Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Selecting a present for a new mom or dad can be a challenging task. Baby showers are a great way to help support a new mother with her new baby. New mothers can sign up at a gift registry to avoid duplicate gifts and to indicate her gift...
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Baby Shower Gift Ideas 2
Selecting a present for a new mom or dad can be a challenging task. Baby showers are a great way to help support a new mother with her new baby. New mothers can sign up at a gift registry to avoid duplicate gifts and to indicate her gift preferences. Here are some good gift ideas for baby showers:
1) Diapers - Diapers are a popular gift for baby showers. Every new mother will need plenty of diapers for her new baby and this is a very safe gift to get if you do not have any other ideas or don't know what other people are getting.
2) Personalized Blanket - A personalized blanket is a nice gift for a new baby. Having the name on the blanket gives it a personal touch and makes it a great keepsake even after the baby outgrows it.
3) Stuffed Animals - A new baby needs plenty of toys to stay entertained. Stuffed animals are always a favorite among newborns. A teddy bear is the most traditional gift, but other stuffed animals are also acceptable gifts.
4) Baby Gift Baskets - Baby gift baskets can contain a wide variety of baby supplies in them, including baby wipes, diapers, clothes, and just about anything else that can fit. Gift baskets can also be tailored to the new mother as a token of appreciation. Such gifts can include gourmet foods, candles, and other decorative keepsakes.
5) Baby Clothes - A new baby can never have too many clothes. Clothes can come in a variety of styles and may include hats, booties, and other accessories.
6) Baby Accessories - New babies require many accessories. Baby bibs are popular as well as blankies. Other ideas include baby bottles, pacifiers, and high chairs.
7) Shirts for Mom and Dad - T-shirts can be a nice gift for new moms and dads. Some common sayings on these shirts are "New Mommy" or "New Daddy". Some shirts also say "Mom to Be" or "Dad to Be" - a way to let everyone know that a new child is on the way.
8) Keepsakes - Various keepsakes will also make nice presents at a baby shower. Baby picture frames can hold pictures of the new baby or family for years to come. Other keepsakes include figurines and decorative candles.
About the Author - Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. For more related articles, go to Baby Shower Ideas (http://www.101babyshowerideas.com). Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits above remain in tact and the hyperlinks stay active.
Copyright Criss White - http://www.101babyshowerideas.com
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Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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