All Successful Entrepreneurs Have This
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At Least 7 Success Tips For A More Profitable 2004, Online
"I learn something new every week - do you?"
Well that's how I started my first Success Tips article in 2003, after my very first successful year online (2002), as a full-time affiliate marketer.
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Success Is a Choice ©
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Successfully Meeting And Greeting - Ten Strategies For Getting Off To A Good Start
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The Small Business Success Summit (October 10, 2003 to October 12, 2003)
Copyright 2005 Black Butterfly Press
By Maxine Thompson (http://www.maxinethompson.com)
While at the Pacific Ocean the other day, penning this article, I watched a homeless man dig inside a garbage can and ferret out a thrown away bag of fast food. Of course, I felt moved to give him a small token, but it made me reflect. What if he had attended The Small Business Success Summit? Perhaps his life would have been different. He could have learned from Ted Nicholas, known as the 4 billion dollar man, (www.TedNicholas.com) and Joel Christopher, (www.JoelChristopher.com) called The Master List Builder (www.masterlistbuilder.com), how to start a business from scratch. Instead of giving him a fish, he could have been given a fishing rod.
No doubt about it, this conference, held on 10-10-03 to 10-12-03 at the Airport Marriot in the sparkling San Francisco Bay area, headed by Superstar Speakers, Ted Nicholas and Joel Christopher, delivered what the two men promised. Not only was the Conference taped on video, it was broadcasted live to the world on the Internet.
The Summit was considered a success by all the attendees, as well as by the people who watched the event globally. Promoted as “The impossible-to-fail small business success system that will build the Million Dollar Empire you have always dreamed of,” it met the intended objectives and more. The three-day conference provided life-transforming information, and hands on, experiential exercises. This groundbreaking, history-making event of the new millennium was the best seminar we ever attended.
In addition to many technical and inside secrets as to how to make your words sell, one of the main themes Ted Nicholas emphasized was this: integrity always remains in style. In light of the many big business scandals, Nicholas’s philosophies were truly refreshing. To give you an insight into this great man’s longstanding success, here are just a few of the business principles of which he spoke.
1. Make all your dealings win/win. Do not take advantage of other businesses when their chips
are down.
2. If you unwittingly under charge for a job, in the name of keeping a good business ethic, eat the loss. Don’t try to mark up the price after agreeing on a lower price.
3. Keep your word, at all costs, to build trust with your customers.
4. You can build a great business without being a workaholic. He addressed the need for balance in the areas of health, spirituality, and relationships.
5. Finally, use magic words when it comes to getting people to buy your products or do business with you.
From Joel Christopher, who proudly tells you of his Filipino heritage and, in spite of the language barrier, the success he has had in the United States, we saw up close:
1. How you can make $31,000 Swiss dollars in 24 hours on the Internet.
2. How to build your online business with offline marketing.
3. The secret method he used that has helped him to create joint ventures with many of the top leaders in the internet marketing field.
4. The secrets of how he tripled his opt-in list in 99 days.
5. The autohumanization factor that makes a difference in all relationship capital.
In the end, we left the seminar exhausted, but exhilarated about the possibilities we now face and the tools we had been given to grow our small businesses into million dollar empires. With this in mind, I want to be one of the caring people with an abundance who will be able to help with the world’s homeless and hunger problem.
If you are interested in upcoming writing teleclasses, please contact me at maxtho@aol.com or maxtho@sbcglobal.net.
Bio: Dr. Maxine E. Thompson is the owner of Black Butterfly Press, Maxine Thompson’s Literary Services, Thompson Literary Agency and http://www.maxineshow.com. She is a ghostwriter, story editor, literary agent, Internet radio show host on http://www.voiceamerica.com and http://www.artistfirst.com
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Success in Mathematics |
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euler.slu.edu |
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Success Consciousness |
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30 Days to Success |
I was inspired to take this challenge by Steve Pavlina’s Entry “30 days to success”. I really like that method, and it has shown posit […] ... |
www.stevepavlina.com |
Success for All Foundation |
We build adolescent literacy with middle school reading programs and middle grades reading interventions that engage young adolescents. |
www.successforall.net |
SUCCESS Mission Home Page |
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When Job-Hunting: Dress for Success |
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SuccessLink |
SuccessLink is an non-profit organization dedicated to improving classroom instruction and learning. |
www.successlink.org |
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Success - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
HMAS Success (H-02), an S class destroyer launched in 1918 ... S.U.C.C.E.S.S., a non-profit organization aiding new East Asian immigrants in the Lower ... |
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