A Guide to Relationship Quizzes
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"You are today what you thought about yesterday You will be tomorrow what you think about today, Every attitude is positive or negative, It doesn't matter what happens to you, It is how you take it that matters."
"In the game of life you can be...
Over 50 and Looking for Work?
Please consider this article for your website or ezine. Permission to reprint if byline stays intact. Courtesy copy appreciated.
TITLE: Over 50 and Looking for Work?
AUTHOR: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
WORD COUNT: 685...
The Apartment Building
We need to perceive the greater picture
The Apartment Building
From the book "Contemporary Parables" by Robert Elias Najemy Our perspective of reality is much like looking out from an apartment building. Imagine that you are living in the...
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Soulmate Connection
We know there are magical signs once we meet our soulmates face to face. Expect it to be not ordinary. Imagine a fairy-tale coming alive. Most certainly, there would be sparks flying, butterflies in the stomach, stuttered sentences, ease of communication, physical attractions, love-at-first-sights, answered prayers, love remembered from dreams; in other words, a soulmate connection.
At first, the connection may be quite dream-like and a little too overwhelming until it turns into a vague familiarity. It may also be intense there may be no words to describe it perfectly. Details of soulmate connections can every so often overpower love itself. It’s spirit-lifting. It’s addictive. It’s without doubt a “connection” between two hearts. It’s beyond anything you have experienced.
Meeting your soulmate at this time and age is a rare gift, one who’s interested needs to plumb the depths of all possibilities, if not, just wait for it to happen. But for some, waiting can be as dreadful as searching without finding the “right one”. So might as well go for it and enjoy every second of your “finding your soulmate expedition”. At least, you will not tell yourself you did not try.
Romance novels and studies on “finding your soulmate” have it all - the unbelievable peaks and lows people go through just to meet their soulmates. And their stories have all one thing to say - once they have met their soulmates, it was as if they have known and loved each other before. And they can’t wait to spend their lives with each other
With all these far-fetched concepts about soulmate connection, who then do you think wouldn’t do anything for love? If it’s that heavenly perfect, anyone will surely risk anything just to experience it. How about you? How far would you go for love?
It’s every girl’s dream for sure – to meet her soulmate and experience a soulmate connection. Because if the feeling is euphoric, why not? If meeting your soulmate is all you think of and soulmate connection has captured your creative imagination and loving heart, it becomes hard-wired into your brain. It’s all you’re going to think of and focus on. The best thing about finding your soulmate is that you will love with a pure heart and with the cleanest intention to give your all to that one special person.
About the Author: Robert Johannsen MA is a psychology and freelance author living in British Columbia. Robert's articles on Psychology, Relationships and Popular Culture have been published in numerous magazines in Canada, the US and the UK. His popular Ebook, Proven Secrets for Attracting your Soulmate has helped people from all walks of life find that special someone since 2000. Visit his recently updated website, http://www.soulmate-secrets.com for a free chapter of his powerful book.
Source: www.isnare.com
Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psychology Websites |
A hierarchical database of links to psychology resources. |
www.psychology.org |
Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Psychology differs from the other social sciences — anthropology, economics, ... Health psychology is the application of psychological theory and research ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
American Psychological Association |
Monitor on Psychology · gradPSYCH Magazine · PsycPORT News Wire ... APA Monitor on Psychology. psychology news. More news from PsycPORT ... |
www.apa.org |
Psychology.Com |
Psychology.com provides online counseling from your choice of therapists. From depression to anxiety, relationships to parenting, we can help you work ... |
www.psychology.com |
psychology virtual library |
from the site of the Psychology World Wide Web Virtual Library at. http://www.dialogical.net/psychology/index.html/. If you are not redirected automatically ... |
www.clas.ufl.edu |
Intute: Social Sciences - Psychology |
Searchable database of Internet resources that have been reviewed, described, and categorized by area. Includes organizations, reference materials, ... |
www.intute.ac.uk |
Psychology Today: Find a Therapist and News to Use |
The Therapy Directory and News to Use at Psychology Today: Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Counselor, Test Yourself and Read Articles on ... |
www.psychologytoday.com |
Social Science > Psychology in the Yahoo! Directory |
Find sites dealing with branches, organizations, psychologists, research, intelligence, and general information about psychology. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Social Psychology Network |
Thousands of searchable psychology links on a huge variety of topics. Definitely worth a visit! |
www.socialpsychology.org |
Psychology and mental health at Psych Central . |
Mental health and psychology resources - Articles, essays, blog, support forums, Ask the Therapist, chats, website reviews, frequently asked questions, ... |
psychcentral.com |
Psychology - Student Resources - Psychology Articles |
Find psychology articles, student resources, and psychology study guides. Explore psychology definitions and theories. Learn more about the history of ... |
psychology.about.com |
Google Directory - Science > Social Sciences > Psychology |
Science > Social Sciences > Criminology (45) Recreation > Humor > Science > Psychology (9) Kids and Teens > People and Society > Psychology (55) ... |
www.google.com |
Open Directory - Science: Social Sciences: Psychology |
Health: Medicine: Medical Specialties: Psychiatry (141); Health: Mental Health (5469); Kids and Teens: People and Society: Psychology (53) ... |
dmoz.org |
Stanford Psychology Department |
One specialty of the Department of Psychology is cognitive sciences, with strength in the areas of visual science, cognitive neuroscience, ... |
www-psych.stanford.edu |
The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network |
Information about events, publications, projects and research related to the teaching of psychology; database of resources. |
www.psychology.heacademy.ac.uk |
APS Psychologist: Home |
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia, representing around 15000 members. |
www.psychology.org.au |
Classics in the History of Psychology |
Offers full texts of documents significant in the history of psychology by author or by topic. Includes ancient, medieval/renaissance, and modern thought; ... |
psychclassics.yorku.ca |
Psychology, Department of |
Information about the department's areas of research, facilities and resources, academic programs, and people in the department, as well as undergraduate ... |
www.psych.ucla.edu |
Internet Public Library: Psychology |
This is a comprehensive site of psychology resources including hundeds of categories. ... Includes links to sites on specific social psychology topics, ... |
www.ipl.org |
PsychCrawler |
The mental health disorders search engine of the American Psychological Association. Type a search request and click the "Get Results" button for a fully ... |
www.psychcrawler.com |