Anti Aging Natural Supplements - What Are They?
Anti aging natural supplements - do they exist? Is it possible that anti aging natural supplements can slow the aging process? Absolutely! Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still discovering the health benefits of many nutrients.
Appetite Suppressant Supplements - Self Control in a Bottle?
Willpower From Popping a Pill? Well, Yes!
Appetite suppressant supplements are one of the most popular
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Well, they actually help a lot of people to "get back in line"
Dietary Supplements - Do We Need Them?
No dietary supplement can provide that, but with the assiduous
use of vitamins and minerals, we can often achieve optimum
health for our age group and certainly ease the symptoms of
diseases we may suffer from.
Dietary supplements can be...
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What You Should Know About Mixing Medications and Diet
"...Medicine is dominated by a conservative inertia in which, for what they conceive of as medical-legal safety, 95% of the entire pack moves forward slowly, and together, to incorporate advances in science...." The Doctors' Medical Library 2004...
How To Ease Arthritis Pain with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements
If you are suffering from arthritis pain, you've probably heard
of a relatively new over-the-counter remedy called Glucosamine.
But what is Glucosamine, and how does it work to relieve
arthritis? In this article, I'll introduce you to this new
treatment and provide you with the pros and cons of its use. By
the time you've finished reading this article, you'll be able to
make an informed decision on whether or not Glucosamine is right
for you.
What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine, together with a related
ingredient called Chondroitin, are substances which exist
naturally in your body. It is believed that glucosamine helps to
build and repair cartilage (the soft, spongy material between
your joints), while chondroitin lends to the elasticity and
flexibility of joints. A deficiency of either one can lead to
increased wear and tear on the joint, and cause redness,
swelling and stiffness as a result. When used together,
glucosamine and chondroitin act as a tag-team of arthritis
fighters, improving flexibility, soothing inflammation and
reducing swelling caused by achy joints.
Where Can I Buy Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplements? You can
find these products in virtually any pharmacy or health goods
store. The downside to this is, like other herbal and
alternative medicines, supplements are not regulated by any
governing body. That's why you'll need to do a little bit of
research to find the best, most potent brand for your needs.
Here's what you need to know when comparison shopping for a
glucosamine supplement:
· You should expect to pay anywhere from $1-3 per pill when
taking glucosamine daily. Since insurance companies rarely cover
supplements of any kind, you'll most likely be paying for them
out of pocket.
· Read the ingredients label on the bottle to determine the
dosage. Approximately 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200mg of
chondroitin have
been safely used in clinical trials. Depending
on your individual medication tolerances and the severity of
your arthritis, you should consult your physician or
rheumatologist to find the right dose for your individual needs.
· Select supplements manufactured by a well-known, reputable
company. Recommended brands include: Osteo Bi-Flex, WholeHealth,
Flex-A-Min, MoveFree and individual pharmacy brands.
Are There Any Side Effects I Should Know About? As with any
medication or supplements, there are a few warnings you should
· If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use
glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, as no long-term studies
have been done to gage what materials (if any) are passed on to
the baby either internally or through breast milk.
· If you are diabetic, chondroitin (a form of sugar) may cause
your blood sugar to rise.
· Chondroitin also acts as a mild blood thinner. Therefore, if
you are taking any heart medication or are taking an aspirin
regimen, have your blood clotting time checked more frequently
by your doctor.
· Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements should not be taken by
children since no studies have been done to determine their
effect (if any) on the child's development.
(Please note: The information contained within this article is
not intended to replace or substitute for that of an experienced
physician. Remember to check with your doctor or rheumatologist
before starting daily glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, and
don't stop or cut down on any of your current medications
(whether they're for arthritis or not) without talking with your
doctor first).
About the author:
Daniel J Lesser is the creator of HotArthritisSecrets.com. Find
out how you got it and how to live with it at www.hotarthritissecrets
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
Overview of dietary supplements and the FDA's role in regulating this group of foods. |
www.cfsan.fda.gov |
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Times Online - Supplements |
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Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
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Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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