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Do you Know Who's In Your Computer?
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Go With Quality Over Quantity And Your Business Will Prosper
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Search Engine Cloaking
Cloaking As soon as you mention the idea of page cloaking you can be sure that someone somewhere is going to jump to the conclusion that you intend to cheat the search engines. There is no denying the fact that search engine spammers have used...
That's Not Spam, That's My Newsletter!
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IS Permission Email Marketing In Trouble... And Is RSS The Answer?
Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
"Permission Email Marketing", the only way to market your business via Email without getting yourself into trouble and giving you the ability to stay in touch and build a ongoing relationship with your customers and/or subscribers.
The only question is... is email still a reliable vehicle to deliver your marketing messages to your potential customers and/or subscribers?
With the rising concerns of SPAM, Blacklisting, Email Filters, and CAN-SPAM laws, it's getting Harder and Harder for legitimate "Permission Email Marketers" to reach there Target audiences with there Product or Service offers.
The end result is... "Time Wasted" and "Loss of Profits".
Is your online business suffering from this?
Only you can answer that.
Email used to be the MOST effective form of direct marketing online at one time before everybody started abusing it and there guidelines.
Don't get me wrong, email still is effective, the question is... how effective?
The benefit to marketing with email was that you were able to get your marketing message infront of your Target audiences within a matter of minutes with a single click of your mouse, which at one time made MANY marketers "Buckets-Of-Money" literally over night.
Email WAS the answer at that time, but, what's the solution for the future of "Permission Email Marketing"?
Is there an answer to this rising problem with Email?
I'll give you three letters... RSS!
Yes, there is a solution for "Permission Email Marketers" and/or for any online business owner who uses email to stay in touch with there customers and/or subscribers and that is RSS(Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication).
RSS is the NEW technology on the block(though its been around for quite some time) and is transforming the Internet and how businesses communicate with there customers and/or subscribers as we speak.
BIGGEST benefit you'll receive by incorporating RSS into your online business is... your customers and/or subscribers will receive 100% of your Product and/or Service offers.
I'm going to say that again, "your customers and/or subscribers will receive 100% of your Product and/or Service offers".
No other online technology offers this benefit.
Just imagine the increased response to your offers, which in turn will convert into more Sales and Profits for you and your online business.
Rest assured, you could sleep at night knowing that your messages are reaching 100% of your Target audience without the worry of SPAM filters mistakenly marking your email as "SPAM" and that all that time you spent putting your offer together didn't go to waste.
Would you then consider RSS?
I think you would. But, that is just my opinion.
There are many others benefits to using RSS which you can read about in a earlier article I wrote by clicking on this link -- http://www.internetwondersezine.com/article_15.html -- since there are too many to list within this article.
Things are changing online, so we must change with it and adapt any new technologies we can in order to get the most out of our time and online businesses.
So, with that said, if your a "Permission Email Marketer" and your not happy with the results your currently getting from using "Email", then you might want to consider switching to "RSS".
100% delivery rate is unheard of with Email, but, is GUARANTEED with RSS(Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication).
About the Author
Achieve 100% Message Delivery Rate via RSS Autoresponders! ==> http://www.internetwondersezine.com/rssresponder.htm -- Or if you want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets, subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet Wonders eZine at -- http://www.internetwondersezine.com or you can visit his BLOG at -- http://theiwe.blogspot.com
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