had our own demons as individual people. It was 2 hormonally changing females who both got the short end of The Stick of Life, together, against the world. What's the lesson we both learned in time? Those two words I just said...Together. Together we are mother and daughter, sometimes against the world still, but not against one another. I know now that my mom was more than MY MOM, she was a woman, a wife, an ex-wife, a working woman, a daughter, a sister, and more. At age 32, I still believe the world revolves around me, but now I know that it's not my mother's life-purpose to keep that world moving. I think now I have earned her respect as her daughter, and as a person. I know she sure earned mine. If she wasn't my mom, I would be so lucky just to know her.
About the Author
A 9 time published author of poetry, a long-time practicing witch, and day career of a 14 year manager of a veterinary hospital, I am hoping to publish my own first non-fiction book of writings and poetry in the near future. I have been writing and creating my own "greeting cards" since approximately age of 7 and still continue to date.
Poetry.Com: Free Poetry Contest, Poems, Publishing |
www.poetry.com/ - Similar pages |
Funny poetry for children |
Includes funny poetry, contests, lessons, and poems about school. |
www.gigglepoetry.com |
Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More |
Organization presenting poems, biographies of poets, historical and thematic poetry exhibits, events calendars, discussion forums and contest information. |
www.poets.org |
Poetry Archives @ eMule.com |
Educational resource dedicated to researching poetry. Includes an online archive of poetry by numerous recognized poets. |
www.emule.com |
Poetry Daily, a new poem every day. |
An anthology of contemporary poetry offering new poems from books, magazines and journals currently in print, as well as an archive and daily news. |
www.poems.com |
Poetry for Kids - Funny Poems for Children by Poet Kenn Nesbitt |
Features poetry for kids about animals, weather, and aliens. |
www.poetry4kids.com |
Poetry |
Searchable archive of online texts from a wide range of recognized poets, both historical and contemporary. |
poetry.eserver.org |
Poetry |
Website of the print magazine includes a weekly featured poet, information on current issue, subscriptions, and programs of the Modern Poetry Association. |
www.poetrymagazine.org |
Poetry 180 - Home Page |
Home page of the Library of Congress Poetry 180 Project. |
www.loc.gov |
Poetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Article discussing the nature of the form, its history, terminology and the different traditions. |
en.wikipedia.org |
Poetry.org - Resource site for poetry and poets |
Here you can learn about the history, meaning, and types of poetry, as well as terms ... And there is our selection of poetry from various famous poets, ... |
www.poetry.org |
Verse: Poetry Anthologies and Thousands of Poems. Bartleby.com |
With thousands of poems by hundreds of authors, Bartleby.com offers one of the largest free collections of verse, poems and poetry anthologies on the web. |
www.bartleby.com |
About Poetry |
Poets and poetry online including poetry festivals, readings, audio and video archives, contests, zines, word games and collaborations, haiku, and sonnets. |
poetry.about.com |
Poetry in the Yahoo! Directory |
Explore the world of poetry, including sites about poets, collections of poems, and information on writing. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Scholastic.com | Writing with Writers: Poetry |
Study the genre of poetry by taking part in step-by-step workshops with three of your favorite authors. Then have your work published online in our ... |
teacher.scholastic.com |
Poetry Magazine |
International digest of world poetry. Features contest listings and discussions for poetry writers. |
www.poetrymagazine.com |
Poetry Archive |
The Poetry Archive is an ever expanding archive of poets reading their own work. |
www.poetryarchive.org |
ETTC's new and improved Poetry Forms |
Interactive Poetry Form Finder Testimonials Poetry Forms Lesson Plan Ideas ... Choose your poetry form from the list of links on the left. ... |
ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us |
representative poetry online |
www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/intro.html - Similar pages |
Boston Review | Poetry |
Stephanie Strickland, The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot (Second Annual Poetry Contest Winner) Jesper Svenbro, Rainbows (translated by John Matthias and ... |
bostonreview.net |