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There's No Place Like Home...Except for Victims of Mortgage Fraud
DETROIT, MI - Dec 14 - During this joyous holiday season, when
most Americans are gathering with family and friends, many
others are coping with the impact of real estate fraud. Some
have lost their homes to con artists preying on foreclosure
situations, others have unwittingly become straw buyers in
mortgage fraud set ups, while others are hiring criminal
attorneys in the hopes that their naiveté will not ruin their
credit scores for life and not land them in jail. How did the
American dream turn into such a nightmare?
From handmade signs stuck on the side of local roads and on
telephone poles to eBay listings seeking investors, late night
infomercials and newspaper ads promising big cash at closings,
real estate fraud and mortgage fraud have become part of
America's landscape. The threat to families, communities and a
national economy closely allied with real estate values cannot
be underestimated.
"There is no doubt in my mind that the start of this century
will be remembered as the decade of real estate scandals," said
Ralph Roberts, nationally recognized real estate expert, author
and speaker and creator of www.flippingfrenzy.com.
"Every law enforcement agency, every District Attorney and
Sherriff's department I talk to is astounded at the sheer number
of people being scammed, ripped off and financially destroyed
through these scams. If we do not educate consumers and all
professionals to protect themselves, there will be no end in
Roberts, who has been a national Top Superstar Realtor for the
past 18 consecutive years, is no newcomer to real estate - yet
even his office fell prey to scam artists. Today, Roberts is
spearheading educational programs for professionals and
consumers, building an information central website,
www.flippingfrenzy.com and blogging to keep website visitors up
to date with the latest occurrences.
As the word spreads through online communities, networks of
real estate professionals and a website that is reaching a
national audience, www.flippingfrenzy.com, American citizens are
starting to respond. In mid-December, three very frightened
individuals came to Ralph's office, anxious because they had
learned by reading his website that what they had experienced
was real estate fraud. Their fear is very real - - and so is the
possibility that they may face criminal charges, even though
they had no idea that they were being
involved in fraudulent
Ralph's anti-fraud efforts include speaking to real estate
professionals, mortgage professionals, lawyers, appraisers,
notary publics and title industry professionals. His
presentation at the National Association of Realtors (NAR) for
Superstar Realtors earlier this year was a great success, as was
a seminar for real estate brokers held at the Real Estate
Education Center. The seminar, which will soon be available as a
download at www.flippingfrenzy.com, was presented for real
estate agents and brokers who need to know how to protect
themselves, their clients and their businesses when presented
with a questionable buy or sell transaction.
So how do you keep your home safe from real estate fraud?
* A certain percentage of real estate fraud transactions could
be completely eliminated by educated consumers refusing to sign
blank documents or take part in questionable sales or purchases.
* The promise of fast cash to pay credit card bills is tempting
- but it's not how you want to remember the holiday season.
* Take a good look at the HUD 1 form - if there's a discrepancy
in numbers, you may be headed into serious trouble.
* Any time someone advises you "don't worry, this is fine," it's
time to start worrying. Real estate transactions are complex,
but they should be straight-forward.
* When anyone advises you to deposit money slowly into the bank,
a huge light bulb should go off - pay attention. Large legal
deposits do not require a slow deposit stream.
* Never sign any documents that are blank, never sign anything
that you do not understand and make sure that your own
independent advisor explains everything to you. That includes
federal forms that have been retyped or where the print is
almost too small to read.
* More tips will be updated at the www.flippingfrenzy.com blog
as they come in and as we learn more about how to thwart real
estate fraud. Educated consumers are the first line of defense.
About the author:
Ralph Roberts, recognized by TIME Magazine as "the best-selling
REALTOR® in America," is the owner of Ralph Roberts Realty, LLC,
and author of Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman, Real Wealth
By Investing in Real Estate and 52 Weeks of Sales Success. He
has been the number one residential real estate agent for over a
decade and is a popular motivational speaker. Ralph Roberts
Realty, LLC is located in Warren, Michigan and online at www
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