About Emotional Child Abuse And Neglect
Any child who experience any form of physical or emotional maltreatment is likely to bear emotional scars. For this reason it is necessary to use the following broad definition. A child is emotionally abused if he/she is:
(1.) Under the age 18
How the Hopi Create Their World
God gives food to every bird, but does not throw it into the nest. -Montenegrin Proverb
"Do you hear that?" I whispered to my friend Tobias.
"No, what?" he answered under his breath.
"Drumming. The sound of soft, distant drumming."
The Active Role of Silence
It’s kind of Zen-like to say this, but one of the most important parts of any conversation is the silence. Silence can serve many functions in a conversation and how you manage it determines your level of sophistication in communication.
the High EQ, Low EQ Sales Quiz
In addition to my coaching, and my usual comings and goings this past couple of months, I’ve been in the real estate business, selling my own home, and working with a coaching client who wants to buy a house in Alabama. I’ve seen a lot of people...
When A Family Member Stuggles With Fear And Anxiety
Do you have a family member who struggles with fear and anxiety? It can be difficult to sit by and watch the person you love struggle while you are unable to do anything. Enclosed is a list of things that you can do to help the person...
EQ--for the Agony and the Ecstasy
“The Agony and the Ecstasy” is the title of a novel about Michelangelo, by Irving Stone. When I encountered the title in middle school, I decided to read the book to find out what “agony” and “ecstasy” might be like, states of existence apparently available to uber-humans like Michelangelo. I was sure I had not experienced them.
It may have been a misperception, or it may have been a vocabulary problem.
I’m now a grandmother, and I now know what they mean. In fact I have survived both many times.
When we’re experiencing deep, intense emotions is when we feel most alive. It is also when we are most vulnerable and most afraid. When we’re in despair, terror or torture, we want to know if it is going to go on forever. When we are in bliss, we need to know that if it should end, we would be able to survive it.
Managing our emotions is part of emotional intelligence. Managing them, not controlling them. Having such high states of emotion gives us experience in handling them, and the knowledge that we can survive them. It also brings us the understanding that they don’t last. The good news is, no matter how agonizing, it won’t last forever, and the bad news is, no matter how ecstatic, it
won’t last forever.
We also learn about the natural balancing act our brains do. When we have an ecstatic moment, for instance receiving an award, we learn that it’s often followed by a “down” time. Having gone too high, we seek to restabilize by going too low.
Does the converse happen? If you experience a deep grief, you will have carved out a space that can be filled up by happiness or joy.
If you are not willing to experience the agony, you won’t be able to experience the ecstasy.
To increase your emotional intelligence, take a course of get some EQ coaching. It’s when we’re experiencing our emotions that we feel most alive, and our life has the most meaning.
©Susan Dunn, MA, Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc. Emotional intelligence coaching for individuals to impact every area of your life – career, relationships, life skills, midlife transition. Distance learning and seminars. Ebooks at www.webstrategies.cc/development.htm. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free ezines. Put “EQ Work” or “EQ Personal” (or both) for subject line.
Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psychology Websites |
A hierarchical database of links to psychology resources. |
www.psychology.org |
Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Psychology differs from the other social sciences — anthropology, economics, ... Health psychology is the application of psychological theory and research ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
American Psychological Association |
Monitor on Psychology · gradPSYCH Magazine · PsycPORT News Wire ... APA Monitor on Psychology. psychology news. More news from PsycPORT ... |
www.apa.org |
Psychology.Com |
Psychology.com provides online counseling from your choice of therapists. From depression to anxiety, relationships to parenting, we can help you work ... |
www.psychology.com |
psychology virtual library |
from the site of the Psychology World Wide Web Virtual Library at. http://www.dialogical.net/psychology/index.html/. If you are not redirected automatically ... |
www.clas.ufl.edu |
Intute: Social Sciences - Psychology |
Searchable database of Internet resources that have been reviewed, described, and categorized by area. Includes organizations, reference materials, ... |
www.intute.ac.uk |
Psychology Today: Find a Therapist and News to Use |
The Therapy Directory and News to Use at Psychology Today: Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Counselor, Test Yourself and Read Articles on ... |
www.psychologytoday.com |
Social Science > Psychology in the Yahoo! Directory |
Find sites dealing with branches, organizations, psychologists, research, intelligence, and general information about psychology. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Social Psychology Network |
Thousands of searchable psychology links on a huge variety of topics. Definitely worth a visit! |
www.socialpsychology.org |
Psychology and mental health at Psych Central . |
Mental health and psychology resources - Articles, essays, blog, support forums, Ask the Therapist, chats, website reviews, frequently asked questions, ... |
psychcentral.com |
Psychology - Student Resources - Psychology Articles |
Find psychology articles, student resources, and psychology study guides. Explore psychology definitions and theories. Learn more about the history of ... |
psychology.about.com |
Google Directory - Science > Social Sciences > Psychology |
Science > Social Sciences > Criminology (45) Recreation > Humor > Science > Psychology (9) Kids and Teens > People and Society > Psychology (55) ... |
www.google.com |
Open Directory - Science: Social Sciences: Psychology |
Health: Medicine: Medical Specialties: Psychiatry (141); Health: Mental Health (5469); Kids and Teens: People and Society: Psychology (53) ... |
dmoz.org |
Stanford Psychology Department |
One specialty of the Department of Psychology is cognitive sciences, with strength in the areas of visual science, cognitive neuroscience, ... |
www-psych.stanford.edu |
The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network |
Information about events, publications, projects and research related to the teaching of psychology; database of resources. |
www.psychology.heacademy.ac.uk |
APS Psychologist: Home |
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia, representing around 15000 members. |
www.psychology.org.au |
Classics in the History of Psychology |
Offers full texts of documents significant in the history of psychology by author or by topic. Includes ancient, medieval/renaissance, and modern thought; ... |
psychclassics.yorku.ca |
Psychology, Department of |
Information about the department's areas of research, facilities and resources, academic programs, and people in the department, as well as undergraduate ... |
www.psych.ucla.edu |
Internet Public Library: Psychology |
This is a comprehensive site of psychology resources including hundeds of categories. ... Includes links to sites on specific social psychology topics, ... |
www.ipl.org |
PsychCrawler |
The mental health disorders search engine of the American Psychological Association. Type a search request and click the "Get Results" button for a fully ... |
www.psychcrawler.com |