20 Ways To Improve Your Life
People often ask me how they can improve their lives.
I always give them very specific advice on simple things they
can do to create a radical shift in their experience of life.
Here are 20 ways to improve your life. I challenge you to...
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Time Management, Avoiding Negative
Life is a bummer and then we pay the ultimate price. Times are
always changing making it difficult for us to keep up with the
advancements in our lives. If we are thinking positive most
times good, fortunes come our way, but if we are pessimistic, it
is likely life is going to get you down! When you get up in the
morning do you often say, "help me make it through another day?"
On the other hand, do you brew up some coffee, fire up the stove
and put on a healthy breakfast, reading the newspaper as it
cooks on the stove? If you are doing the second question in
order, then you are on your way to success and managing your
time well.
When you are taking time out for yourself including you in your
time management scheme, you are adding time to your schedule.
This might sound crazy, but when you take time out for your
self-including a healthy diet and exercise, you are bringing up
spirits that work hard to be more productive in life. We are
already on the edge of time, so there is no sense in making
things harder than they are. One of the things that most people
lack in life that most of us say we have is respect. Respect
comes in several forms.
We must have respect for our self before we can respect others.
Respect is an interpersonal ability that makes obvious a
positive reception of the individuality of other people and a
broadmindedness to recognize the differences in others, and the
readiness to work together with others as equals. Therefore if
you are lacking respect you know time management is a waste of
time, since most people you meet at work, school, or interact
with at home is recognizing your inability to show respect for
others. Lack of respect promotes GREED, which cultivates plans
that strive on time against time, as well as negative thinking.
It would take me all day to breakdown negative patterns in
thinking process, but for the most part, we need to evaluate the
essentials, since time management is the ability to bring forth
success if time management is worked right.
If you are seeking a positive attitude you might want to
'self-disclosure' which is the readiness to contribute your
individual experiences with other individuals around you. This
includes work, home and school or anyone you are. Personal
experiences are how we learn to achieve. If we are open minded
it brings forth positive. Immediacy is the ability to openly
discuss with others what you have learned, and what you expect
to gain.
This is called effectual communication. When you have effectual
communication, it sparks motivation, which in turn contributes
success to your time management schemes. If the people around
you are affecting your way of thinking, you might want to
confront them instead of letting it go. We have no choices when
it comes to work, family, and school. We have to be around other
people and influences will affect us if we let them. Negative
thinking is not a birth defect; it is the direct affect of
teachings and influences.
Do not let anyone misled you! One method that I found effective
for avoiding negative thinking is not letting people control me,
rather taking control of my own individuality. I stand firm in
my beliefs simply because I did research for more than 20 years,
investigated each and every word people said to me, and role
played the solutions, and when I found positive was the day I
found the TRUTH. The truth will indeed set you free.
This is essential and I stress this logic since life is always
changing and we have to accept those changes by finding the
truth. Money is the root of all evil. There is no one in life
that is not striving to make more money. Therefore, the key to
thinking positive and planning a time management scheme is
search within your self, research your information, and find a
solution that best fits your plan for reaching your goals. No
one has all the answers, but answer is available if you want to
learn positive time management schemes.
About the author:
Tony Robinson is a company director, web master and an authority
on Time Management. For more handy tips and techniques visit