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What Bowling and Success Have In Common
was flying home from a seminar in Atlanta yesterday afternoon on Delta and they have TVs on each seat.
It was 1pm and I was a bit tired, so I was channel surfing and wouldn't have minded if I just fell asleep for the trip.
But as I was surfing, I came across ESPN, the sports network, and they were having the finals of a bowling tournament.
I'm not a huge bowling fan, I do try to 'hit the lanes' once or twice a year, but I caught the end of an interview with one of the bowlers and it got my attention.
Here's why.
He was talking about how important staying focused and having a positive attitude is, but then he said something that I know to be so helpful.
I call them, S.R.P.'s.
S.R.P. stands for ‘Success Reference Points.’
Here's what he said:
He said that he thinks about a time in the past when he was bowling and 'on fire', and he was doing great.
He puts himself back in that mindset.
What was he saying to himself?
How was he standing, how was his posture?
He even watched old bowling videos of him doing great.
We all have moments in our past that we can REMEMBER and use in the PRESENT.
In Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography, he talks about using this same principle to quickly help him succeed.
Ask yourself:
When was there a time in my life when I was doing GREAT, when I felt UNSTOPPABLE? What were my habits, what was my self-talk, how was I feeling? Then TAKE THAT mindset into the present....
Feel strong.
Feel powerful.
Be on
top of your game.
This bowler I was watching, with the help of this strategy, won his first ever major bowling tournament and $100,000.
At any moment, we can choose to be strong or weak, we can c hoose to remember a negative moment or a positive one.
YOU are in charge.
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Stretch yourself and allow yourself to be uncomfortable before you're comfortable.
Your growth is all about going from awkward to natural.
Jim Tucker e-mailed me Saturday and told me how my "Power of Concentration Success System' helped him go from awkward to natural and conquer his fears. http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/adtrack.asp?AdID=133804
You DESERVE to have an amazing next 48 hours.
Let's start it right now.
Move into ACTION, that's where the MAGIC happens!
Put yourself in a positive and strong mindset BECAUSE great things will happen.
I believe in you.
Talk to you soon.
Mike Litman
About the Author
Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman ‘a modern day Napoleon Hill’ and at the age of 30 he’s already shared the stage with well-known speakers such as Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Proctor.