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MM4M:Manifesting Millionaires
What does becoming a Millionaire have in common with having coffee, toilet paper, paper clips and mayonnaise show up in our lives?
Susan James, Author of "Manifesting 101 & Beyond" and "17 Seconds to Weight Loss/The Guide", writes in her latest project, "Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires", the equation to Millionaire, which James says is backwards from what are taught.
Most self-empowerment books for attaining success and wealth usually have these keywords as the main themes of achieving wealth and or millionaire status: Focus, desire, subconscious, goals, self-worth, making list of goals, positive mental attitude, belief, faith, and passion for what you do.
Although, these are great well meaning words and guidelines, there is a huge piece of the puzzle missing. James goes on to formalize in the beginning of "Manifesting Methods For Would Be Millionaires" exactly what this book is about:
A. The Application of The Mechanics of Energy & Spirit towards Multimillionaire Status.
There is a Physics, a simple, easy, useable physics behind every great concept and idea; This "user friendly physics" is now being made available to the masses.
B. "Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires" takes the plan that many writers have given us over many years, and dissects the parts, so that we understand the workings of the energy, like the ingredients of a recipe.
D. There is a Mechanics behind our ideas and inspirations, that can be explained, understood, and implemented, just like a car instruction manual provided with a car.
Following are excerpts from of "Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires": 1
You can not be a millionaire, if you are worrying about getting your bills paid, or putting gas in the car.
You can not be a millionaire if you are a person who is purposely unkind to others.
You can not be a millionaire if you are constantly concerned about your health or a bad back.
Summary: You can not be a millionaire, if you are thinking, and talking about not having enough money to take care of your life, and if you are in an unpleasant state of mind with other people, and or you are constantly talking about how bad you feel or how sick you are.
Your question or query might now be; "well, I am none of those things !"
Possibly you are a person who is not concerned about money for day to day living, & quite possibly you are nice and generous with other people, and you are in good health in general .
So why aren't You a Millionaire then, based on the previous words?
Together you and I will break this down into various components of energy. Levels of energy. You have to see and understand the mechanics of this millionaire quest. You can not jump from not a millionaire this moment and be one the next.
If you could do that, you would have done it already, and this book would not have landed in your life.
You want to be a millionaire, because it gives you more choices. It helps to take your mind off of frustrating things like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Being a Millionaire would give you freedom. Freedom for what? Well, Freedom to be who you want to be, when you want to be it.
So let's assume at least that much. That you have some spiritual inner sense about this.
I will also assume that you are okay about having lots of money, and that it's not a *sin* to have lots of money.
This book is about A Force. This book is about the mechanics that you don't know about nor use. It's about ease in manifesting
the financial resources you want. It's about the same ease as having coffee and paper clips show up in your life.
There is an important phrase to begin to understand. That phrase is: pay attention
There are three words to apply to that phrase:
The first word is: word The second word is: clarity The third word is: Millionaire
The above phrase and 3 words are called an: energy faction
The energy faction is the secret ingredient to your millionaire status flowing to you.
We begin now dissecting the mechanics of this energy faction, so that you are a Millionaire.
In the following pages we will break down this energy faction.
You will develop an understanding of :
Pay Attention The Consciousness of Word The Energy of Clarity The Essence of Millionaire.
Dissecting the parts of the energy faction:
Pay Attention:
What is paying attention?
Paying Attention is made up of two words.
Each word carries its own vibration.
What does that mean?
This means that each word, all words have their own Consciousness.
What does that mean?
This means, that each and every word that we think of first and then say is really a symbol. It is a symbol representing some thing . This thing is consciousness at some level of which that symbol, word represents.
The word represents the bridge between us & Consciousness. Since the word itself is consciousness, we as human vehicles with thought streams and voice patterns, give momentum to word consciousness by expressing through thought and or spoken word.
We help one form of consciousness meet up with other forms of consciousness to form a new experience. That is then delivered to us in the physical plane.
Another word for pay attention is focus. The phrase pay attention and focus are both words of commitment and decision. When these words are applied as verbs, they take action in Consciousness.
What does that mean?
That means, that when have the symbol of consciousness, representing itself in the form of pay attention and or focus, we are directing energy and We are telling , yes telling, the Universe, (Consciousness) what it is we are choosing in any moment.
There is a mechanics behind the phrase & word of Pay Attention & Focus which carries us to automatic behavior.
Why does it then become automatic? Because that is the way appreciation works. That's the way the Power of Softness works.
So we are now backing up a bit. We have thrown the baby out with the bath water. We have thrown away our magic wand without knowing it.
We have thrown words around the Universe having no idea what we were really doing. And what were we really doing?
We have been creating our personal lives and the life of humanity with our magic wand, that we did not even know we had. And we have been mis-using it. We have been mis-using it because we did not know that we held it in our hands.
We Now Know. And..... We Now Know how to Bring Millionaire To Us. `` "Manifesting Methods For Would Be Millionaires" is available in ebook form through Susan's website http://susanjames.org and http://booklocker.com/bookpages/susanjames03.html .
About the Author
Susan James primary theme throughout many of her various projects regarding human potential, is the "Application" of The Mechanics of Energy & User Friendly Physics to the design of our lives. More Offerings including free newsletters, by Susan James may be viewed on her website: http://susanjames.org .