9 Quick Breastfeeding Tips
New mothers may find breastfeeding confusing at first. You may not know exactly what to do or how to do it. Hopefully these breastfeeding tips will help to get you started.
* Start Early - It is good to begin breastfeeding within an hour after...
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Calcium And Pregnancy
Studies show that most women do not get enough daily Calcium. And many pregnant women do not realize that the typical prenatal vitamin only contains 4-20% of the RDA of Calcium. Calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones, muscle contractions,...
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Stretch Marks - Causes and Treatment Options
Stretch Marks - Cause and Treatment Options © Rob Roy McKenzie
2006 All Rights Reserved
Stretch Marks, known in the medical community as erythrocyanosis
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Things You Should Know About A Molar Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time for any woman, but with the many
pregnancy complications out there, it can also be scary for
first time mothers. It has been reported that one in every
thousand pregnancies in the U.S. is a molar pregnancy, which
makes it one of the most common pregnancy complications for
women today.
What is a molar pregnancy? This occurs when a sperm fertilizes
an empty egg. Even though it's empty, it continues to develop
and a placenta is formed despite there being no fetus. The
hormone HCG is also produced which fools the body into thinking
that there is a pregnancy when there is only placenta.
A partial molar pregnancy occurs when two sperms fertilize an
egg. However, instead of forming twins, in this type of
pregnancy, something goes wrong and an abnormal fetus and
placenta is developed instead. As there is double the sperm, the
fetus receives too many chromosomes and instead may die in the
Molar pregnancy symptoms One of the first molar pregnancy signs
you may notice is spotting which could lead to heavier bleeding.
Depending on the severity of the case, the bleeding may start as
early as 6 weeks into the pregnancy or as late as 12. Another
common sign of this type of pregnancy is nausea, abdominal
cramping and swelling.
If you are experiencing any of these
symptoms and feel as though your pregnancy may be molar, don't
hesitate to consult your doctor.
Molar pregnancy treatments A D&C (dilatation and curettage) will
be used for treatment. This is a safe procedure in which a small
vacuum is inserted into the uterus to remove the placental
parts. However, great care must still be taken as not to provoke
any excessive bleeding or blood clots. This type of pregnancy
can recur as some women may just be prone to them. If this is
the case and after your first such pregnancy, you have another,
consult your doctor about special treatments to prevent this
from happening again.
Molar pregnancies are a tragic way to lose a child, but having
one does not mean you are never going to have another baby
again. Make sure you are aware of molar pregnancy symptoms and
regularly go to the doctor for consultations.
About the author:
Article written by Sarah Mitchell of NamesToBe.com
(http://www.namestobe.com). Here's another article readers may
be interested in:
http://www.namestobe.com/pregnancy-complication.html). View all
articles at: http://www.namestobe.com/baby-articles.html.
Article free for reprint as long as this author bio is present
and all hyperlinks remain active.
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MedlinePlus: Pregnancy |
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Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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en.wikipedia.org |
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Pregnancy Today |
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Pregnancy Center - MayoClinic.com |
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