Health Secrets of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been used for thousands of years for a variety of healing purposes. In fact, there are references to it in the Bible as a powerful healing agent. ACV contains a perfect balance of 19 vital minerals such as calcium,...
Herbs and Natural Supplements for Breast Cancer
A returning patient called me yesterday. She was a breast cancer survivor when I saw her as a student intern in Chinese medical school. If I had been more confident at the time, I would have suggested she be diligent in preventing a recurrence of...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Simple Self-Help Tips
If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you will know how difficult it is to treat. Doctors can be dismissive of IBS symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating, and when treatment is offered it may only help for...
Moringa Leaf Powder - The World's Greatest Unknown Supplement
There is no doubt that the pure Moringa Tree leaf is the source of incredible health benefits. It's the ultimate, natural, organic, energy and endurance health supplement. There are plenty of studies that describe these benefits and the pure,...
Supplements: Know more about Supplements
At times, due to your busy and fast life, we tend to miss out on the essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals which are responsible for our good health. Good nutrition is the most important factor in achieving optimal health. If...
High Cholesterol Prescription Medications Can Kill You
The World Health Organization declares that heart disease is the number one killer worldwide. High cholesterol is a major contributor of heart disease. In America alone there are nearly 105 million people with high cholesterol.
While there are numerous options for people to lower cholesterol naturally, thousands and thousands of people are taking prescription medication to lower cholesterol – risking some very dangerous side effects.
These side effects can include: •An increase in cancer risk •Elevated liver enzymes (causing liver damage) •Yellow skin / yellow eyes •Rhabdomyolysis (degenerative muscle tissue condition) •Impaired kidney function •Muscle weakness and pain •Dizziness •Gas •Headache •Heartburn or indigestion •Nausea or vomiting
Crestor, a prescription medication to lower cholesterol, has been linked to the death of a patient who developed a suspected case of severe muscle wasting. Company spokesman Steve Brown said “the death may have been due to a condition known as Rhabdomyolysis and the incident had been reported to regulators worldwide.” Brown declined to say where the death occurred or what dose of Crestor the patient had been taking
For people that are looking for supplements to help lower cholesterol levels, there are many natural supplements available that can lower cholesterol and some of these can even be more effective than the prescription medications – with the added benefit of zero side effects.
A new product and website just released can show you many natural ways to lower your cholesterol, including over 35 natural supplements that will help to melt away high cholesterol levels. You can also find plenty of information on how to naturally lower
cholesterol levels without any supplements whatsoever.
This is what one person had to say “…and on behalf of my wife I’d like to say thank you. Her cholesterol is down, her weight is down and her blood pressure is down (after a 7 year struggle) and the best part was that it was pretty easy to do” Peter Bezant – USA
The above statistic about the death of a patient should serve as a warning. There really is no reason for anyone to be taking prescription medication to lower cholesterol. The side effects are just too dangerous. And when you consider the numerous natural options, including foods and supplements, that are readily available to lower cholesterol, prescription medication should not be an option.
For additional information on how to lower cholesterol naturally visit http://www.lower-cholesterol-naturally-fast.com/go2
Lower Cholesterol Naturally Fast was developed specifically to educate and offer people with high cholesterol, natural options to lower their cholesterol – natural options that don’t have any dangerous side effects
Wishing You All The Best In Your Endeavors
Ramzi Abboud Lower Cholesterol Naturally Fast http://www.lower-cholesterol-naturally-fast.com/go2 ramzi@lower-cholesterol-naturally-fast.com
Copyright 2005 by lower-cholesterol-naturally-fast.com All rights reserved.
About the Author
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ramzi Abboud is a recognized authority on the subject of lowering cholesterol. His website, http://www.lower-cholesterol-naturally-fast.com/go2 provides a wealth of information on every thing you’ll ever need to know about lowering cholesterol, including information on over 40 natural supplements that can help to melt away your high cholesterol levels
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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