Discover the Paid Advertising Strategies -- Without Blowing Your Budget!
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How to increase the ROI on your PPC campaigns
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost effective (and just plain effective) ways to get laser-targeted traffic to your website. For just pennies per click you can have your offer placed in front of only those people who are truly interested in what you have to offer.
There is a problem with PPC however. Return On Investment (ROI) can be quite low if your ad campaigns aren’t designed properly. In a nutshell, you need to make sure that enough people who click on your ad make a purchase to allow you to end up with a healthy overall profit!
Here are a few tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your PPC ad campaigns:
1 – Write clear and concise ad copy that tells the potential customer EXACTLY what she will find after the link is clicked. Since you have to pay cash for each and every click, you want to limit the clicks to those people who are truly interested in what you’re offering!
2 – Be creative with the keywords but be precise in the ad copy. While you want the ad copy to be very precise in describing your offer, you want as many people as possible to see the ad in the first place.
Using several variations of the wording in your key phrases and synonyms for your keywords you can ensure that your ad will be displayed for a wide variety of search terms.
Then your laser-targeted ad copy will “weed out” those who just aren’t interested in your particular offer.
3 – Link the ad to the EXACT landing page of the offer described in the ad, NEVER to your home page. If your prospects have to search for a link to the offer, they simply won’t do it in most cases. The web is all about instant gratification, and the “back button” is used extensively when people click on a link only to find something that wasn’t described in the ad.
4 – Test, test, and then test some more! The key to maximizing the ROI of any ad campaign is testing, and PPC is no different. Set up test campaigns using various keywords/phrases and different ad copy. Analyze the results after a few days, and then drop the ads that perform poorly and expand the ones that do well.
5 – Experiment with the bid prices for your keywords. For example, you might well find that a bid of $0.35 results in almost as many clicks (and customers) as a bid of $0.55! This means you save 20 cents on each and every click! Remember, your ad doesn’t have to be displayed in the top position for it to be effective.
About the Author
Rick Rouse is the owner of RLROUSE Directory & Informational Resources, one of the fastest growing Directories on the web. Visit http://www.rlrouse.com and submit your URL!