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The Afterlife and Scientology
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The Fourth Law of Robotics - Part II
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Astral Travel

ASTRAL TRAVEL: - Why would I put something so natural and real in a mystery segment? Although everyone travels astrally few are conscious of where they go or what happens when they are asleep. The waking consciousness seems a jealous protector of its domain and wishes to give little credit to our dream state. Yet, there are systems of belief that know what our soul learns in sleep to be as important as when we are awake.

Conscious dreaming may have an element of positive thinking and visualization or prayer (wishful thinking) that pure astral travel does not. Some purists will say that OOBEs or 'Out of Body Experiences' are the only astral events. It is possible for others to take you with them on their 'travels' and the adept I mentioned in relation to the mountain-climbing Sutra did that with me. I met Blue Harary at the Psychical Research Foundation in Durham North Carolina many years before he wrote his book on the subject. He had a black cat in his room when I saw him doing his research with them. I have found this helpful myself. Whether that is a 'familiar' or a guide and sometimes even known as an ally is also just words. What might work is what should matter.

As part of the process to conscious dreaming and decreeing it is good to think of everything you did during the day before you go to sleep. As you do this you should think of what you would like to change or do better if the chance occurs (it usually will). In this re-evaluation

we learn a lot and re-structure the experiences into new approaches. Then you should think about what you hope to do in the next day as you begin to sleep. No better visualization might come your way, if you are honest with yourself and your soul is close enough to make your ego and worries seem as important as they really are (not very important at all). When this routine is comfortable and you are able to command yourself (More importantly your SELF) and your mind to behave with a smile when the formerly frustrating things you used to react towards; you will begin the process of trusting your soul and dream state. Do not fear anything because you are on the path to greater goodness (if you have really given your ego a break and trust your purposeful soul 'within').

There is much in the self-improvement or human potential movement that comes from Yoga. Yoga is properly translated as 'union' despite what the Catholic Encyclopedia says about it being 'yoke'. The astral or spiritual world of Yoga is not prone to religious or ecclesiastical process and enables a person to 'Follow their Bliss'. This is the essence of all science of the soul work which Jesus and Yogananda are great teachers of when not interpreted by control freaks and power-mongerers who seek to put words in their mouths.

About the Author

This is from my Encyclopedia which can be found at
Columnist at The ES Press Magazine
Author of Diverse Druids


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