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Superultramodern Quotes and Dialogues
Following are some quotes and dialogues that reflect the principles of superultramodern science ( physics, mathematical science, and philosophy ). (The creation of Dr Kedar Joshi (b.1979), Cambridge, UK)
The 21st Century Intellectual Battlefield (The battle is fierce, prolong, essential, and inevitable.)
'Philosophy is written in this grand book - I mean the universe - which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.' - Galileo Galilei
In reality the universe has no geometry. - Kedar Joshi
Is the Universe a computer ? - John Barrow
Yes, the universe is a gigantic non - spatial computer, free of all spatial constraints ( e.g. time to fetch data from memory, limited memory, possible faults in hardware and / or software ). The spatial world is a virtual reality, a mere illusion to non - spatial observer/s. The universal computer hardware is composed of non - spatial mental events. The universal software is a group of non - spatial computer programs. The laws of physics, being logically unnecessary, are changeable rules in the universal computational programs. The NSTP ( Non - Spatial Thinking Process ) theory is the abstract mathematical description of this universal computer. In other words, NSTP is a computer theory of the universe. And the ultimate triumph of human achievement is to be able to manipulate the universal non - spatial software in order to obtain maximum benefit. Though the road to such triumph is not yet clear, its beginning is set out in the 'Superultramodern Principia'. - Kedar Joshi
All the theoretical physicists today are being deceived by the smart non - spatial computational processes that create the spatial virtual reality. The non - spatial universal software knows general relativity, for example, and produces appearances, that confirm with the scientific experimental observations, as if the general relativity is true.
Virtually all of the ideas in modern physics are severely incomplete on their physical ( or ontological ) side, e.g. general relativity. Some of them are ( likely to be ) wrong in any sense, e.g. the particle theories' explanation of the force of attraction, the concept of graviton, or the string theories. So unless and until revolutionised on a grand scale modern physics can never reach the zenith : realising the theory of everything.
Most of the pure mathematics today is not worthy of being hailed as 'pure' ( or genuine ). In fact, it is applied ( or fuzzy ), something whose existence is mere for the sake of convenience with no intrinsic meaning at all. And sometimes this meaninglessness causes severe inconvenience ( e.g. the Poincare conjecture ).
To sum up, at present, theoretical physics and pure mathematics are less theoretical ( or pure or conceptual ) and more practical. They are notoriously indifferent of the semantic content and conceptual validity of their models. This indifference is leading them to wrong directions. If they wish to get on the right track, if they desire to succeed, and if they ever seek the holy grail, they must open their doors for a new brighter light to come in. Opening the doors is a revolutionary act, a paradigm shift, which Superultramodern science endeavours to achieve in the 21st century. - Kedar Joshi
'When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.' - Albert Einstein
In the former situation the man undergoes states of consciousness that make him feel an hour like a minute, while in the later situation he undergoes states of consciousness that make him feel a minute longer than any hour. And that's how relativity works. - Kedar Joshi
'I now believe that time does not exist at all, and that motion itself is pure illusion. What is more, I believe there is quite strong support in physics for this view. ' - Julian Barbour (The end of time, 2000)
come to believe in space and time as forms of illusion; I tell you how the illusion is worked out through non-spatial mechanics, which is described in the NSTP theory. This vision shall change the face of science in the early 21st century. - Kedar Joshi
'Physics must be recast on a new foundation in which change is the measure of time, not time the measure of change.' - Julian Barbour (The end of time, 2000)
Yes, absolutely. As time exists only as an experience of change, where the experience itself is nothing but some non-spatial feeling, it is the experience of change that is fundamental, not time. - Kedar Joshi
What are space and time ?
Space and time have two kinds of existence, which I state in the decreasing order of certainty. 1) They are experiences existing in the form of non-spatial feelings. 2) They are superhuman ideas also existing in the form of non-spatial feelings. Space and time are forms of illusion to non-spatial observer/s.
Space and time are both absolute and relative. As superhuman ideas they are absolute (as they are pure ideas independent of any experience), while as experiences they are relative (as there could be infinitely many possible experiences of space and time). - Kedar Joshi
Time Machine and The NSTP Theory - Getting into the past is the same as having exactly the same experiences as those had in the past. And for doing this one has to modulate the universal non-spatial superhuman thoughts/program/software, a kind of non-spatial time machine. - K.J.
The Joshian / Superultramodern conjecture of space - Space is three and only three dimensional. ( Considering the NSTP theory there is no evidence whatsoever that space has more than three spatial dimensions.) - K. Joshi
All meaningful theories speak about reality, and thus are verifiable / falsifiable. However, they may not be verifiable / falsifiable at present due to limited human knowledge, powers, and, in general, progress. ( It is possible that they are forever unverifiable / unfalsifiable for humans. ) And this human inability does not at all mean that such theories are unscientific or absurd. - Kedar Joshi
I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favour of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language. - Werner Heisenberg
The smallest units of matter are indeed ideas existing in the form of non - spatial feelings, the ideas that are inferior to the Platonic realm of eternal mathematical truths and ideas, which exist in some unknown physical form. - Kedar Joshi
'The theme running through the tour through the principles of physics is that progress has often consisted in uncovering "hidden unities".'
- John C. Taylor, Hidden Unity in Nature's Laws Professor emeritus of mathematical physics Cambridge University
All ( mysterious ) natural phenomena are aspects of the principle that space is a form of illusion to non - spatial mind, which is governed by super - non - spatial mind. This principle, captured in the NSTP theory, represents the greatest hidden unity in nature's laws known to mankind. - Kedar Joshi
There is no better, there is no more open door by which you can enter into the study of natural philosophy, than by considering the physical phenomena of a candle. - Michael Faraday
There is no better, there is no more open door by which you can enter into the study of natural philosophy, than by considering the physical phenomena of consciousness ( i.e. feelings ), specifically consciousness of a candle. - Kedar Joshi
More significant mathematical work has been done in the latter half of this century than in all previous centuries combined. - John Casti, Five Golden Rules, 1996
The mathematical proposition that 'feeling/s are conceptually distinct from their bodily counterpart/s and that no spatial structure can be a representation of feeling/s' is more significant than all the previous ones combined. And it forms the road to the fundamental understanding of the universe. - Kedar Joshi
About the Author
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