Every week I talk with business owners who tell me how excited they are about their new product, service or business opportunity. Usually, their comments include something like, "Everybody needs it. I know I'm going to make a lot of money with...
It May Be Time to Walk in an Employer's Shoes
If you are in a job search and aren't receiving viable hits, it's time to walk a mile in an employer's shoes. Okay, I realize what you may be thinking. For just one day, you would like an employer to walk in your shoes so they can...
Motivational Operations
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to...
PR: Here's All You Need to Know
Above all, you need to know that the right PR can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors.
Especially when you create external stakeholder behavior change, the kind that leads directly to achieving your managerial...
When you awoke this morning, you found yourself buzzing with a fantastic idea for starting a new business and you hadn't a doubt in your mind that you could turn it into a huge success. Now what? All those great ideas floating around in your head...
9 Ways to Gain Expert Recognition
No matter what business you are in it always helps to be seen as
an expert. If you were calling someone to fix a drain or sell
your house you would approach the person you saw as most
credible and reputable in that area of expertise.
To become an expert takes hard work and experience. It can
involve study or the honing of practical skills. It demands high
standards of work. But after all this effort will you be
perceived as an expert? If you feel you've earned the mantle of
expert but are not recognized as one, here are eight ways to
start establishing your reputation.
Publish a book or series of reports
The internet has made this much easier. You can now create an
ebook that can be downloaded without having to involve a
publisher. A well-written book or series of reports will
establish your reputation as an expert in your field.
Publish a newsletter
Set one up on the internet and distribute it to your customers.
This is an excellent way to regularly keep your name in front of
your prospects as an authority on your subject.
Write press releases
Used correctly these can gain you a lot of positive publicity.
Make sure the press release looks like newsworthy information
and not like an advertisement.
Write Articles
By publishing information packed articles, you'll soon enjoy the
status of being seen as an authority on your topic. This can
lead to joint ventures and many other exciting opportunities
that you would have never enjoyed otherwise!
Create a website
Set up a user-friendly website that will appeal to customers and
you have expanded the reach of your reputation. Keep it timely
and informative, and people will continue to return to your
site. If you don't know how to set up a website there are plenty
of web designers who do. Alternatively enquire at a college
teaching web design. Some students might want to build a
Join associations
If you are a member of an association it will enhance your
credibility. But don't just be a member. Be an active member.
This will build your reputation among your peers and lead to
useful introductions. Membership can have many benefits, and it
will certainly keep you up to date in your field.
You can boost your reputation and influence by speaking to the
right people. Keep your name in front of your prospects.
Organize mutually beneficial ventures. You cannot predict what
may come from a contact so make as many as you can.
Public Speaking
Even speaking to a local group of people can establish you as an
expert and get you referrals that may lead to a wider audience.
If you are not sure you can speak in public, preparation and
rehearsal are the keys to success. Make sure your presentation
is aimed at the right level, follows a sensible sequence and
will not sound like a dry textbook-like monologue. Write your
main points on small cards so you are not relying solely on your
memory and start in front of a small audience.
Teach workshops or seminars
If you have knowledge that people would like to tap into you can
pass on your expertise. If your presentation is well planned you
will be seen as an authority in your subject. You will also meet
people who are likely to recommend you to others. If you are
teaching a hot topic you will also be gaining a useful income
Any of these methods will start building your reputation as an
expert. Use them all correctly and you will gain the sort of
reputation that will have potential clients approaching you
without having to seek them out.
About the author:
Hans Hasselfors is the founder of SubmitYourNewArticle.com. Join
a community of like-minded authors and publishers and make your
living online. Become a member of our article directory. http://www.SubmitYourN
Oral Presentation Advice |
Your presentation should not replace your paper, but rather whet the ... Below I consider goals for academic interview talks and class presentations. ... |
www.cs.wisc.edu |
Presentation Skills |
This site contains annotated links to resources concerned with presentation and communication skills. |
lorien.ncl.ac.uk |
Presentation Helper - Free PowerPoint templates, help, advice and ... |
Resources on how to make effective presentations. Includes tips on PowerPoint and topic ideas. |
www.presentationhelper.co.uk |
Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc. |
Neuroscience stimulus delivery software can be used for cognitive psychology, fMRI, erp and single unit research (Windows). |
nbs.neuro-bs.com |
Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered |
Why tables for layout is stupid:. problems defined, solutions offered. Tables existed in HTML for one reason: To display tabular data. ... |
www.hotdesign.com |
The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation |
This presentation prepared with the help of Microsoft Powerpoint Autocontent Wizard. ... Permission is granted to use this presentation in any course or ... |
norvig.com |
Presentation Zen |
I love the clear presentation of the ideas in the book and the fact that the ... In the context of presentations, moving info away can help you and the ... |
www.presentationzen.com |
Presentation Tips for Public Speaking |
Better Public Speaking & Presentation - Ensure Your Words Are Always ... On the Job: Public Speaking Tips - Twelve Steps to Great Presentations by Elise ... |
www.aresearchguide.com |
Presentation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Presentation is the process of presenting the content of a topic to an ... You should plan to rehearse your presentation out loud at least four times. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
OSCON 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0 |
“A barn-burner of a presentation. I loved this.” - Cory Doctorow. “I watched it twice, and greatly enjoyed it both times.” - Jon Udell ... |
www.identity20.com |
Presentations - Effective Communication - Public Speaking |
Tips and tools for creating and delivering presentations: text, techniques and technology. |
www.presentations.com |
Presentation Information Resources - Presentation Technology News ... |
Presentation Information Resources - Comprehensive presenter's resource providing instant access to up-to-date information on technology and techniques for ... | |
Effective Presentations homepage |
In addition, the skills needed to prepare an oral presentation can be used ... A spiffy presentation discussing Effective Teaching with Powerpoint from the ... |
www.kumc.edu |
Impress |
Your presentations will stand out with 2D and 3D clip art, special effects, animation, ... Slide show Animation and Effects bring your presentation to life. ... |
www.openoffice.org |
PRESENTATIONPRO - experts for Microsoft PowerPoint |
A series of products and services to help enhance PowerPoint presentations with templates and backgrounds. |
www.presentationpro.com |
Leadership - Presentation Skills |
Presentation, PowerPoint, and Leadership. ... Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, ... |
www.skagit.com |
Presentation: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with presentation on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Secretary of State Addresses the U.N. Security Council |
My friends, this has been a long and a detailed presentation. And I thank you for your patience. But there is one more subject that I would like to touch on ... |
www.whitehouse.gov |
Rubric |
Organization, Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because ... |
www.ncsu.edu |
Presentation Skills |
Presentations are one of the first managerial skills which a junior engineer ... This article looks at the basics of Presentation Skills as they might apply ... |
www.see.ed.ac.uk |