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Forecasting and Surviving a Layoff or Downsizing
Dirty words for jobseekers include downsizing, acquisitions, mergers, closures, cutbacks, and layoffs. No one wants to lose their job, especially with rising gas, utility, and cost-of-living prices. Just the mention of proposed company changes has employees turning to the rumor mill with the same aggressiveness that paparazzi clamor for celebrities’ pictures.
Let’s be honest, no one looks forward to being let go, for any reason, and unemployment isn’t enough to keep most families afloat. People rely on their incomes; therefore, identifying any hint of a layoff is critical to jobseeker survival. Facing unemployment can be daunting, but the true test is how you prepare for it with the time you’re given.
Unlike days passed, companies rarely announce an upcoming layoff, unless the story is leaked and somehow makes the six o’clock news. A number of reasons account for these tactics, for example, the attitude and dedication of employees oftentimes change once their necks are potentially on the chopping block. In addition, private documents may suddenly disappear at the hands of disgruntled employees. Companies have too much to lose, so you can understand the need to keep a layoff or downsizing hush-hush.
So, how do you learn what’s going on behind your back? Companies doomed with potential layoffs oftentimes drop breadcrumbs before making cuts:
A management or executive-level restructuring, elimination of a second or third shift, and changes in inventory or production levels, are all signs that something is going on. Ask co-workers, particularly those involved with inventory and clients, how things are going. Account managers, for example, will be the first to know when a large client won’t be renewing a major contract or if sales have dropped significantly. An inventory and procurement professional will be the one to ask whether suppliers have stopped being delivered to due to late or non-payment issues.
Check the pulse of the local media. Newspapers and business publications can offer a window into the financial health of your employer. Stories and articles covering missed contracts or severed business relationships should capture your interest.
Keep in mind, negative indications doesn’t mean you should react hastily. Companies always undergo changes — more so in today’s market. Cutting the fat and shifting to lean operations is a necessity to staying profitable and continuing to grow in competitive markets. As companies are being transformed, retraining or cutting back on staff is sometimes unavoidable.
Let’s say the above signs are present in your situation. Immediately shift into survival mode, especially if the layoff is rumored to happen within hours or days. Have you heard the adage, a large project is better completed when broken down into proportional smaller projects? Facing unemployment or termination is much more manageable and “chewable” if you conduct an in-depth
analysis of where you stand.
Update your resume and start scanning for potential employers. Remember, I mentioned above about reading newspapers and business publications? Those same publications can be a huge asset to you while you’re job searching, because they also tell you what companies are expanding, landing the big contracts, and expecting to see growth. Look at industries (possibly outside your current one) that aren’t facing job losses because you don’t want to jump from one sinking ship to another.
Get your financial affairs in order. Unemployment and severance will help for a short time, but prepare for being unemployed much longer, even if your company plans to call you back. It’s difficult to foresee who will obtain a job immediately or the actual timeframe in which you’ll be called back, so prepare for the worst-case scenario. Save more money than ever before, and sell assets that no longer benefit you or depreciate (lose value) consistently over time. Selling an unused boat, for example, can offer enough money to support your family for a few weeks up to a couple of months. Much as a business expands and contracts, you will find it necessary to do so also.
Cut back on frills and wants. If your company is cutting back, you should too. Controllable, and unnecessary, expenses include morning cappuccinos or dining out for lunch. With jaw-dropping gas prices, a person could easily save $20 to $80 a week by carpooling to work.
By tightening the belt, your hard-earned dollars will stretch farther and will make your job search less stressful. One of the biggest killers for surviving job loss, in my opinion, is desperation. When funds run dry or drastically low, jobseekers become desperate and make critical mistakes during their job search. Don’t put yourself on that path.
Approach your HR department with a “what if” scenario to determine if outplacement services would be offered should the company announce an official layoff. It’s unlikely that your human resources department will offer-up details about an upcoming layoff, so pitch a “if there was a layoff” scenario and determine what the company’s actions would be.
