How the Meter Came To Be
One can know where one is in the world by the systems of
measurement that specific place uses. There is the English
system used by the United States, which uses pounds and feet for
measurement, and then there is the metric system which is...
Probability - Fact or Fiction
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The Fourth Law of Robotics - Part II
Note - Godel's Theorems The work of an important, though eccentric, Czech-Austrian mathematical logician, Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) dealt with the completeness and consistency of logical systems. A passing acquaintance with his two theorems would have...
Tools of Power
Tools of Power by Alan Tutt http://www.KeysToPower.com In the long history of religion, magick, and spirituality, there have been many different tools used to try and direct Power or gain the cooperation of spirits. These tools have taken many...
Transforming through Sound
Through music and word is the ability to use sound, music and voice to affect changes in others and in oneself. Most every society has had teachings which usually fell to the individuals schooled in the natural or spiritual laws of the universe....
Belief, Faiths and CONS
The CON in CONstructs:
There are many esoteric wisdom schools and many divisions or a hierarchy in each one of them. Some of the initiates think they are all-knowing once they see what their school has placed in the ether to make them think what they want to think. Carl Jung describes something related to this in his forward to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. He makes it clear that once a person is entering the afterlife they will see what they thought they believed or expected to see at first. Astral ‘travelers’ who blunder along with little awareness of history will think they are finding proof of God or alien involvement in Earth’s cultural development. The magicians and priesthoods of the past were well aware most people ‘traveled’ every night. In the pre-Christian era this ‘travel’ was conscious and most people were more adept and aware. The Thoth-Hermes or Imhotep-Asklepios intellectual schools which noted historian Michael Grant tells us was the main system of thought in the Old World is mirrored throughout the whole world.
The Mediwiwin Society of North America and the Toltecs or Chanes/Dragons join the pantheon of adept spiritual scientists that modern quantum physicists note the Eastern philosophies were most expressive about. The Mandukya Upanishads, the I Ching and Tao or Zen – all these systems including Yoga of my early adulthood and search for truth are noted by Capra, Heisenberg, Wigner and the likes of Zukav as well as top Nobel Laureates of all hard sciences. It was these schools of philosophy or thought that made me know our history was all made up and not very close to reality. It goes both ways. Knowledge must be checked through other means of awareness and all facts must be included. There should be no anomaly in any true account that understands our culture or science. Belief is ‘closure’ of the mind! But ‘belief’ or ‘Faith in some CON game that Noahdists, Brahmins or other Cabalistic types might have made has a very negative side to it. It builds the kind of obsession and nationalism that leads to Gihads of many kinds. It makes people say they speak for God or ‘consult higher authority’ as they create War on Terra (Or is that Terror?).
“Two key terms for Pisces is Sacrifice and ‘I believe’. Could that be the lesson of the Piscean age, to sacrifice belief? By the way there is nearly six hundred years of the age of Pisces left to run. To stop the indoctrination of our young into established religions, to tell kids the truth and stop trying to build moral conscience through the stick and the carrot method of religion. This continual projection of shame, judgement and repression upon people who possess particular abilities is more the cause of psychological unsoundness than the ability itself. Yes, as a modern progressive society we are growing into a fuller appreciation that freedom of expression and psychological health go hand in hand but we are still a long way from libertarianism. {Which certain Illuminati say is their front and I know is derived from the Merovingian Physiocratic School that Dupont de Nemours initiated Jefferson into.}We are still a hard punishing lot, the rule of law of our secular governments simply representing a shift in power base from king and Pope to a ragtag of over-opinionated people sponsored by commercial interest promoting an ethic of self interest.
As long as society in general and us as individuals resort to punishment as a way of modifying human behavior, God as the face of human collective unconsciousness, the universal mind will not be whole and balanced. God will be too ashamed to look at his own face because of how disgusting and ugly the not understood aspects of his nature are thought to be. So there the God and Devil sit at opposite ends of the same fence, facing away from each other, we forgetting that they are two halves of the one whole. For those who have journeyed along the inner landscapes will know you need to be friends with all aspects of human nature and it is the job of the individual to reconcile this split in consciousness and let these two friends, God and the Devil go home together.
Once again getting back to the legends of the enlightened ones who guide mankind, the secret societies, the esoteric orders who boast themselves privy to secrets too sacred for the uninitiated, the custodians of spiritual truth, the mystery schools that demand loyalty upon fear of death. Why would God as collective
consciousness dream such groups into existence? For one, these groups have literally cemented the inner landscapes with bricks and mortar and sign upon sign. These pioneers of psychic exploration have mapped the human subconscious with such dedication that they have made travelling the realms, looking for answers possible. These groups provide a double function. They know the direction of man's destiny is going to come through the unravelling of a psychic thread so they promote themselves as custodians of the keys of enlightenment. Their second function is to prevent anyone gaining access to this psychic thread.
God as the collective unconsciousness knows that as long as the hero keeps entering the labyrinth clutching Ariadne's thread only to return through the same way he left that it is the thread it's self that prevents him finding the other side of the maze. His own tradition of trusting in the fate repetitiously woven by Athena/Arachne in aspect as the weaver goddess, prevents him from dropping the old thread and finding the new one. When I enter the subconscious realms I want to met Elvis and Frank Zappa, Freddie Mercury and my Aunt Shirley. I found it really annoying to be directed by the custodians of the inner paths to answer questions about such old Archetypes such as Janus and Isis. My imagination was figuratively being constrained by the cemented traditions of which I have no interest, they are so antiquated they only represent tombs for thought not repositories for the living material of conscious building.
So any aspirant who seeks enlightenment who is able to open his mind up, raise his conscious level is trapped like a fly in a spider's web, into a stereotypical interaction with the subconscious resultant of the archetypal conditioning of the collective subconscious. What appears to have happened is that participants in the initiate mystery schools started to believe that the ritual Archetypes who were deliberately woven into the mists of the collective unconscious as signposts were actually real. This sentiment permeates many modern initiate schools who speak of the reality of the Otherworld as being just as real as this one. So the belief structure built up around this Otherworld has cut it off from the technique's original purpose which was simply an easy way, a step by step plan of gaining access to the human collective consciousness. These belief structures have cemented God, as collective conscious, into a prison. So, why if this is so obvious, why hasn't it been picked up before? This is the other function of mystery schools, to prevent people from seeing the truth, finding the keys, having access to a broader view of God as the collective unconscious.
By structuring the collective subconscious it has been fixed to a spot, anchored if you like. Imagine the evolutionary process of mans consciousness as a precessional zodiac wheel. With time errors appear, the archetypal map no longer represents the topography but the errors are only slight and by extending the original structure by over laying new myths over the old frame the map appears accurate. The two dimensional imagery of the subconscious becomes three dimensional. Every time the current of man's development has allowed him to glimpse a new concept, the essence has been symbolized and quickly incorporated as new building material in the old structure.
So the original spot in man's consciousness where the precessional development of man's full nature has been so built upon, become so dense, that a fortress, a whirling castle of Arianrhod has been built. Instead of mankind drifting along the path of evolution we have been fixed in space, chained to a huge structure architecturally designed and contributed to by every fully initiated master. So if this structure is what's keeping man from continuing on the road to enlightenment why was it designed by people who were seeking that very thing. Because the Architect knew that one day these structures would finally be seen for the prison they are and God as collective unconscious would teach himself the means by which he could escape the prison walls. In hindsight we can say that man's conscious is genetically coded not to continue development until such time as man is consciously aware of the process and has made a conscious decision to evolve.” (7)
About the Author
Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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