Bedridden Mother baby shower party
BEDRIDDEN Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a breeze for every mother. Some women have complications that can keep her bedridden at home or even at the hospital. For the expectant mother, waiting for the birth of a child from bed is lousy. A baby...
Breastfeeding - Handling Criticism
Feelings about how to parent seem to shift with every generation. A new way of parenting, sometimes called attachment parenting, has emerged and it challenges many of the rigid teachings of our mother's generation. Although breastfeeding is on the...
Candida Yeast Infection : Many Have It Few Know It
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How To Lose Weight After Having A Baby
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Pregnancy Winsor Pilates: A Dove-Like Exercise For Moms
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The Effect of Hysterectomy on Sexual Response and Sexual Identity
The effect of hysterectomy on sexual response and sexual
identity is mixed. Most woman go on to have a normal sex
life, some have a heightened response , while others are
less able to have a sexual response following hysterectomy
due to their perceived loss of femininity. Some women may
notice a change in their sexual response after the uterus
has been removed, uterine contractions that may have been
associated with orgasm will no longer be perceived. Other
women may experience a heightened response. This may be due
to the fact that they no longer have to worry about getting
pregnant and no longer have tremendous pain or dysfunctional
If the ovaries are not removed, the outer genitals and the
vagina are not affected and remain lubricated with sexual
response. If the ovaries are removed at the time of
hysterectomy, vaginal dryness may be a problem during sexual
intercourse. Vaginal dryness can be helped with the use of
estrogen cream.
During hysterectomy vaginal tissue is removed and may make
the vagina shorter. Deep thrusting during intercourse may be
painful. Changing positions during intercourse may help,
such as being on top or bringing your legs closer together.
Recently interest in supracervical hysterectomies (where the
cervix is not removed at time of hysterectomy) has grown out
of speculation that women might enjoy better sexual function
after hysterectomy when
the cervix is left in place. A new
study has found there is no difference in sexual function or
quality of life when a supracervical hysterectomy is
performed instead of a total abdominal hysterectomy.
Post hysterectomy depression may interfere with sexual
response. Depression may follow a hysterectomy from a
concept that femininity and an intact functioning uterus are
one. Some women link their self-image with reproductive
ability. Menses reminds a woman of her uniqueness where
hysterectomy takes away this cue. Many women have a brief
emotional reaction to the loss of the uterus and ovaries
that erodes their sense of well-being and femininity. If the
problem persists please discuss your feelings with your
Be sure if you are considering a hysterectomy you discuss
your personal health and medical history with your doctor.
He or she will help you decide what procedures are best for
you given your personal condition. Many women find this
procedure helpful to their overall health and well-being,
especially if they are at risk for certain cancers or other
debilitating health conditions.
About the Author
James W. Brann, MD, FACOG
Dr. Brann is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Signs of Pregnancy, Chlamydia, Hysterectomy, Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy.org --> Preconception, Pregnancy and Early Childhood ... |
Offering online communities, interactive tools, price robot, articles and a pregnancy calendar. Content spans pre-pregnancy to after birth. |
www.pregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar Pregnancy Symptom and Pregnancy ... |
The pregnancy calendar can help you find information on pregnancy and childbirth, including a week by week pregnancy calendar, baby shower games, ... |
pregnancy.about.com |
Healthy Pregnancy |
How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get ... Pregnancy can be a joyous time. But it also can be a time of uncertainty and ... |
www.4woman.gov |
Pregnancy Info: Birth, Baby, and Maternity Advice |
Advice for mothers to be concerning pregnancy, getting pregnant, baby care and maternity. |
www.pregnancy-info.net |
Pregnancy & Parenting: For Today's Mom - iVillage |
From trying to conceive through your child's teen years, iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting offers up-to-date and informative articles, features, expert advice ... |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy Calendar: Your All-in-One Guide to Pregnancy and ... |
A multimedia journey through the first nine months of an unborn child's life. A graphics intensive - visual journey through pregnancy. Needs plug-in. |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy: Humorous week-by-week calendar and free pregnancy tickers |
Humorous week-by-week pregnancy calendar and pregnancy tickers - 100% free. |
pregnancy.baby-gaga.com |
MedlinePlus: Pregnancy |
Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on Pregnancy: ... Select services and providers for Pregnancy in your area. Select Location, AL - Alabama ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. ... Though pregnancy begins at implantation, it is often convenient to date from the first ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei |
"Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." Art project by Virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, ... |
www.malepregnancy.com |
Baby Gaga: Stroller Reviews, Baby Tickers, Pregnancy Calendar |
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Pregnancy, Pregnancy Information, Pregnancy Community - Powered by ... |
Monitor your pregnancy with BabyCenter's free weekly e-mail newsletters and online library of pregnancy information created to help you have a healthy ... |
www.pregnancy.com |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide from StorkNet, your online pregnancy and parenting resource. |
www.pregnancyguideonline.com |
American Pregnancy Association : Promoting Pregnancy and ... |
Articles on pregnancy wellness, complications, loss, labor and birth. |
www.americanpregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Discrimination |
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil ... Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical ... |
www.eeoc.gov |
Pregnancy Today |
A community for expectant parents, offering many unique features to guide you through pregnancy. |
pregnancytoday.com |
Pregnancy Center - MayoClinic.com |
Pregnancy Center — comprehensive information on pregnancy symptoms, healthy pregnancy, childbirth options, labor and delivery. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Pregnancy |
Information Resources · More about Pregnancy/Childbirth Complications and Concerns ... Pregnancy Choices. Family Planning and Contraception ... |
www.noah-health.org |
Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information from Option Line |
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www.pregnancycenters.org |
WebMD Pregnancy Center - Learn the early signs of pregnancy and ... |
Sign up for our Pregnancy & Parenting Newsletter! ... Get daily facts, tips and suggestions customized to your stage of pregnancy. ... |
www.webmd.com |