Will you be able to cover your expenses at half your salary? Since unemployment rates hover around 50% of your current wage, sit down and create a detailed spreadsheet that includes your forecasted amount of unemployment in relation to monthly expenses.
Identifying warning signs for workforce changes will provide necessary time to plan and prepare. Taking control of the situation, before it takes control of you, will make a huge difference.
Read more articles from Teena Rose by visiting, http://www.resumebycprw.com/resume_articles.htm
Teena Rose is a certified and published resume writer and author of "20-Minute Cover Letter Fixer" and "Cracking the Code to Pharmaceutical Sales." (available at the Resume to Referral bookstore)
PR.com: Directory of Businesses Jobs Press Releases Products ... |
Comprehensive Directory of Businesses, Jobs, Products, Services, Press Releases, News, & Articles in all Industries. Promote your business. FREE. |
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PR Newswire - news distribution, targeting and monitoring |
News and press release distribution services for small business marketing, corporate public relations and investor relations, government and organizational ... |
www.prnewswire.com |
PR Week Magazine |
News and features about the public relations industry, with links to US, UK, Asian, and German editions. |
www.prweek.com |
Public relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Public relations (PR) is the art of managing communication between an organization and its ... PR historians say the first PR firm, the Publicity Bureau, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Puerto Rico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article covers the country's history, government and politics, geography, economy, demographics, language and culture. |
en.wikipedia.org |
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) |
Largest professional organization of public relations specialists representing business, consulting firms, government, associations, schools, ... |
www.prsa.org |
CIA - The World Factbook -- Puerto Rico |
Profile of Puerto Rico by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). |
https: |
Center for Media and Democracy - Publishers of PR Watch |
A nonprofit, public interest organization dedicated to investigative reporting on the public relations industry. |
www.prwatch.org |
Puerto Rico Vacations | Puerto Rico Tourism Company | Puerto Rico ... |
Puerto Rico Tourism Company Official site includes nightlife, area sports, culture, and travel information. |
www.gotopuertorico.com |
PR: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with pr on Technorati. ... This page shows everything that has been tagged with pr. To contribute to this page include this code ... |
www.technorati.com |
Edelman |
Full service global public relations firm. Includes company profile, management team, practice areas, industries served, case histories, client listings, ... |
www.edelman.com |
LEWIS PR - global public relations |
LEWIS PR is a global public relations consultancy working with leading and emerging brands and delivering predictable results tied tightly to client goals. |
www.lewispr.com |
IANA | .pr - Puerto Rico |
University of Puerto Rico Gauss Laboratory Facundo Bueso Building Office 265 ... Puerto Rico Email: tech@uprr.pr Voice: +787 765 3263 Fax: +787 754 0757 ... |
www.iana.org |
Online Public Relations Home Page |
Free online resource for public relations professionals. |
www.online-pr.com |
Chartered Institute of Public Relations, CIPR, the professional ... |
The CIPR is the professional body for the UK public relations industry, providing PR training and events, PR news and research, and a PR jobs board. |
www.ipr.org.uk |
PR News Online — Trusted Source for Public Relations News, PR ... |
The latest news on public relations delivered FREE right to your inbox. ... Psycho-Geometrics Help You Know What 'Shape' Your PR Team's Personality Is In ... |
www.prnewsonline.com |
O'Dwyer's Public Relations News - odwyerpr.com |
Features breaking news about the public relations industry, a database of PR firms, listing of PR service firms, client search tool and job postings. |
www.odwyerpr.com |
PR News Online — Trusted Source for Public Relations News, PR ... |
E-letter. The latest news on public relations delivered FREE right to your inbox. ... Share ideas with your peers in PR News' just-launched Forum ... |
www.prandmarketing.com |
Linux PR: |
Comprehensive Press Release and Public Relations resource for the Linux community. |
www.linuxpr.com |
Escape to Puerto Rico - Your Internet Guide to Puerto Rico |
Internet guide to everything Puerto Rico. Offers lots of photos, accommodations and travel information from around the Island. |
escape.topuertorico.com |