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Expanding your view of what's possible with your Internet business!
Expanding your view of what's possible with your Internet business! by Rod Moore, Goals Magic http://goalsmagic.opportunity.com
(This article may be published in your eZine, newsletter or web site provided the resource box details remain intact. For more articles like this contact self_manage@yahoo.com)
How much potential do you have? What are the boundaries to what is possible for you? What are the outer limits to your potential? Can these limits be expanded upon? How does your view of what's possible for you impact your Internet business?
There has never been a better time in history to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. There has never been a better vehicle to achieve success than the Internet. Right now you have at your finger tips the opportunity to achieve greatness, to make new connections with people around the globe, to access information and possibilities that did not exist only a few short generations ago.
Your view of what is possible for you though, will establish the outer limits of how far you will go with your Internet business. If you have self-imposed limits, or a limiting self-concept then you will have the handbrake on in all of your endeavours including your Internet or on-line business. So what do you believe is possible for you in your Internet business?
You see limits are self-imposed! You set your own limits.
The Internet offers abundance in every regard. There is an abundant number of people to connect with. There is an abundance of new people coming on-line all the time. There is an abundance of information and resources. An abundance of business opportunities, products and businesses to partner with. There is an abundance of money being exchanged over the Internet, services being provided and products sold everyday!
Napolean Hill said it best 'What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve!'
You see, if you have a limited view of possibility for your life then you will only get limited results. It's a little like going to the ocean with a tablespoon when you should take a bucket. If you go to the abundant Internet with a limited view, you will only see limited opportunity, limited resources, limited information. Your limited self-concept will manifest itself in limited results.
So how do you expand your view of what is possible with your Internet business? Ahh good question, im glad you asked. Let us take a look at a three step process you can get to work on immediately that will lead you to a more abundant view of your life and your Internet business.
Step 1: Dream a little ......
The first thing you should do is to dream a little on paper for awhile. Grab a clean sheet of paper, a pen and a willing can-do attitude and lets begin. At the top of the page write down 'MY IDEAL INTERNET BUSINESS' in big letters. Now this is the fun part. I want you to pretend for a moment that there are no limits to what is possible for your Internet business. No limits to how much money you can make, people you can serve, types of products you can create and sell.
If you knew you could not fail in your Internet business, what would you attempt? If your success was gauranteed provided you did the work what would you try? Write down exactly what your Internet business would look like. Don't hold anything back. Write down everything you can think of. How many subscribers to your eZine or newsletter? How many people in your downline in your MLM? How many unique visitors a day? What is your visitor to subscriber ratio? Why not aim high and go for a 50% conversion ratio?
The key to this exercise is to write down everything that comes to mind rather than question whether it is possible or realistic. At this stage don't worry about how you are going to achieve this ideal Internet Business ... simply get it down on paper. How you are going to achieve the things you write down are out of your hands at this stage.
When I first sat down to design my Goals Magic site my first goal was to get 10,000 subscribers who use the system. Then I thought, well what if I could get 100,000? So, I crossed off the 10,000 and wrote down 100,000. A few days later I came back and thought, well if I can get 100,000 then surely I could get one million people to use the Goals Magic System, after all I give it away for free. My view of what was possible was dramatically expanded from 10,000 to one million. It caused me to unearth new ideas, strategies and techniques. My brain was more acutely tuned to look for the resources I now needed to reach my expanded view.
Set your imagination free. Temporarily remove
the mental roadblocks and just imagine what if you could achieve anything at all. Einstein said 'the imagination is more powerful than the will'. Design your ideal Internet business in your imagination, write it down on paper and begin to believe its possible. Why shouldn't you be the next Internet multi-millionaire?
So what do you now believe is possible for you in your Internet business? Keep working at this until your self-concept can accept that firstly it is possible to achieve, and secondly that it is possible for you. Once you expand your view of what is possible you will begin to experience the magic of goals unfolding in your life.
Step 2 : Clealry define your reasons ....
Once you have designed your ideal Internet business, you need to turn your attention to the reasons why you wish to achieve it. You see without powerful reasons why your Internet business is just a fantasy or day dream.
Powerful compelling reasons provide the fuel to propel you forward. It is your reasons why that provide the motivation to overcome the certain obstacles that will get in your way. They will drive you onward when it is early in the morning and you are on-line making the right connections. When your reasons why are big enough the facts no longer count.
Write down now all the reasons why you must achieve your ideal business. What positive impact will the extra money have in your life? How will the freedom of having your own business and working from home impact your family. What positive contribution can you make in the lives of others?
A lot of people have a tendancy to skip over the process of defining their reasons why. However when the going gets tough it is only your reasons why that will compel you to overcome the difficult times. Clarity around why you must achieve your ideal Internet business is the most motivating force you can engage in your life.
Define your reasons for achieving success on-line today.
Step 3 : Develop points of reference ....
The third step in expanding your view of what is possible in your Internet business is to develop points of reference. Find people who have achieved what you wish to achieve. Once you do understand this, if they can do it then you can to! You have access to the same information, resources, and opportunities on-line as they do. You can develop the skills to implement your ideas and become a success. If someone else has done it then you can to plus some!
If your goal is to earn $5 million dollars a year from your Internet business then you could use Corey Rudl as your point of reference. Find out everything you can about Corey, study his business and products. Get to understand how he thinks. Borrow his ideas and expand on them and turn them into yours. If Corey can do it then you can to! He has no exclusive rights over internet success.
If you are a single mother with children and want to earn $500 - $1,000 a week part time from your computer at home then get to know Lynn Terry of the Web Service Network. Subscribe to her brilliant newsletter 'Self Starters Weekly Tips' by visiting her web site at http://www.SelfStartersWeeklyTips.com Find out what Lynn does and how. Use her as a role model and learn from her extensive experience.
Corey and Lynn are just two role models out there. There are thousands more. If you seek them you will find them. Find suitable role models for your particular Internet business. Study them. Learn from them. Ask them questions and ask for their help.
The more role models or points of reference you develop, the more you will begin to believe that it is possible for you to achieve similar success. But here is the clue ... you have to define ehat your business looks like first, have strong reasons why and then go in search of suitable role models. Alternatively you could continue with your limited view of what is possible and maintain your current level of success. The choice is yours. The power is in your hands. Unleash it today and do something magnificent with your life!
***** Rod Moore is the developer of the Goals Magic System. He is on a mission to give away one million copies of his personal goal setting system. Get your FREE copy today and expand your view of what is possible at http://goalsmagic.opportunity.com
(C) 2003 - Copyright Self Management Systems. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Rod Moore is the developer of the Goals Magic System. He is on a mission to give away one million copies of his personal goal setting system. Get your FREE copy today and expand your view of what is possible at http://goalsmagic.opportunity.com