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Market From The Inside Out
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Stand Up and Be Counted
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The Ultimate PR "Scam"
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Business cards: To pose or not to pose
Pictures might be worth a thousand words...but no one ever said
they would automatically be worth a thousand dollars.
Figuring out whether or not to include your picture in your next
business card is one of those key decisions you don't want to be
taking lightly. It's one no entrepreneur can afford to ignore.
Of course, knowing where and how your business card will be
distributed and received will be a big factor in your final
decision. If your plan is to plaster your business card on every
coffee shop bulleting board in a 20-mile radius, a little face
recognition couldn't hurt. Or could it?
The fact of the matter is that photos - much like flashy logos
and other graphics - will influence how people respond to your
business card and, consequently, how successful you will be in
getting their business. So before you decide to get your hair
done for the money shot, here are a few advantages and
disadvantages to consider:
1. Photos build trust, which may explain why they most often
appear on business cards in the real estate, counseling and
public speaking professions. If you're working in a field where
trust and confidentiality reign supreme, a photo can be a great
way for clients to become acquainted with you.
2. Photos foster name/face recognition. Sending a picture
business card to a new client you contacted by phone or through
e-mail can actually facilitate
your first person-to-person
encounter. It can also help identify entrepreuneurs with unisex
names, such as Chris or Joey.
3. Photos almost always lead to pre-judgments. Given that its
human nature to judge other people based on appearance, you
should keep in mind that your gender, skin colour, age, outfit
and even facial expressions might suddenly become the deciding
factor in whether or not you will get a call-back.
4. Photos can date and even outdate you. A few wrinkles or a
blast-from-the-past haircut can be enough to convince a
prospective client that you aren't the cutting-edge entrepreneur
you claim to be. An old photo on a business card can even be
interpreted as lack of demand for your business in general.
It's also important to remember that photography doesn't come
That means if you are dead set on having your picture on a
business card, make sure you don't cut any corners. A low
quality photograph can ruin your business card - not matter how
cute you thought you looked in the picture.
About the author:
Copyright 2011, Businesscards4me.com. All Rights Reserved Mark
Knerr is a graphic designer specializing in company logo design
and business card design services. He also offers professional,
full color postcard, plastic cards and business card printing.
How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear |
A report that covers the common causes of public speaking fear and tips to overcome it. Book available. |
www.stresscure.com |
Allyn and Bacon Public Speaking Website |
A five-step guide to preparing and delivering effective speeches. |
wps.ablongman.com |
Public Speaking & Speech Writing |
A free guide to speech writing and delivery for every occasion. From best man speeches to eulogies. |
www.speechtips.com |
Presentation Tips for Public Speaking |
Art of Public Speaking. Hints and tips on public speaking, ... On the Job: Public Speaking Tips - Twelve Steps to Great Presentations by Elise Bauer. ... |
www.aresearchguide.com |
10 Tips for Successful Public Speaking - Toastmasters International |
10 Tips For Successful Public Speaking. Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you care about doing well. ... |
www.toastmasters.org |
Welcome to Toastmasters International where we are"Making ... |
Non-profit organization developing public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback in local clubs since 1924. Members learn how to lead ... |
www.toastmasters.org |
Strategies to Succeed in Public Speaking - School for Champions |
Contents of online lessons to succeed in public speaking from the School for Champions. |
www.school-for-champions.com |
Public Speaking Home Page |
Humor and quotes to help your speech - or just for your own enjoyment. History / Careers The history of public speaking and potential career options for you ... |
www.mhhe.com |
Public speaking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to ... Public speaking is almost as ancient as speech itself. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Public speaking anxiety is very common among both college students and the general ... The most common form of Social Phobia is public speaking anxiety. ... |
www.utm.edu |
Painless Public Speaking |
At Painless Public Speaking we keep you up to date with what's new in the world of ... Painless Public Speaking is not about the theory but the "how-to" ... |
www.publicspeaking.com.au |
Public Speaking from Uncommon Knowledge |
Public speaking couldn’t be further from your mind and your manager tells you have to do a presentation to fifty colleagues next week. What’s your response? ... |
www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk |
Public Speaking Tips by Uncommon Knowledge |
It’s possible for public speaking to be fun and hugely satisfying. Once you’ve enjoyed a presentation, or even part of it, your self confidence will get a ... |
www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk |
Public Speaking Skills from Mind Tools - Speaking Tips & Techniques |
Learn to speak and present clearly and effectively. Improve your speaking skills with this Mind Tools guide to speaking effectively in public. |
www.mindtools.com |
Public Speaking Information |
Advanced Public Speaking Institute- -More than 120 mini articles on professional level ... Click here for additional articles on Public Speaking Information ... |
www.selfgrowth.com |
Basic Public Speaking, 2nd Edition - The Teachers and Students ... |
New public speaking text for middle and high school Language Arts, ESL teachers and students. Written by a trained counselor and experienced teacher. |
www.capital.net |
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presentation skills & public speaking monthly tips by Lenny Laskowski, Professional Speaker. |
www.ljlseminars.com |
Public Speaking - The Art of Speech Making |
Public Speaking - Hints and tips on Public Speaking Skills, dealing with public speaking nerves and anxiety, public speaking skills and public speaking ... |
www.impactfactory.com |
Advanced Public Speaking Institute |
Public speaking articles, seminars, and educational materials. |
www.public-speaking.org |
Public Speaking Training-Presentation Skills & Public Speaking courses |
Public speaking training - Overcome your fear of public speaking with our presentation skills classes. We offer presentation skills training seminars, ... |
www.publicspeakingskills.com |