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Development of a society
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Divining Your Number of Destiny
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ML - CHI - Zadok and the Making of Gold
ATOMIC HIGH-SPIN TECHNOLOGY: - In 1950 B.C. there was a priest-king in Salem who understood the 'highward fire-stone' according to Gardner in 'Genesis of the Grail Kings'. His name was Melchizedek, and there is a secret or inner sanctum group of...

The Inaccurate View of Science
The Inaccurate View of Science By Punkerslut If I have one purpose in life, it is to enlighten those around me. All too often, if one has a social and political awareness, we are going to hear such statements as, "Science has proved this," or...

Turing Machines and Universes
In 1936 an American (Alonzo Church) and a Briton (Alan M. Turing) published independently (as is often the coincidence in science) the basics of a new branch in Mathematics (and logic): computability or recursive functions (later to be developed...

It's Not Your Fault!

Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except ‘within’ and I learned to be connected to ‘What IS’.

In the movie Good Will Hunting there are many great insights about the rat race and Cycle of Violence. I never was beaten but I had a horror show caused by the social system due to a schizophrenic mother. But I empathized with the Psychologist played by Robin Williams because I have always been there to counsel those in need or trouble. I had studied just like Will Hunting a lot of the books on philosophy and psychology. Before I was ten I dare say I had read more than the average Doctor of Psychology.

It was good to see both the main characters get on with their life and do the right thing. The ‘Right Thing’ is what I have been doing ever since I decided to fulfill my purpose. That meant I had to face the music and the rat race or bureaucracy again. You could say I am determined to be ‘historical’ like Gertrude Stein – or die trying. But I don’t have a salon in Paris. I live in a group home for the flotsam of society called insane. I write my books in hopes that someone some day will decide to join me in a quest beyond fighting City Hall. Just like Gertrude’s unwillingness to see the politics that lead to war I am moved to see what really causes these behaviors.

Ego and fear are so hard for people to get past. I have been perceived as a ‘threat’ to society or an agent of change people choose to avoid, for a couple of decades. In the last few years I have taken the

message of soul and connectiveness to the World Wide Web communities. I am now retiring from such ego and flaming wars. Who can say what lies ahead? I don’t really care if anyone actually learns the data I dump and my writing is only going to reach a few people while I am alive. Life on earth may not exist past that if our leaders choose to continue the current direction or leave to colonize space with the ‘chosen ones’.

The important thing about learning and all the research I have done in writing about sixty (60) books including an encyclopedia, is this. We are connected and all energy has structure an consciousness or soul. It is being proven in science but I knew it long ago. I have seen many of the ‘CONnections’ and lots of ‘CONstructs’. The joy of creating, I mean really creating, come through in the kind of thing Nils Bohr said. He said every great truth has an opposite which is also true, and a trivial truth has an opposite that is simply false; or something to that effect. When you see or feel a template or integrate the data that once seemed confusing there is a rush of creative realization (Thank you Bucky!) which is almost orgasmic or better. I hope Teilhard is right about one template seen by one person will impact ‘all that is’. I trust there are people who will decide to make a real difference rather than pursue animal rights or abortion and the myriad other issues that create confusion and lead society away from ethical constructs. I wonder if there are enough?

About the Author

The title is the most important line in the movie Good Will Hunting.


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International weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Science/AAAS | Table of Contents: 1 December 2006; 314 (5804)
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