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Informative Articles

Human Cultural Evolution(?)
Human Cultural Evolution: If we think about it at this juncture, clearly there is little to commend this Judaeo/ Christian/Islamic God if he is represented by the people who led this church. Pagans have a far better history and stand foursquare...

The discoveries of normal galaxies, strings of galaxies and heavy elements in the far distant universe [1-7] suggest that these space objects have to be older than what the big bang universe can allow for their creation. In this way the big bang...

Programmed life
Does aging happen by chance? Is aging the breaking down of an organism till the latter eventually stops working? According to Valter Longo’s latest research, which was published in the September 27 edition of the Journal of Cell Biology, aging is a...

The Bill Clinton Neuron And The Sweat Neuron
In the world of science, there is excited speculation about recent discoveries of individual neurons in the brain, with striking capabilities. They had discovered a neuron, which fired on recognition of just one special face. Scientists spotted this...

The Piercing Star
Allah the Creator, makes oath (swears) by cosmic events “By the sky And the Night Visitant (The rein);- And what will explain to thee What the Night visitant is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness”. In another verse He says “By the star When it...

Plastic Fantastic- Recycling of Plastic into steel making

Engineers at the University of N.S.W have come up with a way to reuse plastic waste to produce steel.

•In Australia, every year over 1,000,000 tonnes of plastic is put into landfill.
•Only 10% of total waste plastic is ever recycled.

University of N.S.W engineers have come up with a process to combine plastic waste, which would normally be put into landfill, and combined it with coal to form carbon, for the steel making process, using a furnace with temperatures of 1600 deg C. The carbon is combined with other traditional products

and melted in a blast furnace to produce steel.

Research has shown that plastics burn cleaner than coal, thus providing a cleaner source of energy, which is ever important to Greenhouse gas emissions crisis the earth is facing.

On 9th August 2005, the University of N.S.W won the prestigious Australian Museum’s “Eureka Science Award” for scientific research.

About the Author

Tobi Nagy is a small business develoment consultant and a specialist on developing sustainable systems. His website can be found at


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