Jump Start For An MBA Education
By Nicole Lehner
Traditional MBA programs provide students with a two-fold advantage: a wealth of business knowledge, and the credentials necessary to advance in the business world. Yet many of these programs require previous managerial...
Problem Snoring? Try these free home remedies and solutions
Snoring is a serious problem; both for snorers, and for those who live with (and love!) snorers. Snoring can be dangerous - if you're a problem snorer, you do need to get yourself checked out. But don't let anyone tell you that surgery is the only...
Stress & Supplementation, Part 4: Putting Supplements into Context
NB: the information in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be read as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your diet or a particular supplement, please consult your healthcare professional
Over the previous...
The Truth About Omega 3
Since Dr Basant Puri, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, released his findings on Omega 3 and its effect on brain function and depression, many studies have been performed regarding the beneficial...
Vitamin A – The Glow-in-the-dark Vitamin
The ancient Egyptians had a cure for "night blindness". They fed the patient lots and lots of liver. Perhaps they thought they were appeasing the Gods of sight. In 1930, the first fat-soluble vitamin was discovered - vitamin A - which, it...
Herbal supplement for energy
A common knowledge shared by most doctors would have to be that the number one complaint they usually receive is a lack of energy. Few people know that with the help of some herbal supplement for energy capsules, they can be well on their way to being pepped up and ready to go. You must exercise caution, however, when dealing with herbal remedies for energy. Some contain stimulants that, while they do give you an immense energy boost, they also can damage your health.
One example of a high-risk supplement currently being used for energy would be the weight loss drug known as Ephedra. Ephedra can raise your heart rate, elevate your blood pressure, and can lead to such serious problems as heart attacks or strokes, as well as death. Since Ephedra has been banned in many places due to its harmful side-effects, people have had to find different energy supplements. Here's a list of some of the better ones:
Biotin- a B vitamin that is responsible for alleviating fatigue because it helps our bodies burn fuel better.
Vitamin B12- Another B vitamin
with positive energy effects. Helping to form red blood cells, our energy levels often see a jump when beginning a B12 regimen.
DMAE- a crucial nutrient for the human brain, DMAE supplements are known to boost moods and elevate energy levels.
Gingko Biloba- mostly used for fine-tuning of mental sharpness, gingko also harbors many energetic properties.
Bee Pollen- a widely heralded supplement, Bee Pollen has been dubbed the "Super Food" of nature due to its numerous positive effects. Containing all of the nutrients necessary to sustain life, many praise the effects of taking this supplement with respects to their energy levels.
These are only a few of the energy supplements available on the market. Before you begin taking any supplement, it is important to read the possible side effects, especially when taking energy supplements. About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com
An updated website and blog dedicated to quality nutrition.
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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Times Online - Supplements |
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Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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