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Noni Juice – A Natural Nutritional Supplement
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Bodybuilding Supplements Facts
Bodybuilding is a fast-growing sport that is building popularity among the average citizens. Everyday more and more people take up the sport as they realize the countless health benefits of weight training and exercise. Thus, what was once considered a pastime in 18th century India became a huge sporting industry with commercial ventures not only in sporting equipment but in bodybuilding supplements as well.
The general myth is that bodybuilding supplements can help muscular development and gain. This belief has led many an athlete “stack” themselves up with bodybuilding supplements, protein drinks, and vitamins just to gain that edge that could catapult them to fame, money, and glory. The truth, however, is that many bodybuilding supplements are untested and some are proven ineffective.
Creatine, however, is one of the few bodybuilding supplements that has been tested and approved as an effective bodybuilding supplement. Even so, creatine only works when taken with a solid nutritional base and when the user is in a weight training program.
Other recommended nutritional bodybuilding supplements are as follows:
Multiple vitamins and minerals. This type of bodybuilding supplement is for overall intake and should be taken both in the mornings and in the evenings.
Essential fatty acids. This is an essential bodybuilding supplement for every bodybuilder. The commonest form of essential fatty acid that every bodybuilder need is the omega-3.
Protein powder. Protein is of course the key to muscle growth and as such, it is the most important bodybuilding supplement to have. Quality of this bodybuilding supplement is defined by yield, amino acid profile (BCAA - EAA ratio), WPI - WPC ratio, filler percentage, taste, ease of use,
blending capacity, digestibility, and results.
Vitamin C. This bodybuilding supplement is already included in the multi vitamin but FYI, one to three grams per day is needed.
Vitamin E (400-800 iu which is inclusive of the amount taken in the multi vitamin.)
Glutamine. This is an optional bodybuilding supplement but which can be helpful since it may boost circulation of growth hormones in some people and reinforce immune and brain function. The amino acid that is glutamine also aids in the synthesis of protein and has anti-catabolic properties. Recommended daily dosage would be 5-15 grams.
Acidophilus and/or Fructooligosaccharides (FOS). A bodybuilding supplement that helps improve gastrointestinal health which might be compromised due to excessive intake of protein powders.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a bodybuilding supplement that functions as a blood sugar regulator and as an antioxidant.
Coenzyme Q-10 is another bodybuilding supplement that can be used as an antioxidant. It is also good for cardiac health and prevention of gum disease.
Green Tea Extract. A major disease-preventive agent, this bodybuilding supplement also has antioxidant and metabolic properties.
Psyllium Husks and/or Flax Seeds. This bodybuilding supplement is a great source of fiber, lignans, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
About the Author: Sam Michaels is a freelance author and body training specialist who writes articles for http://www.BodyBuildingDirect.com
Source: www.isnare.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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