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Small Business Debt Collection Law Cheat Sheet
In your small business debt collection laws will eventually become important, as your debt grows and some clients do not pay.
To collect small business debts legally, you must first send a written notice that collections have begun, within five days of first contacting the debtor for collections (for instance, within five days of calling on the telephone). The letter must include dispute instructions.
Small Business Debt Collection Laws Forbidden Practices
* Collect any amount beyond the actual debt, unless you really can do so legally.
* Continue collections on a debt if the debtor has disputed the debt, unless you provide the debtor with written proof.
* Continue contacting the debtor if within 30 days of first contact, the debtor disputes the debt.
* Credit a payment the debtor has made to a non-disputed debt to a debt the debtor has disputed.
* Deposit a post-dated check before the post-date.
Small Business Debt Collections Laws: What You Can't Say
* Give a false name.
* You are an attorney or government representative, if you are not.
* You have an attorney working for you or that you are going to assign the case to an attorney, if you really do not.
* The debtor has committed a crime, unless you are 100% sure they have.
* You work for a credit bureau, if you really do not.
* The debt is more or less money than it actually is.
* You are sending or have sent legal forms when you really did not.
* You are sending or have sent papers that are not legal forms, if they really are legal forms.
* The debtor will be arrested--no one is arrested for nonpayment of debts anymore.
* You will seize, garnish, attach, or sell the
debtor's property or wages, if you do not really intend to or cannot legally do so (and unless the debt is secured with collateral, you probably cannot).
* You will sue or take other legal action, if you do not really intend to, or are not legally able to do so.
Small Business Debt Collection Laws Forbidden Third-Party Disclosures
* Give any credit-related information that is not 100% accurate.
* Tell anyone other than the debtor that you are collecting a debt.
* Telephone any number other than the debtor's more than once.
Small Business Debt Collection Phone Calls
* Call after 9 pm or before 8 am.
* Forget to give your name and your company's name.
* Call repeatedly or in a way intended to annoy.
* Make a collect call.
* Make any threats.
* Use profane or obscene language.
* Leave a message that reveals this is a debt collection.
Small Business Debt Collection Mailing
Never send:
* Postcards.
* Envelopes or mailings with any reference to debt collection on the exterior.
* Anything that looks like an official, legal, or government document, if it is not.
Please note this page is not intended to give legal advice and may not be complete or up to date with the most current collection laws changes.
About the Author
Joel Walsh has written more tips on debt collection law: http://www.debt-collection-laws.com/?%20debt%20collection%20law [Publish this article on your website! Requirement: make live link for above URL/web address with link text/anchor text: "debt collection law" OR leave this bracketed message intact.]
United States Small Business Administration |
An electronic gateway of procurement information for and about small businesses. Search engine for contracting officers, marketing tool for small firms, ... |
www.sba.gov |
The Small Business Planner includes information and resources that will help you at any stage of the business lifecycle. ... |
www.sba.gov |
Main Page - SmallBusiness.com - Small Business Resources |
Find Small Business plans, advice, tutorials about organization, corporations, entrepreneurship, and smallbusiness. |
www.smallbusiness.com |
Yahoo! Small Business: Domain Names, Web Hosting, E-commerce ... |
Yahoo! Small Business provides products and services that enable you to establish and grow your business on the Internet. Services include domain name ... |
smallbusiness.yahoo.com |
Small business advice business start up small business finance ... |
business start up small business finance start up advice. |
www.smallbusiness.co.uk |
Smallbusiness.gov.au redirect to business.gov.au |
Business Entry Point - Helping small business in big ways. An Australian Government initiative. The content from this website has now been consolidated into ... |
www.smallbusiness.gov.au |
Business & Small Business |
Online and print small business publication. Information to help start, grow or manage a small business. |
www.entrepreneur.com |
Microsoft Small Business Center |
Your home for information about Microsoft's small-business products and services, tailored business advice, technology tools, and more. |
www.microsoft.com |
The Small Business Advisor - advice for starting and operating a ... |
Advice and assistance for starting and operating a small or home based business. |
www.isquare.com |
SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business" |
A nonprofit association dedicated to encouraging the formation, growth, and success of small business nationwide through counseling and mentor programs. |
www.score.org |
Small Business and Self-Employed One-Stop Resource |
IR-2006-2, January 3, 2006 - Temporary and proposed regulations will significantly reduce tax filing burden for nearly 950000 small business owners. ... |
www.irs.gov |
Welcome to Small Business BC your business resource in British ... |
BC Business Services offers assistance and resources for those running or starting a business in British Columbia and Vancouver. |
www.smallbusinessbc.ca |
Small Business Service | Home |
Provides information and advice to help small businesses realise their potential. |
www.sbs.gov.uk |
NSW Small Business |
A site developed by the NSW Department of State and Regional Development for small businesses. Topics include management, resources, current issues and ... |
www.smallbiz.nsw.gov.au |
Business Management & Advice: Small Business Resources & Information |
Looking for business management and advice? Our website includes small business resources and information that can help you. Visit the small business ... |
www.businessweek.com |
Small Business Lawyer, Attorney, Law, Legal Help - FindLaw for ... |
Information and legal sites relevant to small business. |
smallbusiness.findlaw.com |
Small Business Funding Opportunities (SBIR and STTR) |
Links to Small Business Funding Opportunities and SBIR / STTR Applications. |
grants.nih.gov |
Microsoft bCentral Small Business Directory |
Directory categorized by industry with company business card feature. |
sbd.bcentral.com |
Our site has moved! Please update your bookmarks! |
Facilitates the sharing and exchange of information among small business development centers, the small business administration and other business-oriented ... |
sbdcnet.utsa.edu |
Small Business Development Corporation |
Our business information services provides guidance to improve business skills and knowledge on advice on starting, buying, selling and expanding a small ... |
www.sbdc.com.au |