The Secret of Prosperity
This article summarizes the state of mind necessary to attract prosperity and abundance into your life.
Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want. Geoffrey F. Abert
Prosperity is a state of mind. If you think you’re poor, you are. Thinking that you lack something in any way is a mindset that cuts you off from your real power. It’s deficiency thinking. When we think we need more money, we’re trying to get something to fill the deficiency we feel inside. Deficiency thoughts backfire. They attract a world that wants to get something from us. On top of that, if we get all we think we need, it doesn’t change our mindset. Deficiency thinking always wants more. So it keeps on wanting and striving instead of recognizing and appreciating what it already has. All that is upgraded is the amount of money we want. So, no matter what, we continue to suffer over not having enough of it.
People who are prosperous do not feel deficient. They don’t look at what they don’t have. They focus on what they DO have. In the words of Geoffrey Abert they understand that it’s more about wanting what you have than having what you want. They say things like, I have all I need to be happy. I am happy and completely satisfied. It isn’t that they’re lazy or complacent. They just recognize and appreciate what they have. They also know, in the midst of their circumstances, that tomorrow brings something new and the fruits of their labor will eventually arrive. This is because they understand that everything is always changing anyway. They will be happy and satisfied tomorrow also, no matter what. Prosperous people know that they will always change and grow and things will always be different. They do not think the circumstances of their life determine their happiness. They know that it isn’t what happens to them in life, it’s how they react to it that matters. They are perfect examples of the axiom, conditions don’t make the man they reveal him.
With this kind of thinking anything is possible. It lets you experience the abundance of now and the abundance of the future now. It opens you to knowing that prosperity doesn’t come from having things turn out the way you want them to turn out. Prosperity comes from knowing that you can find peace and happiness no matter how things turn out. Prosperity is not something that is outside of you for you to pursue. Prosperity is something inside of you. In fact it IS you.
If you harbor thoughts that you are somehow unworthy of prosperity, then you are saying that others deserve prosperity but you don’t. Since it is a law of consciousness that whatever we hold our attention on expands, these thoughts of unworthiness will expand until they fulfill their prophecy. The truth is that we are all equal in the world of spirit. We are above no one and beneath no one. You are every bit as deserving of prosperity as the next person. Do you think you could attract love into your life if you felt you were wholly unlovable? Of course not. The same is true for prosperity. We must accept ourselves as completely worthy and as deserving as the next person in order to experience prosperity. It doesn’t require that we be perfect or special. No one is perfect and everyone is special. It requires simply that we know that we are worthy. The fact that we are alive proves our worthiness. As I like to say, it may as well be me as anyone else. To paraphrase an old Hebrew saying: If not me who? If not now, when?
In addition to feeling worthy we must feel genuinely happy about the success of anyone else. We must see their success as our success. At the very least we must say to ourselves, if they can do it I can. When you harbor jealousy of any kind you project this jealousy out of yourself and cause it to manifest in the people around you. Jealously does nothing but build a wall in between you and prosperity. The mind set for prosperity is one that is fulfilled and satisfied, not jealous. When your life is filled with satisfaction and fulfillment this will be what you have to give away and this will be what comes back to you. Be happy for the prosperity of others. Send them love and joy and that will come back to you one hundred fold.
If you’re really serious about manifesting prosperity you know how important it is to do everything you
do with love and not be overly concerned about the rewards or money that might come your way. A prosperous heart is filled with faith that things will all work out. A prosperous heart serves others without too much concern about the money they make. There’s a story about a young woman who went to see the wise woman on the hill to find out the secret of success.
“Go over to the window, look out, and tell me what you see, the wise woman told her. “I see the marketplace,” the girl replied. “Now go look into the mirror over there and tell me what you see.” “Well, she said, I see myself.” “In each case you were looking through a pane of glass. Tell me, what is the difference?” the wise woman asked. “ Well, naturally, the window is a clear pane of glass. It allows me to look out and see the people in the marketplace. The mirror, on the other hand is a pane of glass with a backing of silver that reflects my image back to me.” “Ah, my daughter. Therein lies the secret of success: Whenever you let silver come in between you and the people in the marketplace, you are going to see only yourself and you will not succeed.”
Prosperous people do not put their money or their self-interest first. They do what they do because they love what they’re doing and they’re happy to be of service. They are driven by an inner desire make a contribution to the world. As a result rewards fall into their lives like ripe fruit effortlessly falling off a tree when the moment is right. Fulfillment, in every area of our life comes from giving, not getting. Giving is always the key to abundance. The single most important mind set for manifesting prosperity is to shift our thinking from getting to giving.
Sometimes we’re tempted to think that our prosperity is dependent upon forces outside of us such as the economy, the stock market, the success of the company we work for, or the so called “breaks” we get in life. But the truth is, the game of attracting money is no different than any other game. It’s ninety nine percent mental. Like golf, it’s a game we play against ourselves. Winning at golf requires getting out of our own way. It requires believing that we have within us all the power we need to play the game. It requires visualizing our success. Being committed. Paying attention. Doing our homework. Projecting confidence. Having faith in our ability. Having fun. All of this boils down to living in the moment and not being attached to the outcome of winning the game. When we play like this winning doesn’t hold any power over us and we actually play better. In the end, the game of golf isn’t really about winning anyway. It’s about playing and improving ourselves in the process. This doesn’t mean just improving our outer game. It means improving our inner game and who we are as a person. When we improve the inner game we gain access to our real power.
Winning at the money game is exactly the same thing. It’s all about improving our inner game. Real power doesn’t come from anything outside of us, least of all from having money. If that were true then we would be powerless without it. Real power comes from the inside. It comes from becoming a better person. It comes from giving and sharing and connecting with our soul’s purpose. Money and other symbols of prosperity arrive in our lives as a result of this. Money is the currency that comes back to us for living a life of gratitude, giving and sharing. It’s all a state of mind and a matter of wanting what we have more than having what we want.
May peace and gentleness descend upon all of us in the coming year and let not one trace of fear invade our hearts to rob us of our true prosperity.
About the Author
Loretta Siani, Ph.D. is a clinical hypnotherapist. In her private practice teaches the mind/body model and combines hypnosis, neuro-linguistic psychology, guided visualizations, aromatherapy, dream work and the principles of A Course In Miracles to assist her clients in achieving transformational changes. Dr. Siani's book, The Magic of Excellence, and her book and CD's for eliminating stress, can be purchased at or from her website, click on "products."