An SEO Glossary - Common SEO Terms Defined
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an essential weapon in the arsenal of every online business. Unfortunately, for most business owners and marketing managers (and even many webmasters), it's also somewhat of an enigma. This is partly due...
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This article examines the basics behind quality site promotion.
Let us take a good look at acronyms in the industry! Search
Engine Optimization(SEO), is a term thrown around a million
times a day online. So many sites use old techniques that...
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and web-positioning techniques.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and web- positioning techniques.
Optimisation for search engines rankings
The Fact That Matters!!! Nearly 99.99% of these visitors came from search engines including Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL....etc.
How to Master Google AdWords
Then most difficult aspect of marketing a new product or web site is to find enough people that are interested in it so that they are ready to buy. Mastering Google AdWords will enable you to drive traffic to your web site and start making sales immediately. You can create a Google AdWord campaign in a matter of minutes and be making sales within 24 hours.
Benefits of Mastering Google AdWords
1. Test Products - with Google AdWords you can quickly test a product to determine if there is a demand for it. If you generate a lot of clicks, this may mean you have a winning product.
2. Generate sales leads - use Google AdWords to generate leads by offering something for free to obtain their email address. Following this, create an autoresponder series to build a relationship with the person. Through this long term relationship you can continually introduce new products to them.
3. Sell your own products - this can produce large profits because you don't have to deal with any middle men which tend to reduce your total profits.
4. Sell other people's products through affiliate programs - you become the sales person for a large company. The company provides a quality product that is in high demand, with a professional web site and sales page. You simply direct visitors to this site and collect commissions for every sale you make.
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Do extensive keyword research first - use Wordtracker to find the best keywords that fit the product you wish to sell. Make a list of at least 50-100 keywords or keyword phrases. Create different ads based on your most targeted keywords. Not all keywords will necessarily be profitable, however you can use them later when developing content for your web pages.
2. Create several ads within an ad group. - an ad group consists of a group of ads you create for the keywords you have researched. Choose your most targeted keyword or keyword phrase then create at least 2 different ads so you can see which ad produces the highest click through rate.
The click through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of times a person clicks on your ad based on the number of times it is viewed. For example if 100 people see your ad and only one person clicks on your ad to be taken to your web site, then the CTR for that ad is 1/100, 1%.
3. Don't place too many keywords in one ad group - if your keyword phrase is “red wagons” then create an ad group of 2 ads containing this phrase. If your keyword phrase is “blue wagons” then create another ad group with 2 ads containing this phrase. All your keywords must be similar.
4. Write an attractive ad - you have a very limited space to write your ad so you need to make each word count if you want your visitors to click through to your web site or landing page. Start with a clear headline, followed by benefit, feature then web address.
5. Use strong verbs
in your ad - strong verbs link directly to the five senses--touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste--and to familiar emotions. They are short and personal: "run," "fight," "love," "say."
Weak verbs seem abstract and impersonal. They tend to be long words: "employ," "postpone," "construct."
Here’s a comparison of weak and strong verbs:
Weak verbs Inform Reduce Indicate Modify Endeavor Desire
Strong Verbs tell, say cut show change try want
Next time you visit the grocery store look at some of the headlines of popular magazines ie Cosmopolitan Magazine. They spend millions of dollars researching words which will attract readers. By using strong verbs in your ads your visitor will be more inclined to take action.
6. Write ads that have rhythm - ads that have a flow nice flow to them effect people in a better way than ones that don’t ie “simple self defense”
7. Set a daily budget - Google will recommend a specific amount to spend for each click. Don’t go with their recommendation as they probably have their own self interest in mind. Start with a smaller daily amount than what is suggested ie 5 cents per click and keep a eye on your CTR. Ads shown at the top of the page don’t necessarily produce the highest CTR. Aim for positions 6-8. Google will rotate your ads periodically so each one of them gets equal exposure.
8. Check on your ad regularly - when you first run your ad, check on it 3-4 times per day until you have got at least 50 clicks.
9. Refine your ads - discard those ads that are not producing a high click through rate. Continue editing those ads that work or create new ones within your same ad group until you find a winner. You can do this by using different combinations of keywords or trying different headlines.
10. Track your ads - track which ads produce the most clicks. The adtracker I recommend you use is Adtrackz:
This software allows you to create a different URL for each ad and tracks how many clicks you receive each day from placing the ad. You can also use the Google tracker that's included with your AdWrords account, however it is not as powerful as Adtrackz and has much less features.
When you have created a winning ad (high CTR) adjust the landing page of your web site until you convert the visitors into buyers.
By mastering Google Adwords Ads, you can confidently expand your marketing campaign to include other PPC advertising companies ie Overture, FindWhat and also try offline advertising.
About the Author
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) owner and author of http://www.iSiteBuild.com. Affordable Web Site Design, Web Hosting, Promotion Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes Get the Definitive Fast-Start Guide for Google AdWords http://www.isitebuild.com/cgi-bin/a/t.cgi?adwords