How To Eat A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy
Perhaps the number one complaint of women trying to watch their weight during pregnancy is that they are hungry all the time. True, pregnancy does result in an increased metabolic demand on the body, which can cause you to be hungry. Many women...
Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant
When I was in my early 20’s, I read Adele Davis’s book, “Let’s Eat Right To Keep fit.” I learned from her that “you are what you eat.” I also learned that our babies are what we eat while we are pregnant, and then are what they eat once they are...
The Chinese Year of the Rabbit
The Chinese Year Of The Rabbit.. If you are born under the Chinese sign of the Rabbit, you will make a great diplomat! Rabbits are clean and neat, quiet and often softly spoken. They dislike conflict and will go to great lengths to avoid discord....
Understanding Preeclampsia
What is preeclampsia?
Once known as toxemia, it is caused by a defect in the placenta which causes a pregnant woman's blood pressure to rise, endangering mother and baby. Affecting about 7% all pregnancies, it is the most common of the serious...
Womens Health - Pregnancy Nutrition Is For All Women Of Child Bearing Age
During pregnancy your nutrition needs are going to increase. Even before becoming pregnant it is a good idea to make every effort to start eating healthy and taking a women’s multivitamin. A prenatal multivitamin is a better choice during pregnancy....
You Can Do Exercise During Pregnancy, But Don't Overdo It
Don't get so lazy during your pregnancy. Move your body if you want to delivery your baby easily, do some exercise! Some studies show that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to have easy labor and deliveries and faster recoveries.
This is exactly you must do for the benefit of you and your child, but you must not overdo it and consult your healthcare on the best exercise you can do.
The benefit of exercise during pregnancy not only will make your baby delivery easy, but also can combat fatigue, minimize back pain because your back muscles will be stronger, stress relief, reducing fat, and recover more quickly after delivery. Exercise can help you strengthen your muscles, which makes labor easier. Further, exercise helps you get your stamina and energy levels up--which will be necessary once baby arrives.
There are some forms of activity that are better than others during pregnancy. Certain exercises can help promote physical fitness and are less likely to result in injury. Among the best exercises for pregnant moms include: walking, swimming, stretching, yoga, dancing, stationary cycling, and low impact prenatal aerobics.
Walking is great exercise that will not cause you to over exert yourself. You can take a brisk walk through a scenic park or even around a shopping mall. Of course, you should also drink plenty of water and stay well-hydrated, especially if you are walking outdoors or in humid areas. And never go into woods or desolate areas alone.
Swimming is also one of the favorite
exercises for pregnant women. You might also enroll in a water aerobics class, which is relaxing and can also prepare you for labor. Just don't get into any hot tubs--that's not good for you or the baby.
It is essential, however, that you do not indulge in any contact sports or activities that could pose a risk to your or your baby. For example, if you belong to a soccer team, you may need to suspend your play until after the baby is born. You do not want to risk falling down or having someone else land on you by accident. The risks, in this case, are greater than the benefits.
Additionally, if you are used to exercising, it will make it all the easier to lose your baby weight after the birth of your child. You should not concern yourself with following a rigorous exercise plan or a strict diet during your pregnancy. Regular, mild exercise is sufficient. Plus, you need plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, red meats and poultry in your daily diet during the pregnancy.
Still, there are plenty of fun, safe activities that will allow you to get some needed physical activity without all the risks. So, get moving! About the Author
Sara Jameson writes her experiences in "The Very Happy Pregnancy: Avoiding Stress and Depression." Check this out http://www.trying-to-get-pregnant.info and http://www.pregnancy-due-date.info
Pregnancy.org --> Preconception, Pregnancy and Early Childhood ... |
Offering online communities, interactive tools, price robot, articles and a pregnancy calendar. Content spans pre-pregnancy to after birth. |
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Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar Pregnancy Symptom and Pregnancy ... |
The pregnancy calendar can help you find information on pregnancy and childbirth, including a week by week pregnancy calendar, baby shower games, ... |
pregnancy.about.com |
Healthy Pregnancy |
How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get ... Pregnancy can be a joyous time. But it also can be a time of uncertainty and ... |
www.4woman.gov |
Pregnancy Info: Birth, Baby, and Maternity Advice |
Advice for mothers to be concerning pregnancy, getting pregnant, baby care and maternity. |
www.pregnancy-info.net |
Pregnancy & Parenting: For Today's Mom - iVillage |
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parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy Calendar: Your All-in-One Guide to Pregnancy and ... |
A multimedia journey through the first nine months of an unborn child's life. A graphics intensive - visual journey through pregnancy. Needs plug-in. |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy: Humorous week-by-week calendar and free pregnancy tickers |
Humorous week-by-week pregnancy calendar and pregnancy tickers - 100% free. |
pregnancy.baby-gaga.com |
MedlinePlus: Pregnancy |
Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on Pregnancy: ... Select services and providers for Pregnancy in your area. Select Location, AL - Alabama ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. ... Though pregnancy begins at implantation, it is often convenient to date from the first ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei |
"Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." Art project by Virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, ... |
www.malepregnancy.com |
Baby Gaga: Stroller Reviews, Baby Tickers, Pregnancy Calendar |
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Pregnancy, Pregnancy Information, Pregnancy Community - Powered by ... |
Monitor your pregnancy with BabyCenter's free weekly e-mail newsletters and online library of pregnancy information created to help you have a healthy ... |
www.pregnancy.com |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide from StorkNet, your online pregnancy and parenting resource. |
www.pregnancyguideonline.com |
American Pregnancy Association : Promoting Pregnancy and ... |
Articles on pregnancy wellness, complications, loss, labor and birth. |
www.americanpregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Discrimination |
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil ... Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical ... |
www.eeoc.gov |
Pregnancy Today |
A community for expectant parents, offering many unique features to guide you through pregnancy. |
pregnancytoday.com |
Pregnancy Center - MayoClinic.com |
Pregnancy Center — comprehensive information on pregnancy symptoms, healthy pregnancy, childbirth options, labor and delivery. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Pregnancy |
Information Resources · More about Pregnancy/Childbirth Complications and Concerns ... Pregnancy Choices. Family Planning and Contraception ... |
www.noah-health.org |
Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information from Option Line |
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www.pregnancycenters.org |
WebMD Pregnancy Center - Learn the early signs of pregnancy and ... |
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www.webmd.com |