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:: Ignite Your Business Success
So you want to start your own BUSINESS ? But you don't know how to make it happen. Here is my best advice to you.
Your first ultimate start must include written goals and plans. Formulate a plan of weekly activity and be persistent in following it—if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sticking to your plan is essential for success.
Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal. You cannot become successful in anything when you're trying to do too many things at once.
Treat your business as a serious, full-time business, and it will become one. Think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself.
Be patient. You'll work the hardest your first six months or so and get compensated the least. Big incomes never happen overnight. Always be ENTHUSIASTIC!! Don't give yourself unrealistic expectations. Realize that what you accomplish is mainly in your hands, no one else's.
Also realize that, when you see a problem, 95% of the time there are factors you are unaware of. Don't jump to conclusions. When you have a problem, present it in a concise letter as positive, constructive criticism. Offer solutions if possible, too.
Not only will this approach get you better results, but you'll be building your relationship with your upline instead of tearing it down. Be organized, but don't allow the act of organizing keep you from the most important element of a successful business: MARKETING. Market and promote your business EVERY DAY! Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the many positives...and the "big picture."
Always remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes. Don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes and other obstacles, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible. Don't be a negative thinker and don't let the negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you.
All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers who said it couldn't be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself! Don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis." Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.
HOME BUSINESS DYNAMIC Every house is build brick by brick. So is your home
business ! Of course we all want to go faster. But we have to start at the base first. It's a basic law. We are subject to time and circumstances. We have to learn. We have to experiment. With learning and experimenting we get experience. And with experience we become an expert.
We have to set goals. The goals will guide us one step at a time. It will will pave the way to our success. You cannot go on a road trip without knowing your destination. You need a map. You need time. You need to rest. You need to eat. And sometimes there is roadblock. When we hit a dead end we turn back and take another road. But we keep going to our destination.
It's the same thing with your home business. There is bumps and jumps and sometimes we crash. But we always keep our eyes to the goal. That is what give us the drive. It's our paradise. The goal become our existence. And it is.
By never, never giving up you will reach your goal one day. One mile at a time. It's impossible that you won't reach it. Unless you die. That's the only secrets to success. One client at a time. One step at a time. 100 client at a time. Until you reach thousand like me and make your $100,000 a year and +.
To make $100,000 a year, start by making $100 per month. After that $500 a month. And after that $5000. And so on and so on.
Day by day, your on your way to succeed, week by week your on your way to succeed, month after month your on you way to succeed, year after year your on your way to succeed.
Until you reach your goal in 2 YEARS. (Maybe less, Maybe More.)
We reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting! Today you are planting...and will be at least for the next several months. Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patient. Think long term. Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business and you cannot fail.
Don't quit. The only way to fail is if you give up. Remember always..."You are what you think you are"
Copyright © Michel Richer
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link.
Courtesy of: http://hombyz.com
About the Author
Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of http://hombyz.com.
He is DEDICATED to helping you succeed on the Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid REPUTATION in the industry.
Start Your Internet Business For FREE ! Complete Details At : http://hombyz.com/homebusiness.htm