Defining The Qualities of A Professional
In today's business climate we are experiencing more interest in professionalism. The past five years provided many successes; however, most have been overshadowed by the non-ethical behavior of a few. Some people lost most of their retirement savings, and the US population is demanding a stronger US economy and a peaceful world. We've seen quality job opportunities decreasing and the need for profits has many projects being partially or wholly completed overseas. Many employees are traveling to other offices in the US because of the lack of projects locally. If they choose not to travel, they are being asked to take vacation or risk being laid off.
In tough times, I look to fundamentals to help right the path. One fundamental factor more prevalent in daily dialogue and business consists of defining the qualities of a professional. Some define a professional as a person who is being paid for a service. True, we require money to trade. However, some get paid by doing illegal activities.
To simplify, you can be or recognize a professional when three qualities are present. The first quality is trustworthiness. When you meet a person for the first time you immediately associate a level of trust with the person and their service. If the person happens to come via a recommendation, then usually the trust is greater. Regardless, just as relationships develop so does the level of trust. People that associate with each other on a high trust level know how to talk to one another and provide reasons the service they are representing can be beneficial. Knowing how to talk to one another is more than mannerisms. It is the ability to motivate one another to create positive results. Additionally, your involvement and input in your company, associations, volunteerism, charity work, and political ideas and opinions help develop trust. Not necessarily because two people agree on an issue but because somewhere on this path a common trust level evolves and continues to evolve as you share experiences. When trust is present, people will buy
from you or recommend your service.
Secondly, one should be helpful. By being helpful, you are essentially putting the other person in a better position. Negotiating is a great tool to show your willingness to help. An individual likes being dealt with as an individual. We as people and our services are too robust and diverse for "one size fits all". However, be sure you negotiate fairly. Don't provide an offer and service to someone unless they can provide valid reasons to do so. Putting together value metric points (goals) for your client is a great way to validate the value of your service. Be patient, ask questions to understand, have service options, and close win-win deals. Knowing how to make deals is essential to the success of a professional.
And lastly, a professional must care. Caring shows a desire to gain a better understanding of an individual's current scenario and what opportunities exist for you. It is the quality that says we may be individuals competing or not but when a certain scenario or circumstance exists we are united. When all three qualities of a professional are present, expect to see not only a professional but one that gets paid well and has a well balanced life.
Raju Gavurla, President of LiiiVEN™, Inc. is a Motivational Speaker and Consultant. Programs on motivation, communication, and mental health assist you in achieving your professional/personal goals. Contact him at 404-918-7366, e-mail or visit Copyright 2003 LiiiVEN™, All rights reserved. Duplication whole or in part must include this entire attribution.
About the Author
Your motivational speaker and consultant, Raj Gavurla, encourages you to think and make good decisions. Raj's sincere desire is to simplify and inspire your ability to make a significant difference.
Raj believes being nice is the key ingredient to achieving greater success. When speaking to audiences and working with clients, Raj always has a "You and I Are Going For The Victory!" attitude.