Benefits Of Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) Supplementation
One of the most overlooked supplements on the market is Vitamin B12.Your body needs this vitamin, in combination with other B vitamins, to maintain a healthy nervous system, maintain energy levels and production of good DNA. All very important...
CRP And Your Heart
Monitoring your CRP level is vitally important because it is one of the best indicators of heart disease. C-Reactive Protein has proven to be one of the best indicators of looming Heart disease.
Find out why high cholesterol alone is NOT...
Diet Is A Four Letter Word!!!
Good health is decided largely by personal habits and lifestyles. Choices that influence health negatively can be the use of tobacco products, alcohol, illicit drug use and the stress of a high paced life. The most important factor in...
Glyconutrient supplement facts
Unlike other nutritional supplements, glyconutrients provide the monosaccharides recently identified as essential for good human health. Glyconutritionals address the fundamental structure of the body. Rather than trying to chelate out the toxins...
Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's
Packing on Muscle mass involves a lot of dedication and care. At times, trying too hard can have its negative effects too. Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING. Muscle Building is no joke, but at the same...
Creatine Is More Than Just A Supplement
Creatine is proving to be one of the most promising, well researched, and safe supplements ever discovered for an exceptionally wide range of uses.
Although creatine offers an array of benefits, most people think of it simply as a supplement that bodybuilders and other athletes use to gain strength and muscle mass.
Nothing could be further from the truth. People who don’t follow the research on creatine are often stunned to find out how much research has been done, and how many health, fitness, and longevity uses creatine may have.
Creatine may positively effect:
• sarcopenia (a loss of muscle mass due to aging)
• improve in brain function of healthy and damaged brains
• modulate inflammation.
• diseases effecting the neuro muscular system, such as muscular dystrophy (MD)
• wasting syndromes/muscle atrophy
• fatigue
• gyrate atrophy
• Parkinson’s disease
• Huntington’s disease and other mitochondrial cytopathies
• neuropathic disorders
• various dystrophies
• myopathies
• various brain pathologies.
• may increasing growth hormone (GH) levels
• reduce homocysteine levels
• possibly improving the symptoms of Chronic fatigue Syndrome
• improve cardiac function in those with congestive heart failure
How does Creatine work?
In a nutshell, creatine works to help generate energy. When ATP loses a
phosphate molecule and becomes adenosine diphosphate (ADP), it must be converted back to ATP to produce energy. Creatine is stored in the human body as creatine phosphate (CP) also called phosphocreatine. When ATP is depleted, it can be recharged by CP. That is, CP donates a phosphate molecule to the ADP, making it ATP again.
An increased pool of CP means faster and greater recharging of ATP, which means more work can be performed. This is why creatine has been so successful for athletes. For short-duration explosive sports, such as sprinting, weight lifting and other anaerobic endeavors, ATP is the energy system used.
A more recent study done in 1999 found that 5g of Creatine per day without a loading phase in 16 athletes significantly increased measures of strength, power, and increased body mass without a change in body fat levels.
You can easily conclude that creatine is not a wonder drug for bodybuilders and atheletes only.
About the Author: A Martial artists Blog http://get-fit-with-tkdwarrior.blogspot.com. Daily updated blog on Fitness, Weight loss, Muscles gain. You can also serve Fresh content with Feeds taken from the blog.
Source: www.isnare.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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