Back To School Tips: 21 Universal Success Secrets
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Successful Internet Business Start-Up: 5 Tips To Buil A Profitable Business
You might think that it is hard to start an internet home
business. But in fact it is pretty easy to do business on the
internet. Of course you need some knowledge to begin your
internet business enterprise.
But you don't need a doctorate to do business on the web.
All you need is some computer knowledge and some internet
marketing basis and a good dose of determination.
Here is some basic tips on how to start an internet business.
== 1. Choose A Product or Service To Sell ==
On the internet you can find houndreds of product to sell.
You can sell your own product by creating your own, or
purchasing resale rights or being an affiliate with a good
internet company.
== 2. Business Domain Name ==
One important first step is to choose the best domain name you
can. Keep it as short and simple as possible.
Think of domain name like " Google " or " Yahoo ". They are
short and easy to remember.
I know that some people say to use keyword in youre domain name.
But if you choose " Internet Business " there is million of site
with this term.
So are you going to use for example
"AprofitableInternetbusiness.com" it might be a nice name but it
is too long and not simple.
== 3. Web Site ==
Having A good business website is essential to succeed with an
internet business.
Here is the thing you have to plan to build your website
A) Decide on the website design (colour schemes, buttons,
special effects etc). However, you may have a preference for a
certain colour or look. To help you choose a design, you may
wish to check out other people's websites or work with your web
designer's pre-set templates.
(b) The content. There are many items you may wish to include on
your website. The most common ones include:
1 Products And Services 2. Contact Information 3. Pricing 4.
Testimonials 5. Frequently Asked Questions 6. Resources &
Articles 7. Refund Policy 8. Privacy Policy 9. About Us
10. Site Map 11. Useful Links 12. On-line store
== 3. Choose a Web Hosting Company ==
What is a Web hosting Company?
A Web host is a company that provides server space for your
website. You can think of a web host as a commercial building.
The web host provides space for your website just as a
commercial building provides space for your shop or office.
What are some of the things you should look for when choosing a
web host? The criteria for choosing a free web host and a
commercial web hosting solution are slightly different although
they do overlap.
A) Web Space
Does it have enough space for your needs? If you envisage that
you will expand your site eventually, you might want to cater
for future expansion. Most sites use less than 5MB of web space.
Indeed, at one time, one of my other web sites,
thefreecountry.com, used less than 5MB of space although it had
about 150 pages on the site. Your needs will vary, depending on
how many pictures your pages use, whether you need sound files,
video clips, etc.
B) Bandwidth allotment
Nowadays, many free web hosts impose a limit on the amount of
traffic your website can use per day and per month. This means
that if the pages (and graphic images) on your site is loaded by
visitors beyond a certain number of times per day (or per
month), the web host will disable your web site (or perhaps send
you a bill).
It is difficult to recommend a specific minimum amount of
bandwidth, since it depends on how you design your site, your
target audience, and the number of visitors you're able to
attract to your site. In general, 100MB traffic per month is too
little for anything other than your personal home page and 1-3GB
traffic per month is usually adequate for a simple site just
starting out. Your mileage, however, will vary.
C) Reliability and speed of access
This is extremely important. A site that is frequently down will
lose a lot of visitors. If someone finds your site on the search
engine, and he tries to access it but find that it is down,
he'll simply go down the list to find another site. Slow access
is also very frustrating for visitors (and for you too, when you
upload your site). How do you know if a host is reliable or
fast? If you can't get feedback from anyone, one way is to try
it out yourself over a period of
time, both during peak as well
as non-peak hours. After all, it is free, so you can always
experiment with it.
== 4. How To Promote Your Business Website ==
Write An Article: Write an article promoting your site or
product. Write an article on a hot topic many people would like
more information on and submit it to various e-zines. How do you
find out what's hot? Visit a few of the message boards and see
what questions are raised often. Search Engines: Thousands of
search engines exist on the Internet. But, you should only be
concerned with the top eight or ten. You should manually submit
to the top eight: Alta Vista, Excite, Yahoo, Hotbot, Lycos,
Northern Light, Infoseek, Webcrawler, and use one of the FREE
automatic submission services like *SubmitPlus* to handle the
smaller search engines.
Directories: List your site here too. Directories organize sites
into categories. Good examples of Directories: Yahoo, Magellan.
Ezine Listings: If you have an e-zine to promote along with your
site. Why not list it with one of the many e-zine services on
the Internet. E-zine Library is a good one to start with.
Free Classifieds: You will have to submit to a ton of FREE
classifieds to get any significant traffic. Why? You are
competing with thousands of other Ads. Remember to work on your
Ad copy and make it attention grabbing. Go to one of the popular
search engines, type in Free Classifieds, and surf to the top 20
classified sites for beginners. Often, these sites will lead you
to several other Free Classified Sites. In response you'll get a
stack of e-mail thanking you for listing your site while barking
their promo. Best to get one of those free email accounts. Hot
mail is a good one. So is Yahoo mail.
FFA Pages. Free For All's are worth a try. Be prepared for a
avalanche of e-mails from FFA web site owners. If your title is
attention grabbing you will get a few clicks. Good Attention
grabbing headlines, FREE, Limited Time, Limited Offer, Proven,
Secrets, and many more if you brainstorm. Check out the sales
literature delivered to you by regular mail. Check and see what
headlines grab your attention. And why? Incorporate them into
your Online Ads.
Tell Friends And Family: If your friends, family,
acquaintances, have an Internet Connection, e-mail them telling
them about your new website, and ask them to visit often. Offer
a FREE incentive if they tell a few friends to surf over.
Perhaps, a FREE Ad in your e-zine.
Leave Business Cards or Flyers: Leave these promo pieces with
small businesses in your community. All relevant contact
information; email address, URL, telephone number, should be
included. Offer a freebie to anyone who visits your site. A free
e-book, report.
Think of your first six months primarily as a training period.
Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself.
Even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs in the
industry took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real
Don't be a negative thinker and don't let the negative attitudes
of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers)
influence you.
All the great men and women in history had to overcome the
naysayers who said it couldn't be done--and then went out and
did it. Think for yourself!
As long as you think positive and focused on your internet
business target you're on the right way to a rich life, which is
directed by you and it will lead you to tremendous success and
personnal satisfaction.
Copyright © Michel Richer
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This business article may be
republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in
print, provided it appears with the included copyright and
author's resource box with live website link.
Courtesy of: http://hombyz.com : For All Your Internet Business
About the author:
Michel Richer, The Internet Business Specialist Can Help You
Build A Successfull Internet Business That Can Generate Massive
Profit !!! So Start Your Own Internet Business for FREE >> Visit
Now :: http://hombyz.com/homebusiness.htm
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