Destiny Is Intention, Not Guaranteed
Destiny Is Intention, Not Guaranteed
Dave Czach
The following statement is commonly overheard and can lead you to a life of delusion and disappointment: "I feel like I'm destined to ... (do this or that)."
The belief in destiny is great. It shows you're in touch with your higher self. But lack of proper action and understanding creates frustration because destiny is only intention. It's not a guaranteed result.
The innate feeling that you should be doing "this or that," is your soul directing you to action so it may learn. It is here - incarnate - to learn lessons so it can go to the next level. Constantly evolving back to its higher self - The Creator. However, humans are born with free will. The ability to direct and control their thoughts and actions. That is where the delusion begins.
Some people believe their life is pre-ordained and everything will "fall in place" as needed. But that's not true. If you simply wait for the events to propel you to your "destiny," you never achieve it. You need four things to live your "destiny:"
1). Communicate with your higher self to discover your TRUE self and life purpose;
2). Develop or expand the skills and intelligence needed to live your "destiny;"
3). Create the necessary space in your life to allow your life purpose to manifest;
4). Put it all into action on a consistent and cohesive basis.
Communicating with your higher self requires a silent mind. You can do this through meditation. It demands extreme desire, dedication and perseverance. Or you can quickly meditate at deep levels of the mind like a swami by using guided meditation CD's that take you to altered states of mind (search
Once you are able to quiet your mind without random thoughts dancing around in your head, you can communicate with your higher self, or soul. To discover your TRUE "destiny" - or soul's intention - you could mentally say, "In my heart, I feel destined to (explain what you feel). Is this correct? Please guide me and tell me specifically of your intentions." Then remain consciously aware of ideas popping in your head. The answer may appear during your meditation session, the next day, the next month. You never know. But once you receive the answer, write down every detail and determine the necessary skills and/or intelligence required to achieve your "destiny."
Gaining the wisdom, skills and insight to reach your life's purpose is not a mystery. You may need to take classes. You may need to find a mentor. You may need to conduct long-term research at the library. Or you may need to join a local club or church to meet people who can assist you on your journey.
For example, if your life purpose is to help battered women, you may need a college degree in social work. You may need to study how to buy and operate a
shelter for battered women - which would also require business skills. You may want to take psychology classes, listening behavior classes, etc. You may want to get a job - any job - at a shelter to learn from the inside. Taking these necessary steps to prepare yourself requires time management and organization.
Using a simple tool helps create the space needed to allow your life purpose to manifest. If you're committed to your "destiny," go to your local office superstore and buy a Day Planner. This is the easiest method to organize your time and actions. You can write all your goals for an entire year in advance. Such as steps to achieve your life purpose, family, friends, vacations, etc.
For example,
Tuesday 9:00am: call University of Whatever and request all details required for acceptance in their degree in social work.
Tuesday 9:30am: search web for all possible college financing programs including scholarships, loans, grants, fellowships and more.
Tuesday 10:00am: search and for all possible jobs helping battered women. (Or call your local librarian for instructions where or how to search other databases.)
Continue writing your detailed plan of action for the year. These three steps have been the easy part. Step four challenges your state of mind.
Now take action - consistently and cohesively! Once you acquire all the data from above, you need to assess it; research it; and determine your next move that brings you closer to your "destiny." Many people start with a bang and fizzle to a peep quickly. If you do, repeat step 1 and review steps 2 and 3. Then ardently engage in step 4.
In conclusion, as you journey along your chosen path, you will encounter other free will people that may influence your state of mind or thoughts. As you proceed, always consult with your soul in meditation to stay on track or modify as needed. Your soul does have a purpose in being here. It does have intentions. And some people call it destiny.
Copyright 2003 Dave Czach.
This article may be reprinted and/or distributed freely provided there are no changes including the copyright, this statement and the following Editor's Note.
Editor's Note: Dave Czach is an experiential mindbody and spiritual growth researcher since 1993. He is the founder and operator of Experience your true self at
Editor's Note: Dave Czach is an experiential mindbody and spiritual growth researcher since 1993. He is the founder and operator of Experience your true self at