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Don't fall for email scams.

by Michael Bilgic

Hi guys, you know if good old Mick here answered all the fraudulent and scamming emails not for one week but just for one day,Hey I would be a very rich man.Naturally I would be a billionare by one week if I was to believe them.

Normally by the time I wake up and turn the coffee machine on for a nice brew,and log on my p/c....Hey presto! I am worth and have just won amongst 5 emails over $10,000,000 pounds and dollars.I knew internet marketing was good but this great:)

What a great bunch of never acquainted friends I have on cyber world, entering competitions for me and winning them on my behalf.Plus having the courtesy to not run away with it but actually let me know about it,and the nice links I have to click with all my details of how I would like to be paid,gosh I must be soooo loved...but.!

But their is a catch....I must not tell anyone ssshhh, and it is extremely private,so as no one else can double claim the fortune.This is supreme love and caring for me,don't you think.?:)

I am now duly important enough for the secretary of large bank firms and oil corporations ,and the odd aircraft crash victims trustee' s etc contacting me,and lately even JR Ewing from Dallas...How fortunate am I...But I always ask why me,? Why did I deserve to be so cared for and loved.? what have I done to attract this fortune, love and blessings from the Universe.?

My mistake would have been letting my email out to unsavoury online sites,firms, business sections etc.In other words not protecting my privacy enough with due care.Actually be carefull who you join up with.Always use a throw away email if you are not 100% sure of the credentials of whom ever or which ever site you are joining.Here's why.

Some firms or bad operators actually sell your email on to others,when you unsubscribe from a list,why.?Because this only confirms your email address is alive and well.You might be actually be better just blocking the sender rather than unsubscribing from some sites online is my tip,and in good time as your email bounces from their servers they will delete your email,..Naturally they cannot send or sell a dud email address to any crooks or spammers.

Don't be so upset you receive them,It is a great learning curve on the methods and way crooks operate,thus in the long term consider it an education for yourself and family and friends for you to give advice.Make no mistake about it they are getting more clever and evolving by the minute,and you have to be on your guard and game to spot the crooks with their emails from a mile away,no matter how convincing they sound or come accros.

Unfortunately their efforts and scaming schemes reflect bad light onto the 95%+ majority of hard working honest people,websites,webmasters and genuine business operators online with integrity who would rather loose money than their reputation and name.

I have seen them all,but In anycase look out for EMAIL headings such as.


As I stated don't be mad,use it as a learning curve to look into the minds of the crooks to better arm yourself.Quite frankly these guys have sucked and hurt a lot of people out of their hard earned funds.Virtually clearing their bank accounts overnight.And in the process have hurt the honest genuine operators online.I sometimes don't know if I should feel sorry or angry at people whom have fallen as the scammers prey,Yes unfortunately human greed to get rich overnight takes over their normal sane senses and are immediately blinded by easy riches,whom the crooks rely on.In otherwords MONEY-EMOTION-DREAMS-GREED- = BAIT FOR SCAMMERS.THEY USE THIS PHYSCOLOGY TO LURE THEIR PREY INTO THEIR SCAMBAITS.

Take a look at a few examples below,most of you will see something similar or might accros. I will show you two similar scam mails sent by different operators.It is a good laugh for the guarded, but gnashing teeth,tears and pain for the victims.

Please note I have modified emails and telephone numbers only,as we do not want to emulate the crooks.

Remember all they want to do is empty your bank accounts and your pockets,via you giving them details. ===========================================


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Miss Kimaeva Lioudmila personal Secretary to MikhailKhodorkovsky the Richest man in Russia and owner of the followingcompanies,

Chairman CEO: YUKOS OIL (Russian Largest Oil Company)Chairman CEO: Menatep SBP Bank (A well reputable financialinstitution with it's Branches all over the world).

SOURCE OF FUNDS:I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$24.5M, which I seekyour Partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with25% of The total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner onthis???


As a personal secretary to him, authority Was handed over to me intransfer of money of an American oil merchant For his last oil dealwith my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Already the funds have left theshore of Russia to an European private Bank where the final creditingis expected to be carried out. While I was on the process, My Bossgot arrested for his Involvement in politics by financing the leadingAnd opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces,led byBoris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party Led byGregor Yavlinsky) which poses treat to President Vladimir PutinSecond Tenure as Russian president.You can catch more of the story on This website:

YOUR ROLE:All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the Abovequoted Sum and I will re-profile the funds with your name, which willenable The European bank transfer the sum to you. I have decided touse this Sum to relocate to American continent and never to beconnected to any Of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates.As Soon as Iconfirm your readiness to conclude the transaction with me, I Willprovide you with the details.Please reach me through this emailaddress, for further corresponding.Thank you very much.

RegardsKimaeva Lioudmila.


Here is another with a similar theme,titled to me.



Attn:Dear Sir/Mardam,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners International programs held on the 28/03/2005.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number :EL-23133 with serial number: EL- 123542,batch number: EL-35,lottery ref number: EL-9318 and drew lucky numbers 7-1-8-36-4-22 which consequently won in the 1st category,you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$2,500,000.00 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States dollars).


Due to mix up of some numbers and names,we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money Remitted to you.This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 40,000 company and 20,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world.

The rest of the email goes on and on blah blah etc.


Dear reader as you can see the ways to a unsuspecting mind and heart are many and various.It is an ongoing world wide collective battle.Please visit our site, and we will endevour to bring you genuine related articles, keeping you in the loop with scams and scam tecniques and schemes with plenty of articles and links for you to arm yourself with.Including good marketing programs companies and methods.

Also You can contribute in confidence through this site If you have any scam stories and whistle blowing artilces etc,and I will publish them on merit,to help and educate the millions of innocents out there on the net.I am just an ordinary guy trying to make an honest buck as most,and you will get my reports and articles with warts and all :)

Be one of the cog's in fighting this menace on behalf of your fellow online users.Next time you read a scam story in the newspapers,dont can do something,join me,and others in looking after the innocent, and promoting honest products and opportunities as a team.Together as a team we can slapscam.

P.S dont forget to bookmark our sites as we regularly update our content and news articles regarding scams,products and genuine opportunities.

My sincere best wishes for,your safe online enjoyment,and earnings.Michael Visit our site now!

About the Author

Michael is the Webmaster of may contact him through the site for submitting articles or linking in the fields of scams, genuine products, and marketing online.




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