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Be informed about the Medications You Take.
The recent withdrawal of the prescription drugs Vioxx and Bextra have arthritis patients concerned about their health, lawyers busy with lawsuits, and Congress poring over thousands of pages of documents obtained from the manufacturer. The drugs,...

Getting Cash Now for your Structured Settlement
If you've agreed to accept a structured settlement, it's likely that you felt a sense of relief that your financial uncertainties were being resolved, and that you'd have the funds necessary to pay your bills, support your family and go on...

It's Time to Review Your Family's Financial Security
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Minimum Credit Card Payments to Rise
For years, major credit card companies have allowed cardholders to make minimum payments of 2% of the outstanding balances on their credit cards. Having customers pay the minimum doesn’t reduce the balance by very much, but when the 18-30% interest...

Structured Settlements 101: How Structured Settlements Work
You have probably heard the term “Structured Settlement” on a television or print ad and wondered what it meant. After all, the term is not a part of our everyday lexicon. A structured settlement is a contract under which an insurance company...

What is Structured Settlement?

Because it is tailor-made for individual cases, the structure may also include some immediate payment to cover special damages. The payment is usually made through purchase of an annuity from a Life Insurance Company. Subcontractor A trade contractor such as a roofer who usually subcontracts with a general contractor. Subrogation Once a company has paid a loss for which someone other than the policyholder is responsible, it may have the right to recover this loss.

A financial package permitting a settlement to be paid in regular installments either for a fixed period or for the lifetime of the claimant. Because it is tailor-made for individual cases, the structure may also include some immediate payment to cover special damages. The payment is usually made through purchase of an annuity from a Life Insurance Company.

If we can't help you find a buyer of structured settlement that will fit your needs, you won't be able to find anyone who will buy your structured settlement. We specialize in selling structured settlements and in helping other people

sell structured settlement. A structured settlement sale isn't an easy process, so we've put together resources to help you with the process.

If you've been awarded deferred cash structured settlement payments and need to sell them it can be tough. A structured settlement is often best for an insurance company, but not necessarily for you.

You may need cash now to pay for medical bills or for family finances, instead of incremental payments over the next several years. We can help buy structured settlement payments and help you sell structured settlement payments.

Let us help you sell structured settlement payments today!

About the Author

Bian, Editor Expert


National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA)
Provides structured settlements using periodic payments to resolve claims.
Structured Settlements
Setting up structured settlements for personal injury claims.
Structured Settlements, Structured Annuity, Structured Settlement ...
Full-service plaintiff structured settlement firm since 1986, providing services and strategies for personal injury lawyers and clients during the ...
Structured Settlements | Annuity Purchasers
Structured Settlement Buyers. Purchasers specializing in structured settlements and lottery winnings. Site contains attorney, broker and investor ...
Structured Settlement Cash for Structured Settlement Annuity ...
Annuity Transfers Homepage - Buyer of Structured Settlements · Home | Sell Your Payments | Brokers | Investors | Testimonials ...
EPS Structured Settlements Group: A Structured Settlements Company ...
EPS Settlements Group is located in Denver, Colorado and is a founder of the structured settlements industry.
Mckellar :: Structured Settlements
News. ... Skip Intro Always >>
The Structured Settlement - What You Need To Know
About two thirds of states have enacted laws which restict the sale of structured settlements, and tax-free structured settlements are also subject to ...
Settlement Capital Corporation - sell structured settlements,sell ...
Direct purchaser of structured settlements and other annuities.
John Hancock Insurance and Financial Services :: Explore Our ...
A structured settlements annuity provides injury victims or the victim's ... John Hancock Structured Settlements and Attorney Fee Annuities are just two ...
Structured Settlements - Prudential Financial
Your company may become liable to pay a settlement as the result of a legal proceeding. A Structured Settlement Annuity provides ongoing periodic payments ...
Finance - Structured-Settlements Ezine Articles allows ezine or email list publishers to upload or download free expert content that can be used within email newsletters or websites.
Understanding Structured Settlements: A Novice's Guide to the ...
Learn what a Structured Settlement is in plain English. Find Structured Settlements company, payments, broker, annuity and loan info.
structured settlements, personal injury, annuity, disability, accident
Structured Settlements allow income to be spread over time, which is safer ... Structured settlements are often ideal under the following circumstances: ...
Structured settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Structured settlements were first utilized in Canada and the United States ... Structured settlements are now part of the statutory tort law of several ...
Structured Settlement vs. Lump sum - What to do?
More and more claimants are choosing structured settlements. ... Most structured settlements come in the form of an annuity, which is sold by a third party, ...
Welcome to The Halpern Group, experts in structured settlements ...
Offers structured settlements, consulting and negotiation services to attorneys representing injured clients.
Structured Settlements Leader J.G. Wentworth, JG Wentworth ...
Structured Settlements Leader JG Wentworth, JG Wentworth Settlement Funding - More than 25000 individuals have come to JG Wentworth to finance their dreams ...
DOG BITE LAW - Structured Settlements
For those reasons, changes were made to the Internal Revenue Code that enable knowledgeable attorneys to create "structured settlements." ...
Structured Settlements Law – Lawyers, Attorneys & Free Legal ...
I am confused by the number of internet sites that plug offers of structured settlements, sale of structured settlement annuities, and attorneys who offer ...


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